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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Guess I am the first one up! Happy Thursday ODATers! Day 6 for me and I almost slipped last night. I got my bubbly water with lemon and got out of my drinking zone and the temptation subsided. I was very happy about that! It's a stuggle, no doubt, but I have so much to do that requires total sobriety that it going AF is a no brainer - I have to do it for me, for my family, for my business and for my health. I pray that I can be strong.

    Let's all keep each other in our thoughts and send happy AF vibes out. We can do this! Thanks as always for listening. Have a wonderful day :h


    ODAT Thursday

    Great job resisting that temptation CAPA! It is a good feeling isn't it?
    It does get easier, you'll see. I am 8 weeks AF today, very happy too. As each day goes by my resolve to stay AF grows stronger. Almost every day I can think of another reason to stay sober - it helps.

    Have a great day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      ODAT Thursday


      Great job capa!!! It is SO worth every second of struggle.

      And Lavande! Congratulations! Very well done!

      I have a complicated day ahead but it'll be so much easier sober! I'm sure I'll just breeze through it.

      Remember, attitude is everythging!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Thursday

        21 days for me today and i am not feeling best. my head is clear its my tummy that is sick.
        food or alcohol witch is worst?
        An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


          ODAT Thursday

          Hi ODATers

          Just checking in, busy day here today. Already been to dentist, dropped off PE kit at school for daughter, run 5km.......

          Iirene, for what it's worth I don't think your tummy after 21 days AF is anything to do with AL - may be a bug?? Take it easy, drink loads of water.

          Luv to all


            ODAT Thursday

            Good Morning Guys,

            Great Job Capa, and Lavande, and well, everyone else who is trying too! I guess we all need a pat on the back sometimes!

            I "almost" caved last night too, Thank God it was downpouring rain here. I didnt want to get wet by getting out of the car!

            You know, it was not until I joined this website did I understand what a "craving" was. I always just thought, man I could really use a drink! Now when they come, I recognize it as a damn craving, and at least understand more about what is going on with my addicted body.

            Thursday here, my trigger day. Gonna try hard to make it through.

            Have a great day guys!



              ODAT Thursday

              Hello everyone thursday is a trigger day for me too so have 2 be strong and make it trough. I'm still struggling not to cave in here's to another af day.


                ODAT Thursday

                Mad Mummy;618209 wrote: Hi ODATers

                Just checking in, busy day here today. Already been to dentist, dropped off PE kit at school for daughter, run 5km.......

                Iirene, for what it's worth I don't think your tummy after 21 days AF is anything to do with AL - may be a bug?? Take it easy, drink loads of water.

                Luv to all
                Mum, its a bug from sweets. Have no desires for alcohol. Your right i am not drinkin enough water + i am eating aton of bad stuff. Add pepsi and i am not well. Know wot is best, gettin on track is the key to proper diet. sleep is fabulous, now if i can conquer the food issue.

                thanxs much.
                An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Happy Thursday to all! Hope you feel better soon Irene. I'm already struggling with holiday weekend urges. I need to get my resolve in place. I'll work on that today.


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Hi everyone

                    Just a quick check in. Well done on the 8 weeks Lavande, you should be so proud of yourself. Hope you feel better soon Irene. Anyone else struggling hang in there.



                      ODAT Thursday

                      Hi all,
                      Iirene; 11 days for me, I hear you calling on the food issue, I dont really eat too much junk food thankfully but nothing else in the house is safe now. I am constantly grazing like a goat since I went AF. Drinking plenty of water and that used to fill me up but not now. Maybe its due to my exercising now (that was non-existant) :0

                      Firefox; try joining in the weekend thread, I just did cause weekends are always way worse for me, especially when I convinced myself they start on Thursday
                      Stay strong you can do it.

                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        ODAT Thursday

                        KTAB its a replacment for drink (food)..seems like it. rather be eating and sleeping more than drinking. i know its my body adjusting without booze. been through this before.
                        problem is i am consuming poor calories like entamens raspberry danish, cookies and cake with lots of milk. doing good so thats all that matters now. i'm gonna make a huge salad with cheese and hard boiled eggs shortly. protien is wot i need mostly.

                        An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:

