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ODAT Sunday!

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    ODAT Sunday!

    Hi Everyone - seems like everyone is on holiday - YAY! Hope it is an AF one! I am on day 8 (or 9) I have to look at the calendar! Feeling great and looking forward to everything NOT having to do with booze! Went on two walks with the baby yesterday, did yardwork, just had fun! Not that the thought of a nice glass of chilled Chard did not enter my thoughts, but I quickly replaced it with better thoughts. God has given me this gift - the gift of sobriety (not to get all religious) but I can't let Him down, my family down, my friends here and myself. I just can't. I will do my best to do this. Hope everyone is well and happy this holiday weekend. Made a VAT of salsa so it is officially SUmmer in our house! Talke care all!

    Love Kat

    ODAT Sunday!

    Thanks for the post, Cap.

    I am working toward Day 30 and am on 25 today. AF changes so much as does MYO.
    I need to find new things to occupy all the time I have now being AF. It is truly amazing to realize how much time I used to spend with AL.

    Congrats on being AF and keep the faith.



      ODAT Sunday!

      Happy Sunday all! Yep Cap, I figure it's an additional 6 hours a day; 3 hours in the evening not getting blotto, and 3 hours in the morning not having to recover. That's a lot of time. You should see how many chores I get done now, and how nice my garden is getting. My desk at work is spotlessly clean for the first time in years, and my filing and paperwork is all done for the month!

      Hope everyone has a great holiday!


        ODAT Sunday!

        Isn't that the truth, Boss? I noticed yesterday how much less bother it is, too -- not having to pick up the bottles of wine from the store and lug them home, or make sure we didn't run out, or (worse) tromp out in the rain to the liquor store late at night when we did run out... It's nice not to have to think about it all.

        Happy summer to everyone!
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          ODAT Sunday!

          BTW Graham Norton was a rerun last night, but it was a Dec 2008 show with Robin Williams (Mork and Mindy, numerous movies). Robin talked a briefly about his recent alcohol rehab. It was refreshing to see someone who is not Amy Winehouse be open about needing to stay sober.

          Our cable TV has a channel called BBC America, which covers a variety of British shows. It's entertaining to watch although I sometimes have problems understanding folks with heavier accents.


            ODAT Sunday!

            I am on day one and just got back from a BBQ at my sister's house. Made it through with just Crystal Light and H2O. I know that if I had drank I would be ready for a nap now or at least useless for the rest of the evening. Since I didn't drink I think I might workout! I definitely should be able to get more done being AF!

            Tomorrow is another challenge - being at the lake for a cook-out. I am committed though! Plus, I told my daughters and I don't want to let them down

            Have a good evening everyone!
            AF since - 5/24/09
            edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


              ODAT Sunday!

              Hi mom2ajt, wow, well done at the BBQ you must be feeling really good at the moment, just remember that feeling and you should be fine at the lake.
              love ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                ODAT Sunday!

                What is with Robin Willliams' AL rehab?


                  ODAT Sunday!

                  Capa, Well Done on 8 days AL free.Isnt the feeling just fantastic.Day 8 for me today also.Sat night sat and watched (would u believe) Anger Management with my grandson sober! Keep up the good work and keep posting johno:wd:

