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Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

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    Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

    I am on day 3 A/F and comenced Meds yesterday. Have not really felt the urge to drink but this is not unusual for me from Mon to Wed.Thursday (tommorrow) will be the big test.Am I expecting to much from Campral?How long does it take for the urge to subside when taking this drug? Has anyone had experience with it? My problem is/has always been with weekends.I have been binging for years on a sat and frid evenings and really do want to stop. I have found you guys so supportive and know that I am not alone in this battle with the bottle!! Had a Liver U Sound 3 days ago and surprised to learn that the damage has been minimal even though I have been binging for over 30 yrs. Good Luck eveyrone and Thanks for being their.:new:

    Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

    Hey Johno and :welcome: First off, well done on the 3 days AF...absolutely fantastic! I can't help you with the meds questions as I don't use them. I do know that weekends are a huge trigger for me too. Write yourself out a plan to keep busy. This will help when the cravings come on. Come here and post if you feel like you are caving. There is always someone to help.

    I am so proud of you and we can do this together! Let me know if I can help you get through the weekend and beyond!!


      Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

      Johno weekends were my triggers as well, I dident take any supplements but I did and still do spend most weekends close to this site, posting and reading that is my plan and it works for me.


        Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

        Johno :welcome:

        I am sorry to say I cant anwer the meds question either! But I thought I would mention that there is a thread call WEEKEND BINGE DRINKERS or something similar, which might be a really good place for you to post too. You may well have already found it. The group are all people who have the same pattern as you describe (I had a similar pattern, for me it was saturdays) and will be massive support if you get difficult moments. That was good advise above, stay close to the site over any hard times. Get yourself a plan together...I started with one that turned into a blog! (moo's plan!). Distraction is really effective. Plan something that is completely different to what you would normally be doing at the times you might get drink cravings.

        Remember that cravings will ALWAYS pass if you give them time. If you get one tell yourself you will give it 20 mins, then reconsider it. Come and read or post or do something else. Eat something sweet is said to help...then craving WILL pass.

        Great good luck...

        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

          Hey Johno! I'm right there with ya with Thursdays. Always been a big trigger day for me. Not to mention the weekends, ugh! I know that for me coming to this site, reading instead of drinking and sometimes the live chat have saved me. I have found that when it is a trigger day and I am striking mental bargains with myself that I have to go minute by minute. So, on bad nights I've gotten on to chat and one night looked up and had been online for 2 hours and the urge was gone. Quieting the beast often takes distracting your mind. I know I can spend a lot of time constantly looking at the clock...if I can make it until the liquore store is a horrible count down but I have found that I actually find calm. Hang in there! We're here!


            Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

            Thanks Chopper,Irish,Mooderator and Seila. Thanks for your advice.Got home tonight (Thursday at work is allways the most stressfull one of the week- I work with teenages with huge behavioural problems) and was really feeling like a drink so got straight onto you guys on this thread.Am now confident I wont drink tonight. The craving has pretty well gone. I do think the meds help also. Tomorrow is another big test its Friday and afterwork drinks which usually end up me having a couple of bottles of wine. I will keep in touch thanks again johno:thanks:


              Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

              Johno, just think of Friday night as any other night -- don't make it special -- keep it calm and you are sure to get through it AF.
              Remember that the meds are only a tool, they are not magic pill so stay focused and be comitted to NOT drinking.
              Do something special for yourself on Friday night, rent your favorite movie, cook a great meal, read a book in the bath with candles (my personal fav) or jump into chat and let us keep you company.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

                hi johno,im not being smart when i say this,you tell the brain what to do this weekend,dont let your thots drift,or youll get into trouble,just to realise a good accomplishment is progress,but the brain will seek reward,give it a reward by not drinking,day by day,i wish you well gyco


                  Dreaded Thursdays and the W/E Binge

                  Hey Johnno,

                  Im with ya with the Thursday thing. Its a huge struggle for me to get past Thursday as well. One thing that has worked for me on several occations is the L-Glutamine in the capsule form.

                  I believe you can find L-Glutamine at any health store or online. Get it in the highest dose (1000 mg) and in the capsule form. When you get a huge craving, open the capsule and pour it directly under the tounge. Within 10 minutes you "should" feel a change, a lot less of a desire to drink. I think for me it is also the ritual of doing it. My brain is hearing me say, I am doing this because I am having a craving and I really do not want to give in to it.

                  Its worth a try and L-glut is supposed to be really really good for you too.

                  Good Luck.


