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ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

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    ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

    Howdy all! I hope everyone is celebrating the extra day off in UK and US. I'm happy to go to work today, but only to get some paperwork done while no one else is there. I'll be home by 10am to enjoy the sunny weather and make a nice iced tea for the afternoon. Have a great day all!

    ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

    Hi guys! Looks like no one is around today - everyone is vacationing. Our holiday weekend was last weekend so I'm at work today.

    I have had a really bad May - not sure why, summer starting, emotions etc. Whatever reason I had my first AF day for the month last night and am feeling better today. Going to go AF this week and get my s*** back together!

    Hope everyone else has a great day.

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT Holiday Monday May 25


      Hope you didn't stay long at work. I spent my life working weekends & holidays (healthcare). You won't see me doing that anymore.

      universal, sorry to hear you've had a bad time but it's good that you are here. Stay with us, we'll help you get back on track, OK? Go back to your original plan..........remember why you wanted to quit in the first place. Take care of yourself.

      All the best,
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

        Hey everyone - just got back from a picnic with the family - getting ready for a bbq later on tonight. This is day 10 for me. Went to a bbq last night where everyone was drinking, was offered wine, beer, etc. and just said "no thanks, I'm not drinking" and that was that. Ate like a pig though! Augh! No wine but I have got to stop stuffing my Anyway, trying for 30 days AF and beyond. God, I hope I can do this. That would be very cool. Hope everyone is well and had a wonderful weekend. Talk soon!



          ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

          Pretty mellow in my parts. Spent early afternoon mowing the lawn and doing some weeding. Son is temporarily moving back home, so he is bringing over his belongings, including his cat! Just a bit stressful, but keeping away from AL nevertheless.

          Universal hope back in with all of us. Nothing to lose and think of all the possibilities.
          Getting ready for a short work week. Yeah!



            ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

            Hi everyone

            Just a quick check in. Girls are in their last few days of school so things are slowing down. Have been busy outside trying to powerhose the patio. Hope we have some nice weather on the way.

            Well done Capa on 10 days. You just need to get back on track Uni, you have done it before so will again. Everyone else big hello.



              ODAT Holiday Monday May 25

              Winefree;621631 wrote: Pretty mellow in my parts. Spent early afternoon mowing the lawn and doing some weeding. Son is temporarily moving back home, so he is bringing over his belongings, including his cat! Just a bit stressful, but keeping away from AL nevertheless.

              Universal hope back in with all of us. Nothing to lose and think of all the possibilities.
              Getting ready for a short work week. Yeah!

              My kind of day, never used to know what a garden was until I got sober, now I'm addicted (excuse the pun).

