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Having a tough time

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    Having a tough time

    I'm really having a hard time regaining control of my bad habits, the worst of which is drinking way too much. It's having a significant negative effect on my life, but I just can't get a grip. Hopefully, this program will give me the help I need.

    Having a tough time

    Bird, what's happening with you?:welcome:


      Having a tough time

      Hi Birdwatcher!

      You're in the right place! The support here is great. I am new here myself. Maybe start by making a list of the things you want to change and the things you are going to do to replace them with in your life. If you don't have positive, healthy habits to replace your bad habits, the changes won't last long.

      Get addicted to something healthy!

      Good luck to you,
      AF since 5/16/09


        Having a tough time

        Hi Bird,

        Welcome to a great place!
        It's rough getting started but once you do you will feel so much better, honestly. I could feel the layers of guilt & grief peeling off little by little each day. It's a wonderful thing

        Have you read the book and made your plan? A good, workable but comfortable plan, tailored to your needs and a solid commitment is what you need to get started. Just jump on the wagon and we'll all be here to help as needed.

        All the best to you.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Having a tough time

          Thanks, good advice. The problem I've had developing healthy habits is that I'm usually too hungover to start them. I've read time and time again that one of the best antidotes to drinking is exersize, but it's hard to do when you feel so yucky. I'll keep trying, though.


            Having a tough time

            Thanks for the welcome. What's happening is that I'm stuck. In a really bad place.


              Having a tough time

              No, I haven't read the book, but I will. Does the book help with a plan?


                Having a tough time

                Hey Birdwatcher. Im new too. I am digging my way out of a bad place that was only getting worse. I know what it feels like to have a great plan and not be able to act on it because of all of the crap that goes with being hungover and in a cycle.
                I am on Day 3. I was having a really hard time getting to day 1 at all. Every night the urge just crept up and I gave in. Hang in there. We are all here for a reason.
                I am starting with abstaining, hoping to one day be a moderater. But for now, I have to abstain. I am a binge drinker that has simply gotten worse and worse.


                  Having a tough time

                  Congrats on making it to day 3! I'll get there. I just so enjoy cocktail hour with my husband. Except my cocktail hour doesn't stop. He'll usually have a few drinks, then get on with his evening. I'd love to get to moderation, but I agree about abstaining for a while to get control back.


                    Having a tough time

                    Hi Birdwatcher. Who better to respond to you than a little bird? I know just how you feel about starting the cocktail hour with your husband, and then continuing when he stops. It's just not fair (!) but there it is. Many of us are this way. Our brains simply function differently.

                    One of the things that helped me when I didn't feel like "exercising" was to throw on a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses and simply take a walk -- long or short. The simple act of getting out and doing something positive for yourself can make a huge difference. Good luck, and we are here for you.
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      Having a tough time

                      Hi Bird, are your husband aware of the fact that you feel you have a problem? Telling him might be the first step to getting your old self back - but it can be the hardest step as well.
                      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                        Having a tough time

                        Welcome Birdwatcher. Take things one step at a time. Exercising will help a lot. But what helps the most is internal commitment, and getting some AF days under the belt. Chat on here, or write down what you feel. Make a record for yourself of the change you want to see. Use this as a guide.

                        It took me eight months, and several major slips and binges before I felt like I was getting lasting traction. It's an individual process. A lot of folks are helped by Roberta's book and the MYO program, either as a whole, or taking effective parts of it. Stay with us here to help track your journey. Good luck.


                          Having a tough time


                          Hi, there! You have found a great way to stay motivated. The people here are wonderful help, and the ideas they share are proven, from the ground up. I am a firm believer in the book, and have read it three times so far, but I am sure others don't need it. I use the cds, and find them a great way to relax. And, the l-glut really does help cut the cravings. Good luck, and keep reading and posting!:welcome:


                            Having a tough time

                            Hey Bird,

                            Reading the MWO Book is a must. It will help you make sense of things so you can make your plan. You can download it right now.
                            And welcome to LBoogie too! Congrats on your 3 day start. Stick with it, things get better.

                            Bird, you need to make your plan, make a serious commitment to quit then just do it! No more putting it off. The problem won't go away on it's own. You have to take the steps to make it happen!

                            There is no reason why you both can't have an AF cocktail hour with your husbands. Millions of us do it every day.............

                            I highly recommend using the Hypno CDs as well. They really did help me a lot, I still use them from time to time to reinforce my commitment.

                            I wish the best for both of you and hope you find the strength to jump on the wagon with the rest of us. Being AF, hangover free, healthy & clear headed is such a wonderful thing. I was asked to babysit my 6 month old grandson this afternoon and that never would have happened if I was still drinking. Think about all the wonderful things & times you are probably already's a real eye opener.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Having a tough time

                              Birdwatcher, welcome.
                              To begin with you aren't stuck, you took the step to search out a solution to a problem and you landed here. You will find support, tools and suggestions to help you. Reading the book is a good start and you can download it to your desktop so it's always close. There are suggestions regarding diet supplements that will help with cravings, vitamin supplements that will help with energy and reviving vital organs, CD's that will help thru self-hypnosis retrain our thinking and help with coping skills.

                              Last but not least there is a vast resource of personalities that will put their shoulder under your butt and help you climb the ladder out of a hole that you may find yourself in. Just keep posting and keep reading. It is working for me, I'm on day 23 and only a week away from 30. Nothing is going to stop me from that goal.

                              All my best,

                              If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~

