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Back again....and getting help at last :)

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    Back again....and getting help at last :)

    Hey guys,

    I just wanted to post about my experience the past couple of months.........I found your forum back in January, where I posted my background story. Lifes been tough the past couple of years and the drink has really taken over my life. I felt I was at rock bottom, and really wanted change. I received some fantastic words of encouragement from really kind people on here and I decided - this is it I'm making a big change in my life. Unfortunatley, the choice I made was to "cut down" (agian) and monitor the situation (I still didn't believe I had that big of a problem).

    The reality was, the way I felt in January was no where near rock bottom...that was still to come. Things have actually gone from bad to worse, which I imagined impossible! I managed to get sneakier on the hiding front, more tolerant on the intake front, a better liar on the denying it front. Bad, bad times.

    2 weeks ago things were at their worst... I got drunk in work, totally wrecked at home, drove with drink, sneaked drinks in a friends house (and fell asleep at 7pm, in a house full of sobar people :blush lost my phone and was told it was over by my partner....I could go on with the cringe worthy events, but you can well imagine...

    As I said my first post, I live in another country from my family. So last Monday I booked a flight home and decided to start facing up to my problems. I told my parents what had been going on, and this time was completely honest. I couldn't believe the support and understanding, they really had no idea it was so bad. I had made the telling them into another big deal which allowed me to drown my sorrows. I talked things through and I understand there is no other way but to STOP drinking altogether or risk losing everything I have worked for. Life is always going to throw sad, bad and hard times at us, but by me turning to drink - things are 10 times worse, and before I know it my life will be over.

    Today I went to my first meeting, I was sooo scared I thought I was going to be sick. It turned out there were three other women my age (27) and so like me!! It felt reassuring to know I'm not alone

    So today really is the beginning of an enormous change in my life. I'm back at my own home, my partner has given me another chance. I have been honest with everyone, parents, close friends and partners family - everyone has been so good.

    I know the road ahead is going to be tough and don't expect to sail things - but the real difference this time is I have been honest and open with everyone inc myself. That feels soo good.

    Well thats my update...this time I'll be sticking around on the forum as I know the more support I get the more chance I have of succeeding

    Thanks for listening, looking forward to chatting and sharing stories.

    (2days Sober )
    5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

    Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

    I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
    Patrick Henry

    Back again....and getting help at last

    Nics Wecome back. I too struggle getting sober..but i have built a huge network of sober friends and when i do fall off the wagon i have learned to jump right back on. Words of advice: if you make a mistake recognize it immediately and come back in we dont shoot our wounded...we will love you until you can love yourself (i can keep going with cliche's) but you get the picture. it will be hard but we will be here for you


      Back again....and getting help at last


      So glad you are here. You may not realize it but you are a VERY fortunate young woman. You are surrounded by loving, supportive friends & family, that helps so much. All of us will be here as well for you whenever you need some extra support or encouragement.

      Congrats on your 2 days, great start! You will be amazed how wonderful you feel each & every day from now on. You have a long & happy future ahead of you.

      Stay close, post often. Feel free to PM me anytime for a perspective from someone your parent's age...

      All the best to you,
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Back again....and getting help at last


        Wow, I am so proud of you. You have an amazing strength and determination. You have made a hard choice and have told all of the people close to you of your struggles. That will be the help you need on your road to success.

        Congrats to you and best wishes!

        Love, hugs and support!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Back again....and getting help at last

          hi nics,nice to see you back,we all hit stumbling blocks,we never really fail,it just takes us longer to figure it out, AL.,i wish you well gyco


            Back again....and getting help at last

            Hi Nics welcome back and good for you. I wasn't on this site your first time round, but I am so happy to say that I am nearly at my 30 day point (something I thought I would never see)! I am 30 so we are farely close in age and trust me I have been a real drama before I could face my problems. We are right attacking this at a young age the last thing I want is to look back in ten years and think if only!! Well done for taking those first steps and good luck!!
            Good friends are like stars you may not always see them but you know they are there


              Back again....and getting help at last

              Nics welcome and GREAT job! I am back as well - 12 days AF so far which is a record! Aren't these people great? Stay close and we are here for your friend!

