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connection w/ cravings and Zoloft?

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    connection w/ cravings and Zoloft?

    So, I've posted before, awhile ago. And I lurk frequently, but no realy changes in my drinking. Checking in to the Sinclair Method and meds. Really hesitant to have anything on my medical records....

    Anywho...To my question. I started taking Zoloft about 1 month or so ago (severe mood swings, I think hormone related, not alcohol). Anyone know of a link between Zoloft and increased cravings? It seems like I have even more of a hard time lately turning anything down. Even TOTALLY sneaking it....

    connection w/ cravings and Zoloft?

    Hi aznative,

    Personally, I was on & off Lexapro, another AD for about 5 years. It did little to help my anxiety/depression issue and I found I was drinking even more when taking it.
    I finally blew off the AD and went with an herbal product. When that kicked it, I was able to relax and focus on the MWO program with great success. Made a huge difference for me

    All the best.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

