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I got caught last night...long

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    I got caught last night...long

    For those who read all my stuff yesterday during day one, I have a strange update. My fiance came home from work and noticed there was no beer in the fridge. He asked me if I was OK (without it). I played it off like it was no big deal while shoving more food in my mounth. He looked at me funny and then went about his business. He brought it up one more time last night then dropped it. We watched a movie and he went to bed early.

    I snuck back on this site to read some more and just started to try the chat (which I couldn't figure out if you saw me on there and not responding). What I didn't know is that he had gotten out of bed and was standing behind me watching...for how long I have no idea (but I know he can't see well without his glasses). He scared the crap out of me and it would have been too obvious to close the site. My face was totally red and I looked guilty as hell. I can only imagine what he could have been thinking while watching me "chat". In order to keep his mind from wondering into crazy places, I was forced to tell him that I was trying to cut back. He walked away as if he was pissed. Still not sure what he was thinking or even if he believed me. I closed the site and crawled into bed with him. He told me the internet would not help me (coming from a complete computer illiterate guy). I told him the things you guys taught me yesterday and he became interested and rolled over. He huged me and told me that this is wonderful. I could have just cried. I still don't know if I can do this, and now he knows I am trying, so if I can't I will dissapoint us both.

    This morning he got up and grabbed a couple dollars in quarters that I was keeping incase I couldn't stand it. I joked with him and asked if he was stealing my beer stash. He kissed me and told me he would have money tonight. Not sure where this came from, but I told him "I don't want to drink again today", and I meant it. I am going for day 2 today.

    We are supposed to go camping tonight (which is a beer activity to me). I will try to get to the store and buy the 2 meds/vitamins that were recomended to me yesterday (I forgot the names, I will look it up again) before I go.

    One more thing...what is with the night sweats???!!! We were swimming in bed all night and he kept commenting on hot hot I was when I was freezing...and I have a headache which I never got in the mornings after drinking. He covered me up and told me to hang in there. So is this normal? And if so, how long does this last?
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    I got caught last night...long

    Colbe, Welcome, I missed your posts yesterday-

    And Well Done!!!!!

    And yes the nightsweats are normal (I was always happy when I got one because it means all the toxins are leaving your body...) they might last a while- up to about 5 nights isn't unusual.

    I guess the headache is the same- a detox headache like when a big coffee drinker stops suddenly.

    Hang on in there- you are doing fantastic.

    Your BF sounds like a lovely guy, apart from one thing, the internet can help you with lots of things!!


      I got caught last night...long


      Have just read your post. It is hard. I've gone back to drinking a bottle of wine most nights - in fact last night I opened another bottle and had one drink out of it - so today I feel crap and know that I've let myself down again. The night sweats can be horrible too but if you stay AF for a while they will go - I usually only get them for a night so hopefully they won't last too long for you either. Today I feel crap, bit edgy but I know that for me, tomorrow will be a lot better. I wish you lots and lots of luck - I know it's worth sticking with but again for me, I have a short memory and forget how guilty, and crap I feel very quickly. Like you my husband always offers to get me wine . . . it is hard but try and listen to the people on here because you can take comfort from knowing that we all know what it is that you are going through. Today, I've logged on several times just to try and help me . . . .Px
      Short term goal 7 days AF


        I got caught last night...long

        Good luck to you guys. It's always the hardest in the early part of quiting, but the reward far exceeds the uncomfortableness.

        Keep reading from here. It sure does help!

        Best of luck.

        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          I got caught last night...long

          Good job Colbe. As Marbella says, your body is going to react a bit. Alcohol byproducts are used by your muscles for energy. If you were a daily drinker, it's likely your whole body is pretty used to getting both the sugar and the alcohol from your beer. So when you stop, your brain, and your muscles are going to have to switch back to "natural" mode. This can make a lot of anxiety during the day, and sweats and tension at night. As marbella says, 4-5 days is normal. For me, Day 2 is excruciating and I really hate going through it, one of my incentives not to restart.

          You can speed the detox process along if you exercise a lot. So if you go hiking when you go camping, or any other strenous activity, that's really good and will speed it up. Also you will feel very low energy and have headaches. Eat complex carbs for this; oatmeal, oatmeal cookies, whole grains, breads and such. Fruit and milk will help. Protein/fat won't do much so don't load up on steak or cheese.

          Good luck and stay with us. After a bit of space, we can share our new habits so that camping brings on other meanings aside from getting bombed in the woods.


            I got caught last night...long

            Colbe - I am so proud of you for sharing this with your BF. And he sounds like a wonderful and supportive man.

            Keep coming back to us and just keep trying - you are doing the right thing.

            Take care of you,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              I got caught last night...long

              big hugs to you .. im glad you got his sport that great and as for chat please try it again ... we all were wondering why .. you didnt say anything .. well stay strong and keep thinking positive you can and will be able to do this
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                I got caught last night...long

                Your BF may have just been upset because he thought you were sneaking something. you may want to share with him how you feel and what you are trying to do. i havent gone through any withdrawl myself but you will get to talk to alot of great people here


                  I got caught last night...long

                  Each day will get easier and you will feel better. I dont know how long you drink or how much, but once this is out of your system you will start to feel like a new person. It just takes time.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    I got caught last night...long

                    Hey Colbe!

                    Just wandering how it's going w/ the bf? I am on the fence as to whether or not to tell my bf of my desire to get control of my drinking. He's not a big drinker, but doesn't seem (????) to mind when I binge. However, there's more to my drinking that he knows. Should I try to handle this on my own, like you were hoping to do, or are you glad that you were "caught"? My thoughts are with you as we tackle this.


                      I got caught last night...long

                      well done colbe on your effort,you will get lots of good positive advice here that should help you:goodjob:

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        I got caught last night...long

                        Dear Coleby and Patricia, I typed a very long response to both of you and it went awol! Anyway, to cut it short, I am with you, enduring similar things and that I wish you well. love Lavender Blue.


                          I got caught last night...long

                          HI, Colbe and Patricia,
                          You are doing so well.... keep reading and posting even if you slip, because the folks here know so much, are willing to share and the support is simply incredible!

                          For me, Day 4 is the hardest to get through.... it seems that once the initial days are over, when I feel the regret the deepest, and the initial toxins are on their way out, that is when the craving really hits me. So, you will be in my thoughts this coming week. Know that I am pulling for you!

                          Like you, Colbe, my sweetheart doesn't over drink, but over the years, MY overdrinking was really getting to him. The day I decided to try a 30 day AF stint, I wrote him a letter. I'm glad I got him on my side right at the beginning. Having him know I'm trying to stay away from AL has really helped keep me honest. Good luck on the camping trip. I pulling for you!:welcome:


                            I got caught last night...long

                            To take heart...well, I am glad I got caught because he continues to notice that I am struggling and pushes me to stay strong...not to not drink, to keep going for whaat I want in the long run...MY GOAL, not his. BUT, this AM like a dumb ass (just like a man), I am sure he meant well but he said out of the blue to my 13yo daughter "have you noticed your mama hasnt had a beer in 4 days?. I could have just crawled underneath the table. I will mention that this is a PRIVATE matter withtout getting I said he meant well.

                            Lavander, thank you for the long post that we missed...I hate when that happens.

                            Mica, I was hoping yesterday (day three) was the hardest...and it was, but here it is day 4 and I am dreading this being worse. Everyone keeps pushing to make it through the week till I will feel better so everyday I read I give iit may all to at least make till then before I even give my chance to think about mods. Who knows where my head will be in a few more days, trying not to think about it. Trying to eat what I am supposed to. Still doing the night sweat thing. Everything after 1:00pm is painful until after dinner then it seems to get bettter after I eaat for some reason.

                            Thanks again everyone, I know I couldn't so this with out you!
                            Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                              I got caught last night...long


                              Try L-Glutamine when the afternoon craving hits.

                              Your body is so used to sugar from beer and you are not supplying it anymore.

                              L-Glutamine and yes, eat, but try to avoid heavy carbs and sugars, they can trigger the cravings.

                              Here is hoping day 4 isn't so bad. I find a week AF just about gets you through the worst. Then it is the mental battle.

                              I do recommend you try for a minimum of 30 days, if not a life time AF. Moderation management recommends that, too.

                              But, I found trying to mod impossible. However, I am an extremely heavy alcoholic, so staying AF is my only option.

                              AF April 9, 2016

