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10th day AF

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    10th day AF

    Hi guys n gals,

    I'm on my 10th AF day today. Had a little urge yesterday. I was all alone in the evening after a busy weekend. Then I remembered the hangovers, nausea and other crappy feelings, read these forums for an hour or so, and the urge subsided.

    I am finding the hardest thing is using up all my free time in the evening. I took up running again, but I can't run 10 hours a day. Gotta get some more hobbies.

    Happy Memorial Day to you all.


    10th day AF

    Hi Steve, 10 days eh?? Brilliant!
    Good on you for bringing in some coping strategies tho.
    Its true you cant run for 10 hours a day but the benefits of running and not drinking will last you 10 hours plus give you the energy to do more. Do you have any ideas what sort of hobbies might be good?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      10th day AF

      Hi startingover,

      I am looking for local groups, clubs, meetups etc. Thinking of joining a soccer or baseball team. Maybe even a chess club. I haven't played in 20+ years but my mind needs some exercise after years of stagnation!

      Congratulations on your almost 1-year sobriety!!



        10th day AF

        Thanks Steve!

        Those all sound great ideas. I did an open university course in my spare time, that helped get my confidence back too.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          10th day AF

          Hi Steve,

          Good job on 10 days, feels great, doesn't it?

          I'm using my new found time reading books that I put off for years, redecorating my house, grooming the dogs, gardening, etc. There really is so much to do..........
          Have you thought about stamp collecting........just kidding

          Keep up the good work, it's so worth it!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            10th day AF


            It really does feel great, yes. I am just sad that I have wasted so much of my life, but happy to have made this change, finally.

            LOL on the stamp collecting... not my thing, but thanks for the suggestion



              10th day AF

              Here you with passing the free time. I've been going to AA mtgs every evening and then coming home and spending time of this forum or reading self help books on achieving and maintaining sobriety. All the while drinking herbal tea to keep me calm and help me sleep.

              So far day 24 for me, which is the longest I've gone AF in years. If I can do it, you surely can.



                10th day AF

                Congrats on 24 days, Winefree!!! What were the hardest days for you? What keeps you going? Is AA helping?

                Feels great to be "winefree" doesn't it?



                  10th day AF

                  Hi DD, yes, it's feeling good to be winefree. Some days have been worse than others for sure. Usually, I have a tough time getting past day 3 or 4, this time around it was tough days 9 and 10, and then day 21.
                  I have been going to AA meetings pretty much daily. Missed on May 1, which is one of the reasons I am now on day 24. Stressful day at work and had to work late, therefore missed the AA mtg and oh yes, it was a Friday too after a long work week......I had been 10 days AF up to that.

                  This past Friday, I had a lot of cravings and spoke up about this at an AA meeting. I immediately got a response from members of the meeting, who gave me phone numbers, encouragement, suggestions etc to NOT drink. It was enough to get me home without stopping at the store. I also took some of the supplements, L-Glutamine, kudzo, calms-forte and Gaba to calm to down. Any yes with the help of the AA group and the supps and my higher power I'm sure, I made it through. A couple of the group also called me to make sure I was ok and give me their support. And, I go on MWO each night as well to keep me occupied and on top of this effort.

                  AA which I was never going to use, also seems to be helping quite a bit.



                    10th day AF

                    Well Done! Its a great feeling AL free.Dont you just want some more of it! Day nine coming up for me today.W/E are my biggest hurdle.This one coming up is going to be a real test.Good Luck and hang around:goodjob:


                      10th day AF

                      That is great info, winefree - thanks for sharing.

                      Johno, we are right around the same # days AF. Hang in there buddy!



                        10th day AF

                        hi.dam you found us,hahahahaha ,you no it would take me all night to write all the names of the people that have helped me,from A to Z were here ,i guess im being emotional today,ive found the place for me, M W O, thank you ? Done drinking, are you done drinking ? its an up ward battle gyco


                          10th day AF

                          Yessir, I truly believe I am!


                          Gyco;621691 wrote: Done drinking, are you done drinking ? its an up ward battle gyco


                            10th day AF

                            Excellent DD, Don't you just feel GREAT. Keep up the good work, im very proud of you well done
                            What about doing puzzles or making model plane ect. like air-mix, just a suggestion.
                            Love ronnie xx
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              10th day AF

                              Hello, I'm on DAY 12. It's a challenge, isn't it but I'm finding new ways of doing things.
                              It's true I do seem to have more time now that it is not taken up by my brain being comatosed.

