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GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

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    GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

    I've been thinking/analyzing (?) about things... and

    I keep coming to this same conclusion: Drinking (often) leads to guilt/shame, etc. (that we don't want to repeat)... yet we continue to...

    While I understand the addiction part of it, I think there's a part that is about... self-flagellation. As bad as that sounds, there really is a good part. We "self-flagellate" because we fall short of our Expectations of ourselves.

    We are hard on ourselves.

    So many on this site make us feel better (YAY - I've felt that love!)... but, honestly, we.... have.... an...... addiction.

    I know I now I do (shit). I really didn't think I did (even after being on this site - which, surely! means ya do!!)

    Perhaps there are Degrees of addiction. Ummm - not so sure about that!

    I am addicted. THERE - are u happy?

    How did I get here, why... etc. doesn't matter much.

    Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow... creep on at this petty pace until the last syllable of recorded time. (Shakespeare, by George!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

    I don't feel guilt as i have a disease. A significant event has brought me back to sobriety and now i must practice a sober life forever. Sometimes it takes a few mishaps until we find our way back. God it feels great to feel good.

    An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


      GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

      Good observation, savon.

      I agree with you that feelings of inadequacy and self-flagellation play a big role in the cycle of alcohol abuse. Not to start a huge religious war here, but I think that's one reason alcohol abuse runs so rampant in Catholic families.



        GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

        This is a really interesting point savon, i agree totally, my councellor told me that we tend to be very hard on ourselves which reinforces feeling bad and then just wanting a drink to feel better.
        Is it just recently that uve come to thinking you are addicted? Thats great if you have, it makes getting better easier (sometimes!). And yes I think there are different levels of addiction, alcoholism is apparently a progressive disease, I know Up till recently I was worse than 5 years ago, and although ive been AF for periods during this, I pick up where i left off when I relapse. Sorry this is such a long post, I got really into this!

        Oh yeah, Rusty said something about when you can forgive yourself thats when you can heal, it seemed to make sense and is really relevant!
        To see a world in a grain of sand
        And a heaven in a wildflower.
        Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
        And eternity in an hour.


          GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

          hi 19,having an addiction,is not that bad,controling it is another story,my heart goes out to you,a lot of us come here,and expect a miracle,it is not the way it is,can ,you not ? just stop,just like if you work to hard ,you stop or slow down,,just like if you were going to fAST IN CAR ,YOU PUT THE BRAKES ON,IS THAT NOT THE SAME AS DRINKING,im not chastising you,i no your pain,it is not nice,i do wish you well, gyco


            GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...


            I haven't been around much and am not doing so great. Whole lots of guilt going on these days.

            Sending you hugs Savon :l
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

              I feel so guilty. I did something terrifying yesterday. If I continue like this I will soon be dead. I'm also a catholic. I need help.


                GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                Hi Paula, how can I help you?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                  I don't know if anyone can help me. I have no control. I saw my doctor today and he has arranged counselling for me. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


                    GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                    im not picking on you ,im going thro som stuff to,19 did you do treatment,ive been looking thrro my threads cant seem to find what i want, ? it can change you mind set gyco


                      GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...



                        GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                        I am here. Always.

                        I love you.
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                          God loves you, too.

                          Never forget that.

                          Love you,

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                            I have experienced terror over the behavior I have done that is so out of character for me.
                            I loathe alcoholism and what it does to us.
                            Please know you are not alone.
                            If your terrified, then I am terrified. We are in this together, until victory shines its light upon us.

                            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                              GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                              Paula -- What happened? Are you ok?

