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back from the abyss..need advice

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    back from the abyss..need advice

    I feel a nudge to guide you to a Thread that I was guided to and is at present singlehandly pulling me from dispair.

    It is called "baclofen" and it has about 7 pages.
    But, as you read in one of the post to a link on this Dr's interview that inspired me as I am listening to one in medicine speak on this.

    Please don't ever loose hope, each persons experience is different because we are dealing with levels of care that address each individual separately. We have a similarity, but, are enormously unique.
    If I would have given up then I would have given in.
    This is a disorder, or disease because of its nature. There are all sorts of new unfoldments that are happeneing with time and hope.

    Take time for yourself and again, welcome~

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      back from the abyss..need advice

      Just to say this, Thread,

      I can so relate to what you said!!!
      Right now I'm still out of it ---
      what is it that makes us drink to oblivion??

      I joined this group to get help and support for
      total complete insanity..

      I'm an artist/writer, travel a lot, Austrian, live
      in Australia and drink like fucking hell and this is the
      sad truth and I MUST stop other wise I'll be dead in
      2 weeks..



        back from the abyss..need advice

        I feel like that too. Like something terrible will happen and soon if I don't stop now. Have you read the book? I am going to try to follow it but right now just trying to get through day 3 without a drink. The worst day is the hangover day though. Alcohol causes me so much trouble. Hang in there Elysaya, you can stop.


          back from the abyss..need advice

          You may find the anxiety goes away with the booze..I had terrible anxiety when drinking heavily. But, it is gone now. I think of all the crazy things I have done and things I have said too..we cant change the past, but we can change today. We can make the future brighter.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            back from the abyss..need advice

            Liath, welcome, welcome, welcome!!! If you can try to incorporate different options into your program. Because this site reaches across the globe there is always someone on to talk to. I do AA as well. I wish you luck.


              back from the abyss..need advice

              Welcome Liath! Its strange when someone posts, and you see yourself in them. I totally understand where you are coming from. Im very much the same as you, HUGE binge drinker! Hey, dont downplay 3 sober days! 3 sober days is a huge achievement when you are a problem drinker. Try hard to make it to 4 four and behind, I am rooting for you.

              As far as the social aspects of drinking, its funny how things have gotton so distorted. I grew up like you, where getting smashed for fun with friends, then carried on into adulthood. Except now I do not even get drunk with friends, I get drunk alone. Its really not that fun anymore, its just pathetic and destructive.

              Best of luck to you.


                back from the abyss..need advice

                I think that Theme2be's on the right track when they pointed you to the Baclofen thread. You sound motivated and the Cd's are a help, so are the book and the sups but it sounds to me like Bac my be what you're searching for. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SAVE YOURSELF YEARS OF GRIEF. Go read the thread and see what you think ???
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  back from the abyss..need advice

                  Thank you both. I will read it. Today is Sunday and the beginning of my 5th sober day. Normally I would be laying in bed suffering a nasty hangover, unable to do anything productive. Inevitably I would consider asking a friend to brunch. I would make sure to invite someone who knows that brunch is code for bloody marys so as not to feel like a lush drinking in the AM. I would tell myself I was doing this just to ease the hangover. I wasn't really going to drink today but bloodys dont count. I used to try not to drink on Sundays (exception- football season) since I have to start the work week Monday bright and early. Depending on the severity of my hangover this goal could be problematic.

                  Last night I dreamt that I was out walking around (on a Sunday) and wandered into a bar where everyone I knew was happily drinking and watching the end of a Packer-Vikings game. I could not believe I missed the game. Someone offered me a beer and I said no. I walked out of there feeling dejected.

                  This dream made me think of a core belief I have held since highschool that has fueled my drinking problem. Drinking is fun. Drinking is a part of any potentially fun activity. Drinking enhances the experience of watching the game. I am afraid that it is going to take a while to retrain my brain into thinking of alcohol differently. For now its hard to imagine life without my constant companion but I look as it this way, its booze or my life. My life is more important.

                  One last thing for anyone who thinks they cant make it to 5 days. Try acupuncture. I felt like hell yesturday until I went for a treatment and I actually slept great last night with zero anxiety. It was amazing!



                    back from the abyss..need advice

                    You are doing GREAT ........keep up the good work.
                    I think that acupuncture is a WONDERFUL TOOL and I am so glad to see that you are using it WELL. I PRAY that others will follow your example and give it a try. It is a POWERFUL HEALING TECHNIQUE and is WAY UNDER USED !!!
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      back from the abyss..need advice

                      My acupuncturist also incorporates acupressure and massage. I have a lot of back pain and alcohol has served as a painkiller for a long time for me . He says he can fix my back in 12 sessions. While this will be expensive, I think this is the key to me getting AF for good. It helps so much with the anxiety, insomnia, depression, night sweats, etc.. It is a POWERFUL tool. I used to think I could not afford to spend the money but I am sure I was spending like 100 a week on AL and related activities until now. Funny how we don't even think about that expenditure (because we need it) but the thought of spending to get healthy seems like a big step. Bottom line, I actually feel good right now. My mind may still be thinking about a drink but my body doesnt need it.

                      Someday soon, I will feel normal. If only I can be strong enough. Suggestions welcome.


                        back from the abyss..need advice

                        Elsaya;624331 wrote: Just to say this, Thread,

                        I can so relate to what you said!!!
                        Right now I'm still out of it ---
                        what is it that makes us drink to oblivion??

                        I joined this group to get help and support for
                        total complete insanity..

                        I'm an artist/writer, travel a lot, Austrian, live
                        in Australia and drink like fucking hell and this is the
                        sad truth and I MUST stop other wise I'll be dead in
                        2 weeks..


                        Can you not swear please .......
                        ?We are one another's angels?
                        Sober since 29/04/2007


                          back from the abyss..need advice


                          How about your PhD program? You mentiond it in your previous posts. You cannot get a PhD when you are drinking. You sound like a very intelligent woman - why not check some books from the library and read about drinking? I have found my desire to drink go down tremendously after I read some of them. The reading section has some excellent reccommendations.

                          Just think what you are doing to your poor brain, how many grey cells are you killing every time you swallow AL. Don't you need your brain?

                          I am beginning to respect mine. It is my brain that got me where I am and I need it - sharp and clear.
                          Once the physical anguish is over, you will feel better anf you know this!
                          "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                          Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            back from the abyss..need advice

                            The New Me-

                            Thanks. Of course my health is the big reason I am trying to turn things around. This is a pretty old thread. I was at a low point when I started it. Things are a bit better now. In fact, I managed to go out to my old haunt last night in celebration of my publication and LEAVE AT A REASONABLE TIME in spite of the fact that friends were lining up to buy me drinks. The friend who I walked home with was very impressed as I had NEVER managed to do this before! I may have killed some brain cells by drinking in the past, but I believe the human brain is resilient and I will be OK. Interestingly, I was actively drinking during my Masters programs and still managed straight As. I don't like to dwell on damage done, but rather look to the future! We all need to try and do this I think!

