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dear all

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    dear all

    Sweet, is he there now? You need to talk to him, tell him you cant go on.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      dear all

      have been telling him all day, he just says 'we've been here before, drink water and sleep'


        dear all

        Well, then you have to say "I cannot get through this, I NEED to go to hospital, either you take me or I will get a taxi"
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          dear all

          Sweet, you don't know me from straight up. But, I assure you that staying close to the threads here will help ... a ton (sorry I don't know the metric equivalent). You're an old-timer here, you have seen people come and go. You know what works for you and what doesn't. It sounds like it's time for a plan of action. The terror will go away if your actions match your intentions. The despair will give way to guilt, which we all have. But the good news is the guilt will give way to balance. It may take months, it may take 24 hours, but it will come.

          Please make a commitment that you will come here daily and let your support do what we are here My first line stated that you don't know me from straight up. But something I need for you to hear, and hear me LOUD and hear me CLEAR, there are people in this community that care deeply for you. We are never far away ...


          If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


            dear all

            Well said Blu
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              dear all

              there is no help for me tonight, tomorrow will call docs and make it clear how sick i've got, than you again, i wish i could be as strong as you x


                dear all

                Sweet, you are strong, you've done it before. You can again.
                Yes, call the doc and get help then use us all here for your support. I remember how happy you were for a long time. You can do this.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  dear all

                  Sweets -you may be in the middle of a bad binge but you sound coherent enough to get out of it...What I have done after terrible binges when I come to my senses but don't know how to stop is the following- I get enough alcohol in to come of it- my poison is beer, so I will get a few cans in, and just take a gulp every hour- just enough to stop the bad withdrawals coming on.

                  It might take a few days- every few hours I reduce the amount, until I can go to bed and wake up normally without needing a drink- it is the only way I know how to do it.

                  Good luck, once you get off it within a few days this will just be a bad memory- you have done it before and you CAN do it again.


                    dear all

                    i'm scared to sleep, in case i don't wake


                      dear all

                      Sweets, how are you doing this morning?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        dear all

                        I wish to send comfort your way as the truth is all around you in support.
                        I so know the place you are standing in far to well, esp, the fear at this being a binder you can't get out.
                        You can although, I believe in you.
                        It is a battle from hell , as you have all these angels around you to lift you up in your hour of need.

                        In support~

                        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                          dear all

                          Hi all. the doctors have perscribed me some diazepam, does the really help with withdrawal? I am so scared and sick right now


                            dear all

                            Sweet I'm so relieved you got to the doc. That is an anti-anxiety drug, so it willl help with that aspect of withdrawal; the "scared" part. It'll help with sleeping too. It is important to not drink while taking it. Like any drug, only take as prescribed. Drink buckets of water to help fluch the toxins out. Fresh lemon squeezed in it will help too. Eat small nutritious meals & snacks and take supps. Do whatever you can to help your body repair. AF is the best thing you can do for yourself! It can only get better.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              dear all

                              I havent got them yet so will have to wait until husband gets home at 4. I Am drinking lots of water x


                                dear all

                                Hi Sweetgum,
                                Stay with us. You have look after youself for a while.
                                I know how it gets when you're on a bender and nothings going right and people are telling you everything's your fault.
                                Keep drinking the water and try to relax (easy for me to say) and give yourself the odd five minutes rest. You may not think so, but it will get better, I promise you, if you can stay dry for a few days at least. You're minds racing but things will calm down if you give it a chance.
                                I'll be wishing you well until you're feeling good again.

