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just getting rediculous

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    just getting rediculous

    The only time I don't is when I am sick...really sick. I am 105lbs and last night I ran out of beer which is the only reason I stopped and went to bed. Normally I would go get more or prepare to have more earlier in the day, but I am out of money until Friday. I counted quarters to buy yesterdays 12 pack. Yes, I drank all 12. The problem is, I can handle it completely. Nobody ever complains about my behaviors as I am always composed. I could have easily had another at least 3-4-5 last night. I ALWAYS wake up in the morning with the can by my bedside. I am vegitarian (I just don't like meat) and beer fills me up since there are not too many foods that I enjoy. I rarely eat dinner as I am drinking it. I don't get hungover and it does not affect my life in a negative way other than the obvious, the financials of this habit and then of course my health I am sure is affected although I feel fine now. I am afraid to seek help because I am sure I will fail. I am not depressed but I am under a lot of stress with the lack of worrk that I have and having to do dumb sales jobs just to make enough to eat.

    I read a little about Kudzu and wondered if anyone had found this helpful and wondered if the local GNC would carry it?

    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    just getting rediculous

    Hi Colbe, and welcome! 'Glad you posted. It seems like you have a lot going on. First, to answer your question, many Whole Foods stores do carry kudzu BUT it's important to make sure that you take a brand that allows your body to absorb the important "stuff" in it. It DOES help! Many of us have also had a lot of success with supplements such as L-glutamine that really help with stress and cravings. Whole Foods carries that, too. The MWO book discusses these supplements and possible meds that can help. There's also a lot of free (yay!) info. on the message boards under "Holistic Healing."

    Even though you may feel physically OK now, I believe you already realized on some level that your body and mind cannot handle getting a large percentage of daily calories from beer indefinitely. Whether it shows on the outside or not right now, you are malnourished and missing important vitamins that your body needs to function. It will eventually break down.

    Everyones' circumstances, needs, and paths are different. Everyone's bodies react differently to AL. But downing a 12-pack that you bought with scraped up change and waking every morning with a beer can beside the bed sounds like it's time to do what you just did -- start to give it a good, hard look.

    We're all on our own journeys here, and all ready and willing to give you non-judgmental support and encouragement along the way as you find what works for you. Please stick around here, post, read others' posts, and let us know how you're doing.

    Here for you,

    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      just getting rediculous

      Thank yous...

      Thank for the information and the encouragement...and thank you to all who may post afterwards (so I don't take up space with the thank yous). I will check back often today and am reading others stories.
      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


        just getting rediculous

        Welcome Colbe,

        Have you read the book "My Way Out" yet? -- it's always the best place to start. I found it so inspiring I dashed out to the health store, stocked up on the supps, called my GP and got the meds and in all my excitement forgot to finish reading the book -- duh. Months later someone posted about the book suggesting 30 days AF, which I eventually did... and then another 30 days -- if I can do it, then so can you.

        Stay close, keep reading, keep posting:-)
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          just getting rediculous

          The book...

          I have been reading about the book a lot on here. I have not read it and will try to get a hold of a copy (and read it in my car!). I am really afraid to let my fiance know that I would like to cut down because I only decided to try this last night, and it's not "beer time" yet so I can't tell you how I am doing. Seriously if I make it past 1:00 this afternoon I will be surprised. (I know where there are more quarters or I would bounce my account for $35.00 just for another case to hold me off till payday). Maybe I could do it really gradually and then nobody would have expectations that I won't be able to live up to. I thought maybe just try a 6 pack a night for a week, but that even makes me nervous...yes, I DO know how this sounds. That's why I came here instead of telling him about this...yet.

          I wish I could smoke pot!...just kidding. I even considered hitting the bottle as not too be so obvious with all the cans, but I am sure that's not the brightest idea either.

          How did this happen? WHen did this happen? This just sucks.
          Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


            just getting rediculous

            You are taking the first step and it can be our little secret. Take the supplements and do some reading but dont fool yourself..if you think you might have a problem those around are probably already thinking it and hoping you are going to get help. I think alot of us would have like to have gotten it where you are today...before it got to a point where we were forced into rehabs or got DUIs. These are all yets in a heavy drinkers world. Why not try to set small goals for yourself so as to not disappoint yourself


              just getting rediculous

              Colbe, believe me, the bottles are obvious, too. 'Wise words from Cacky -- set your own pace and hang in there. Don't worry about failure or disappointments. You have permission to be imperfect. Sometimes, it's the "secret projects" that motivate us the most.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                just getting rediculous


                I have really learned a lot from hanging out here today. I can't say that I won't cheat tonight, but because I didn't start at 1:00pm, there is time for 15 before bed...(it's 3:42 here, and nothing yet, but it's driving me crazy). I learned enough that I will come back tomorrow, and maybe the next day. I like the take it slow attitude, otherwise I would surely set myself up. I have read how so many on here are back and forth for years and I don't want to be here in 10 years saying the same damn thing! Thanks again!!!
                Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                  just getting rediculous

                  (I meant NOT time for 15)
                  Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                    just getting rediculous

                    Hey colbe I'm in the exact same situation with the beer, so probably not the ideal person for advice but anyway. I've managed to cut down quite a lot this last week, I work during the evenings and have just been buying 2 cans on the way home, by the time i drink those the stores are shut and that's it for the night. Of course I now have friday and saturday off and will probably get stuck right back into it but meh that's pretty normal behaviour as far as i'm concerned. It's the staying up getting blasted on a tuesday night on my own that isn't normal behaviour and that's what I'm trying to change.


                      just getting rediculous

                      I thought about that...the driving. I went out around 5 pm tonight and for the first time I felt like it was safe to get pulled over for a broken headlight. Usually I have one in the car with me or it's on my breath. More times than not during the day. WOuldn't that be so cool to feel like that whenever I drove somewhere!
                      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                        just getting rediculous

                        I just got back from an AA meeting an a guy shared that when he was 6 months sober he was at a stop sign and was just pulling out and a kid ran out in front of him and he hit the kid. The kid thankfully was ok. But he didnt miss the fact (and neither did I) the amazing fact that he was sober and the accident wasnt his fault. Even if it wasnt his fault if he had been drinking it would have been. That instance has kept him sober for many years. Thats a sign from God if you ask me


                          just getting rediculous

                          So you're staying off it tonight?


                            just getting rediculous

                            I was arrested...totaled 3 cars in one year...nearly died...a couple of times. It is by the grace of God I am alive. This site saved my life...the support here is wonderful.
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

