Ktab thats what sundays are for enjoy!! xs
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The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
ronnie;625046 wrote: Hi Glass - just a quickie, is that you in your picture?
Night night all! For those of you still weekending I hope you enjoy it and for those of us getting ready to go back to work, I hope you all have a happy week.
:byebye:There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
HI, Everybody!
I have been busy with out of town guests, so haven't posted this weekend... but I have kept you all in my heart, and your support got me through both Friday and Saturday evenings. It sounds as if everyone has been doing very well this weekend! I am proud of you!
Friday we had people to our house, so I was able to send extra bottles home with the guests. Last night we were at my brother's house, lots of lovely wine and martinis to go with the steak and crab (what a treat!) but I kept thinking of all of you, and so just enjoyed the food. Thanks for keeping me strong!
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
Hi Mica so nice to hear from you again and its really great that your doing so well. Fair play to you for keeping so strong, it must have been tough being around all that temptation. You should be very proud of what you are achieving.
KTABEthanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
Mica very well done to you!! i shall think of your strength next time im in that situation! sunday comming to a close so another day to boot roll on monday little urges tonight:boxer: But im in a fighting mood i shall kick their butts!! hope everyone has a good night im looking forward to watching benidorm cheesy i know but i love it makes me laugh (little things small minds etc!) Ktab what is your little picture i cant figure it out am going blind me thinks xs
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
Hi Stashia, good to hear your doing well. My avatar is a close up of one of my old bikes, I have a few. Benidorm is v funny thanks for reminding me I will watch it too. Sounds about like that show with your next door neighbours
KTABEthanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
Hey everyone! Happy Sunday. Thanks for asking about me Ronnie, appreciate that. My computer acting up, going so slooooww..
Had a glorious sober Sunday. Went to church and the message was on "what you do today, matters". Basically it was about the choices we make, do matter, and lead us in the direction of us destiny. Hmmmm interesting. Not to get too religious, but the Bible is full of characters who basically screwed up their lives in pursuits of foolish pleasures. I can easily plug my drinking and self destruction right on in there. it fits perfectly.
Another thing at church today. God wants to bless us, but we have to let him. Im ready for some blessings...
Sending big hugs out your ways.
The Weekend Thread for Bringe Drinkers 28th - 31st May
Hi everyone,
Well its Monday morning here now and we have a holiday today, so I had a lovely sleep in, well untill my eldet son woke me up but it was nice anyway. I have just had a little smile to myself as the dust man has just arrived and emptied my bins and normally you would hear a great big clang of bottles but hey I did'nt here a thing.
Well it looks like you had a great weekend, you have all done really well and we should all jump for joy :grouptrophy: Is'nt it soooo good to wake up on a Monday morning with a clear head.
There is another post called the 4 day A/F , or something like that, I dont want to check as I will loose everything that I have typed already, and I bet we have all done that!!!
Its for people that want to stay A/F from Monday to Thursday so feel free to join me on there, as all this dancing :dancin: at this A/F party is making my feet sore :H
Well I would like to add that there would of been no way I would of got through this weekend without you guys, you have all been my sole mates, each time I had a "moment" I just thought of all of you and I felt safe again :l
Hope you all have a great Monday and look forward to seeing you all on the other thread
Love you guys :groupluv:
Ronnie xx:dancin:enguin:
starting over