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reaching out, i really need help.

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    reaching out, i really need help.

    i did ok for a couple days. then, yesterday evening, i fell off again. i can't believe this is my life. and i am doing it to myself. why do i keep doing this?? i feel so sick, and depressed, and awful. i don't know what to do. i just can't stop crying. i'm so out of control. i'm literally falling apart. i want to work on a plan. aa meetings are not a possibility for me most days. i just have no idea where i will be at any given time. i travel so much for work. i am working on getting some sort of structure in my life, but i don't know where to start. i am at my wits end. i feel so alone. i don't know what to do.

    reaching out, i really need help.

    Abi, honey, you are NOT alone! Please take a deep breath. You're among friends here, and there is a lot of help available to you. There probably isn't a person on this site who hasn't felt as you do now. We are here for you, and we know what you're going through.

    If you haven't read MWO yet, it's a great place to start. Also, believe me, the supplements really do help. Please keep talking to us.


    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      reaching out, i really need help.

      I sent you a PM. Talk to me. PLEASE.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        reaching out, i really need help.

        Hey Abi.
        Well done on asking for help, that cant have been easy.
        My advice to you would be to check out the Toolbox thread in monthly abstinence section. That will give you lots of ideas and inspiration to put a plan together.
        Next, write down in great detail, exactly how you are feeling now, what the drink does to you physically and emotionally. Read it when the going gets tough again.
        Also, come here as often as you can. In the early days its crucial to have support.
        You are not alone and you can do this.
        Deep breaths OK?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          reaching out, i really need help.

          hi. i am here. just hanging out online. not feeling very well physically right now. i need to wait for a call from work, then i hope to take a hot bath, and try to relax a bit.
          i would love to talk to anyone...i will check out the toolbox.


            reaching out, i really need help.

            Abi, I see that you have help from the very place I suggested.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              reaching out, i really need help.

              Abi, i think there are also online AA meetings. this will be great for you as well. give it a chance hon we will be there to help keep in touch


                reaching out, i really need help.

                I'm so glad you came back for help when you needed it. That's good did that you did OK for a couple days so you know you can do it again. One of the members here travels with work also and she attends AA meetings out of town. I have seen out of town visitors at some meetings myself. Maybe you could do that?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  reaching out, i really need help.

                  You're definately not alone Abi. I'm new to this site ( signed up five min ago) but I can already tell the people and tools here are going to be very helpful for struggling individuals like you and I. Hang in there and I hope to see your posts again soon.


                    reaching out, i really need help.

                    Welcome DoneSon!

                    Glad you found us. We are a great big willing group, thanks for noticing.

                    Abi, haul yourself back up, brush yourself off and jump back on the wagon with us. A slip is a slip, that's all it is. I know you're feeling isolated with all your traveling, that's a shame. Use us, check in with us as much as possible. If you want to PM me, please do. In the meantime, please treat yourself well, read a good book, sip some tea, get some sleep. Tomorrow you can startover, you can do it.

                    Stay well,
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      reaching out, i really need help.

                      thank you. i feel so alone in my everyday life...there is nobody i can talk to at all about this. it is good to have this place to come to. it is literally saving my life.


                        reaching out, i really need help.

                        Hi Abi,

                        You can always come here and talk with or to us. We try to be good listeners. It is important to remember that we have been in your shoes ourselves. By coming here now and coming back in the future, you will be providing a form of structure in your life. It would probably be some very helpful structure during this time of transition.




                          reaching out, i really need help.

                          I know what it's like to feel alone and to be going through this without anyone to talk to. But don't beat yourself up about slipping last night. Ask yourself why, what was the trigger. Start a diary on how you are feeling everyday. Have a plan on what to do when you get an urge to drink, take L-glut or go exercise. This is a journey and sometimes takes awhile for some of us. Hang in there..

