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    Hi Everyone

    Just like to say hi,

    Gee, what do you say when you come on somewhere like here. Um, i dont know where to start. I've been reading for a while now about different peoples stories and whilst im not where i was in terms of drinking now like i have been in the past two years i still think i have a long way to go. I've lost my family, friends but thank god i have my partner who i have given hell to over previous years still with me but only just.

    Wine nearly ended everything in my life. I got up to drinking two bottles a night only a month ago. Since then and given the final ultamatum by my partner ive stopped drinking wine as that just made me feel really angry and just unhappy with my life. I will admit my other drink of choice is bundy rum which i do still drink but only in moderation. I dont get angry off that and after a hard days work i enjoy just having a couple of glasses but that is all.

    I suppose the damage is done though with my family. It is a long story which really hurts me to the core but there is always two sides to every story. I've been estranged from my family from August last year which has just hurt me to the core which in turn made me feel like i should drink till the hurt went away, until i fell asleep, until i had a arguement with my partner over nothing in particular.

    I suppose i should come clean straight up with you all and just say that im a gay person. Not that it should matter but i just want to be straight up with everyone off the bat. I'm a pretty down to earth guy but like everyone we have our own issues to deal with.

    I'll stop rambling on now, sorry, im not usually one for big posts so i will leave it at that. I look forward to sharing our triumphs and falls together. After giving up the wine i feel so much better but i just want to start my life again now. I've been in the grip of this for way too long and it really has destroyed my life and friends - i have none right now. But this seems like a great site and i really look forward to sharing my thoughts with you all.



    Hi Everyone

    welcome tigerman,hope here is the start of your new life:welcome:

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Hi Everyone

      mario;616815 wrote: welcome tigerman,hope here is the start of your new life:welcome:
      :thanks: Mario for your welcome mate. Its very much appreciated. It really has taken me alot of guts to actually come on here and be involved.



        Hi Everyone

        Hi TM

        I only found this site just over a week ago but it is so friendly, no-one judges anyone for anything and it so helpful to hear from others in the same position as oneself. There are so many different sorts of people on here from all over the world. Lat week I stopped drinking for 5 days, then had a few glasses each night from Thurs to Sunday, now I want to do 30 days AF.

        I am sorry about your family and glad you have a supportive partner to help you deal with your problems.

        So Good Luck and :welcome:

        Boozy (2 days AF)


          Hi Everyone

          Thanks O2M

          Such a huge site and thanks for the heads up. Will try my best in navigating around this great site.



            Hi Everyone

            Boozygirl;616821 wrote: Hi TM

            I only found this site just over a week ago but it is so friendly, no-one judges anyone for anything and it so helpful to hear from others in the same position as oneself. There are so many different sorts of people on here from all over the world. Lat week I stopped drinking for 5 days, then had a few glasses each night from Thurs to Sunday, now I want to do 30 days AF.

            I am sorry about your family and glad you have a supportive partner to help you deal with your problems.

            So Good Luck and :welcome:

            Boozy (2 days AF)
            Thanx BG,

            This site seems to have such a great vibe and people willing to help others out in their hour of need that i could not sit back and just read anymore. Gee, we all are in this same big boat together, i appreciate all the help and advice i get and will cherish the friendships i can hopefully make through this site.



              Hi Everyone

              Hey Tigerman, Welcome to the site.
              You have taken the first very important step. Now is the time to start healing.
              Good for you!!
              Like Oney says, join a daily thread, it really helps with the ongoing support.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Hi Everyone

                startingover;616832 wrote: Hey Tigerman, Welcome to the site.
                You have taken the first very important step. Now is the time to start healing.
                Good for you!!
                Like Oney says, join a daily thread, it really helps with the ongoing support.
                Can i ask a stupid question? What do you mean by a daily thread. Which ones are daily threads?



                  Hi Everyone

                  Hi Tigerman.
                  Glad you found us.
                  This is a briliiant place to work out your drinking problems. There are lots of people in the same boat who're managing to get this thing beat.
                  Good luck to you.


                    Hi Everyone

                    Popeye;616842 wrote: Hi Tigerman.
                    Glad you found us.
                    This is a briliiant place to work out your drinking problems. There are lots of people in the same boat who're managing to get this thing beat.
                    Good luck to you.
                    Thanks Popeye, your avatar just is so much like my head has been like over the last few years to tell you the truth.....



                      Hi Everyone

                      welcom,youve picked a great site,and dam were a great bunch of people hahaha,i love,were all in this together,there are many forums here,drinking not drinking,youll find where you fit best eventually,you seem to have some control,as far as other people you have to lern to do for you,b4 you can help others good luck gyco


                        Hi Everyone

                        Tigerman;616840 wrote: Can i ask a stupid question? What do you mean by a daily thread. Which ones are daily threads?

                        Hi TM,
                        The daily threads have the day/date in the title - "ODAT (One day at a time) Tuesday" for example in the Just Starting Out section, or "Army thread May 22nd" in General or "AF daily Tuesday" in Monthly Abstinence etc. They're started each day by one of the regulars who posts in that thread - anyone can start them, it usually depends on who's awake first/wants to do it/which time zone you're in. Feel free to jump wherever you want to.

                        :welcome: (BTW, I'm gay too. Never had a problem with it here - unlike real life :H)
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          Hi Everyone

                          Welcome, Tigerman! Glad you're here. This site is amazing, and I hope it helps to encourage you and give you a place to share your ups and downs. There is no judgment here.

                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            Hi Everyone

                            Wishing you a warm welcome Tiger!!

                            You've come to the right place -- plenty of support and understanding here --
                            "been there, done that, got the T-Shirt"

                            Stick around, read the book MWO and let us help you get a plan together.
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

