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GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

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    GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

    A note to Savon and Paula and anyone else suffering from 'guilt syndrome'.

    I was raised & educated catholic so I have had to deal with a huge guilt problem all my life too. Even though I am 55 years old now I still resent the whole guilt scene, it really messes you up.

    Back in January I found an online behavior modification program called Habit Busting - a 21 day program to break any bad habit!
    Guilt and negative thinking are learned behaviors and we can unlearn them
    These were two big problems for me as well as being a pushover and neglecting myself.
    The program forced me to sit down and identify my bad habits and take the necessary steps to change them. It takes a bit of work but it can be done, honestly.

    Once I worked my way thru that program I felt I was finally ready to address my drinking problem. I joined MWO and jumped on the wagon with all of you.
    Today, I feel happy, proud and guilt free. I don't waste any more time on negative thinking, it's useless. As a matter of fact, I have told everyone around me to either be positive or just go away..........

    I hope you both are feeling better at this point. Please feel free to PM me if you want more info on this program. It's very effective, I think.
    Be well!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

      To answer Gyco - I've never been to treatment. I have been able to stop completely for as much as a month (a couple times)... Today, tho, has been first AF day in more than a week... I almost felt I had to get it out of my system! I didn't really plan on not drinking today. It just happened. I'm going to try & put some days together now. I know I need to!!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

        Ok Savon......So what are you going to do about it ? It great to say "I'm an Alcoholic" .....but that means little........what are you going to do about it ! Take the steps to quit ! You have all the equipment....put it to use. It's easy to stay's harder to get sober and be the person you want to be ! Don't feel sorry for yourself.....cause nobody else is going to......get yourself to work ! This is a job ! 24....7 ! Let's get to work Savon ! You can do it .....LOL IAD.
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

          Gee IAD, you mean business. Savon has to decide when she is ready for sure. There are vast amounts of options to end drinking here and beyond. Change is not easy at all. I can certainly attest to that. Savon seems to know what she is doing and will make change at some point, lets not give her a hard time. All it does is make a person feel more guilty.

          In time, we find our way.
          An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


            GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

            Paula and Savon, Gosh...we all are here for you. Guilt (who cares about religion..women feel guilty about everything). i have a double wammy i am catholic woman. Paula, whatever you did honey is not that bad. Believe me many of us here have done so many things we are ashamed of. please talk to us


              GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

              I too am a Catholic woman with a guilt problem. In the past I have let it drag me deeper into the abyss that is drinking because to sober up is to face the reality of the humiliating and sometimes dangerous things that I have done while drunk. I have lately spent my hungover days with a constant feeling of anxiety and shame. I think this is because AL is turning me into a person who I despise. Today I am using those memories as motivation NOT to drink. Its only been 3 days sober for me after a very bad run. I feel everyone's pain. Sorry this is sooo long!


                GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

       a mom in an upscale neighborhood who has been arrested in front of my home. guess what i am slowly getting over it. i hope you will too


                  GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                  Liath, I know how you feel, you will feel better, I felt suicidal 3 days ago, but I feel better now and it's down to the support I have received from my family, Mwo and my doctor, who was happy to prescribe medication for me, and not forgetting AA.
                  Take care of yourself, we can do this.



                    GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                    I agree with what someone posted on this thread earlier about getting past the guilt and negative thoughts in order to heal. I am working on it. Thanks.


                      GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                      savon19;623996 wrote: To answer Gyco - I've never been to treatment. I have been able to stop completely for as much as a month (a couple times)... Today, tho, has been first AF day in more than a week... I almost felt I had to get it out of my system! I didn't really plan on not drinking today. It just happened. I'm going to try & put some days together now. I know I need to!!
                      hi i hope things are getting better,being like us is not easy,i wish you well,id say relax its not so easy,gyco


                        GUILT - and how it relates to drinking...

                        I think letting go of the guilt is harder than letting go of the drink at times. But over time, the guilt does lessen, people do forgive and mostly you learn to forgive yourself.

                        Best of luck to you guys.

                        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                        AF since 10/11/2008

