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Extreme Emotions II

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    Extreme Emotions II

    Help! I thought I was doing so well @21 days AF. I've been calm & happy pretty much this whole time...until today. There was a dumb incident in which I meant to buy two baseball tix online and only got one ticket, then the company wouldn't sell me another one or refund my $$ when i called them. To put it bluntly, I went ape-sh_t! I threw a pillow, ranted, raved, and waved my arms like a lunatic. The poor dog's eyes nearly bugged out of his head from watching me. I went to take a shower & calm down and then the handheld shower head fell off & hit me in the middle of the back...more ranting and raving.

    I thought most of the withdrawal symptoms and bad stuff was supposed to be over with by now (?) until I read the responses to AngieUK's post. Will definitely try the theanine, but it looks like I still have a loooonnggg way to go. I never wanted a drink so badly as I did today. I'm really humbled. When did I become this inept at dealing with everyday frustrations without popping a bottle? :upset:
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

    Extreme Emotions II

    LilBit, you will go through a lot of those extreme emotions for quite some time. I think they say that things calm down after about 5 months? I am not 100% about that; but I believe I read that on another site.

    My first attempt at AF I was sober for almost 8 months. I started to feel the strong emotions and started to over react at about 3 weeks. The first two weeks were sleeplessness, irritability and headaches.

    We are so use to grabbing that drink when things don't go our way. These new 'sober' behaviours have to be relearned. We have to learn new coping skills to deal with the stuff that upsets us.

    Hang in there. Just know that what you are going through is perfectly normal. Just leave the butcher's knife in the drawer.


      Extreme Emotions II

      Oh, and I really love your avatar.


        Extreme Emotions II

        LilBit, could it be part of the dry drunk theory? I don't know. I'm right with you as far as the AF days go and Day 21 was a bear for me too. I REALLY wanted a drink and had to get some AA support to keep me from stopping at the liquor store. Guess it takes a while for those cravings to go away.

        Hope you are doing better.



          Extreme Emotions II

          LilBit - Sorry you had to deal with those frustrations. I can't be too much help since I just am finishing up day 2 but I do empathize with you. I know that when I have really stressful days I want wine SOOOO bad. I am sure I will be venting here in the near future as well!

          Good job getting through the incident and I am sure things will look brighter tomorrow
          AF since - 5/24/09
          edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


            Extreme Emotions II

            Hi Lilbit,
            You ARE doing great, but yes of course you will get mood swings and extreme emotions from time to time.
            I remember about the 3 week mark I was wondering if all this was worth was sooooo hard. I kept asking myself if I wanted to live my life in a state of depression/anger. Of course I hadnt been angry for 3 weeks, it just feels like it at the time.
            The moods will get further and further apart as your body and mind settle. You will learn to cope with them as time goes on too. As for severe cravings, try the lglutamine under your tongue, it really does work.
            Dont be upset, you are doing great and you will get even better as time goes on. Getting sober is like being on a journey, sometimes it goes smoothly and the view is beautiful and sometimes the train is late, the car breaks down and route is ugly :-) But its always interesting ...
            Hang in there, you are fine...
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Extreme Emotions II

              Hang in there LilBit,
              I remember experiencing something similar and tearing the strip off some poor packer at the shop.
              Breathe deeply and know that it does get better.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Extreme Emotions II

                Lilbit, xxxxx I dont feel qualified to offer advice :h:h: other than hang in there with me xxx my own advice to myself was " this is going to take longer than you thought so dont get cocky, there probably going to be a lot more suprises coming so dont forget to take ODAT, you dont know what each day is going to bring" because I had started to feel like I was getting somewhere, and I am, we all are but we are not to take it for granted

                & it is so worth it xxxxxxxx getting our lives back :heart: no matter how long it takes & it will get easier & easier Evie Lou Promised x & we have everyone here on this site looking after us xxxx we are blessed x


                  Extreme Emotions II

                  I am very glad you posted this, Ms. Bit. I lost it after having my first alcohol free time at all in many years with twenty days AF. Before that not even one day. I was trying to ?produce? something and I couldn?t. I couldn?t produce and I couldn?t relax and the internal tension seemed relentless. Over the next few evenings, I tried various cocktails or my favorite wines and nothing did what it was supposed to; it did not taste the way I had hoped and instead of a nice buzz I felt only impaired in a different way. I would like to really make a joke as is my habit but in truth I was pathetic. I was frozen. I couldn't post in this state so I disappeared as I did the first time when I was briefly New Bird. I am back on track. I am so glad you are still there.
                  may we be well


                    Extreme Emotions II

                    Thank you SO much for your wise and caring responses! Yesterday, I had a long walk and a chocolate gelato, and things started looking a little better. After reading your posts and mulling it over, I came to realize that my meltdown was attributable partly to the *normal* course of things @ the three-week mark, partly to the "dry drunk"/anger thing, partly (OK, hugely) to PMS, and the rest, to being a very small 'bird' dealing with a very monstrous bad habit that I've had for many years. How insane to believe that a mere three weeks AF would cure it!

                    Anyway, you're the best, and I can't express how much it helps to hear from you and to know that I am not losing my mind. :h Happy to say that I'm still AF and that everyone around me is still alive today.

                    BTW, you're so right about the supps, Starts. The L-glut is great for the intense cravings, and I just found that Theanine (mentioned on another thread) is wonderful for preventing that I-want-to-rip-peoples'-heads-off feeling.

                    Much love,

                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      Extreme Emotions II

                      LilBit;621955 wrote:

                      I just found that Theanine (mentioned on another thread) is wonderful for preventing that I-want-to-rip-peoples'-heads-off feeling.

                      Much love,

                      That gave me the best laugh all day:H

                      I've been double dosing my L-theanine these last couple of days and I've only thrown a pencil case -- I'm sure it would've been worse without my supps
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Extreme Emotions II

                        :huggy Glad your feeling a lilbit better lil! sending you a hug cos im not far enough into detox to comment on luv stashxx


                          Extreme Emotions II

                          I would like to ad my two penny worth if i may. Im on my 23rd day, and the sleep deprivation has not been so good. However ive invested in a new bed which will be zzzsss on when delivered. Feelings of emotions, all to familiar, mine have been different. Ive found myself looking back on childhood, and the experiences in vivid detail of ups and downs with this progress. I recall dreadful situations, i drank to get through them. I believe when one is experiencing issues of anger without Alcohol, and memories, is in actual fact our way of forgivness. Id like to think so anyway. We have to forgive ourselves for what we have done wrong all be it through Alcohol induced. If we cant forgive ourselves how on earth can we expect others to do so. This is just my thought, each to there own. xx


                            Extreme Emotions II

                            That's weird...I posted a reply here to all of you but it was "lost in space" somewhere. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your laugh, your hug, and your two cents - these are the things that help me get through the ruffled feather days when I want to lob a pencil holder at someone's head.
                            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

