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Having a tough time

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    Having a tough time

    My husband is aware. I'm pretty open about acknowledging that I have a problem. He's willing to help when I'm willing to to stop.


      Having a tough time

      Thank so much everyone for the support. I believe this can work.


        Having a tough time

        Lilbit you are funny! Hi Birdwatcher! My husband would dearly love it if I could just say 'when'. At the time I like the feeling and then next day I feel so remorseful when I see the bottle on the sink and another one opened in the fridge.

        I am like a child!


          Having a tough time

          Thanks, LavBlu, and we are ALL like children! Some would argue that's our better side. Like you, I've had the "Oh crap, did I really finish that whole bottle again?" realization the next morning. Not fun. Can't fool me though -- I started buying the bigger bottles.

          Birdwatcher, you're right. This can certainly work!
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            Having a tough time

            I am so enjoying all your company, I am happy and in a good place.


              Having a tough time

              Hello to all you new guys.
              Stick with us. It works.


                Having a tough time


                Yes - it's tough! I'm coming up for a year on this site - sense clicks in every now and then but one thing I do know is that you are in the right place. Getting addicted to something positive sounds good. We're all in it together and it really is amazing just how many people are struggling. Speaking just from my point of view it's what they called the 'witchin hour' that I've got to be aware of - usually when I can struggle with that fleeting thought is when I am most successful but it strikes when you are least aware . . . however, at all costs remain positive and believe in change and the future. Good luck. I'm back here for a while now! Px
                Short term goal 7 days AF


                  Having a tough time

                  Hi everyone. I am still here. Quietly following everyone. I am on Day 5 and I feel so great. My hubby brought home a bottle of wine last night and I actually resisted. I feel so proud of myself. Maybe its the fact that it was a little bottle and I knew it wouldn't get me where I tend to go with alcohol or maybe it was really my willpower. Whatever it was, I did it. A test that I passed.
                  I have tried this and failed so many times before. I simply don't want to fail this time. Whats helping me is every night before I go to bed, I am thankful that I will remember going to bed and I promise myself to try for one more day tomorrow. It seems to be working. I am greatful. I feel like this community is one that I will fit in with. I have tried other sites that simply scare me. They are too all or nothing. I like that I have a little more freedom here. I am doing the drink tracker, and putting another 0 on the board is excellent for someone like me with a competetive spirit. I am competing with myself and no one else. Just showing myself... Look, you are doing it!!! Thank you to all of you for your honesty. It feels good.

