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dont no what to do

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    dont no what to do

    :new:my husband is destroying our marriage. We are only married one year and it is just going down hill. He has a alcohol problem and just wont admit it. But the worst is that when he drinks during the day, and I confront him, he never admits its and tells me that I'm crazy. So I cant seem to get any further with him to fix this because he wont even admit when he is drinking. He even has me second guessing myself and I think that maybe I am crazy for thinking he's drinking, but I know better. I dont know why he is so unhappy. We cant even have a simple arguement without it turning into a two day binge of alcohol (which he still says he's not drinking).

    Need help. How does he look at me in the face and tell me he hasnt been drinking? If he could just admit it, maybe we can get help.

    dont no what to do

    Scarred, I used to be your husband. Most likely he doesn't want to admit or accept that he has a drinking problem. He usually thinks that he can hide, bluff or lie his way out of trouble when he is drinking, and is pretty sure he can stop if he really wants to (when deep down inside he knows he can't).

    I was ashamed that I couldn't control and enjoy my drinking, but I felt it was the only way to deal with my so-called problems. I was also too proud to admit that I needed help - and must have tried a hundred different ways to do it myself (which never worked). I'm betting that your husband feels a lot of the same things.

    The painful truth is that until he is willing to admit that he has a problem, there is not much you can do. I would encourage you to go to an Al-Anon meeting - you can met other people who are experiencing the same things you are and can offer you much support. My thoughts are with you and your husband...
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      dont no what to do

      Hi Scared, and welcome!
      You've already been given wonderful advice -- just wanted to pop in and offer my support.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

