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Waiting for everything to arrive in the post

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    Waiting for everything to arrive in the post


    I have maybe 2 weeks to wait for everything to arrive - but I am dying to start the program. There are some amazing, inspiring stories on here and I feel the most positive about controlling - ceasing to drink than I have done in the last 6 - 7 years I have realised I have a problem.

    I drink wine probably every other night as a rule, sometimes every night and never go more than 3 days without. I usually drink between 1 1/2 to 2 bottles pretty quickly and get blotto. Theres no getting away from the fact that it has caused problems in my relationship and who knows what effect it has or will have on my kids in the future.

    I have tried AA and for some reason it almost made me worse because I really wasnt comforable going to the meeting , and the thought of being commited to going 3 times a week for ever was very offputting.

    I think I would like to go and buy the Kudzu and L Glutamine today and try to have a really good 2 weeks before I start properly. Any advice for preparation will be gratefully received.


    Waiting for everything to arrive in the post

    welcome poppy,

    good for you.

    you've taken the first steps and are on the right right track... good luck.

    someone advised me to go for a walk around craving time (for me it's worst at 4-5) so i take my topa and l-glutamine, and then head off for half an hour. when i get back i have a snack and listen to the hypno's working. i've had my first good week in six months. i feel like i'm out crawling out from a huge grey fog. at this end i see just how bad it's been. but it's really getting better. it's amazing.

    the suppliments also really help. they have given me so much energy. i wake up fresh and VERY early. the topa also seems to have turned me off soft drinks and sugary foods which i'm sure has stabalized my moods generally. so i just generally feel better, more energy, less cravings,and a life more in control. THANK GOODNESS!

    i wish you well



      Waiting for everything to arrive in the post

      Thank s for the advice
      My craving is usually about this time as well, although I usually try and eeek it out until about 6.30 - 7 .

      It doesnt matter how determined I may be throughout the day, suddenely the urge to drink just takes over and its like my brain gets blinkered and I end up justifying buying the wine and blocking out all thoughts of consequence. Its really is nuts isn't it. The days I don't drink I kid myself I am being good for not drinking but really I feel so crap that I have no energy to do anything and by early evening I am in bed - not really able to sleep but just sort of hiding from the world. A pretty miserable cycle of existence...

      I received some supplements in the post this morning, the SAM - e. Was amazed as I only ordered them on Friday! So I am going off the the health food shop this afternoon to grab as many supplements as I can. Just praying the Topa and cds arrive quickly.


        Waiting for everything to arrive in the post


        I think the kudzu and the l-glutamine are a good place to start. They have both been doing wonders for me. I was drinking on a daily basis and have been alcohol free for three weeks now!
        I think you will find that coming here and reading/posting does a lot for boosting morale. It certainly does for me.
        Good luck on your journey.


