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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning ODATers

    Windy, wet and cold here today - gosh I hope it sorts itself out a bit before the weekend (another bank holiday on Monday).

    Been out for a run before the rain started and don't have a car today as it is in the garage being looked at - more ????s.

    Still loads of housework etc to keep me amused. Want to think about planting in the garden, hanging baskets etc but the weather is so rough.

    Luv to all

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Mad Mummy and all to come

    Weather has been very changable here too. As a result I have a horrible chest infection. Spent most of yesterday in bed, something that never happens to me. Even with the worst hangover I kept going. On the plus side, feeling this ugh, Al does not even feature.

    Have a great day everyone.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Afternoon everyone. Just having a coffee and reading the posts here. Lots of housework to catch up on today too. Weather is the same here last few days very windy cool with heavy showers. Garden is a mess need to cut grass and i have some bedding plants for my baskets and containers but its too rough to do them right now. Lets hope weather changes sick of grey days can make me feel low being stuck in.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hope you feel better soon rustof i have a bit of a cold thanks to this damp weather.


          ODAT - Tuesday


          OK, where's uni?

          The weather is so wonderful! Very cool for late May.

          Off to work! Have a good one.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Good morning all! I hope it warms up over there in England. Nice and warm here in the Pacific Northwest. It's nice to go to work without a jacket! Now if we can just get the pesky rain out of the sky we can call it summer! Happily AF another day. Looking forward to another day full of stuff done and hurdles accomplished. I can't wait.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hello all - late start on here for is soooo busy! It is beautiful here in PA - sending some nice weather to all of you! Hope everyone feels better - this weather in PA is crazy - freezing one day, in the low 80's the next. Feels like my sinuses are going to fly outta my face! My kids are a mess too! The sun is shininh today however....Too bad I am trapped in the office and can't enjoy it! This is day 4 AF for me so that makes it 8 days AF out of 9. I feel good and am happy to be getting my heard back together. Hope everyone is well and thanks again for always being so supportive - I could not do it without you guys!


