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Three day fuzzies

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    Three day fuzzies

    Thanks for all your support on the Two Day Blues. I made it. Yea, you are right it is Fuzzy. Nightsweats were bad but not as bad as the night before. I am even crankier but I had a good time on the chat last night with everyone...

    I am going to try to contol my eating today so I am not a whale by day 6 when I am supposed to feel better.

    About 5 weekes ago I inhaled poison ivy and althought the posion sores are gone what is in my bloodstream made me itchy ALL OVER. I noticed when I quit drinking the other day, all these itches are back and keeping me from sleeping. I guess the toxins are forcing their way out. So really I am going on 6 weeks of poison and no beer to subside the itchys...or the fuzzies.

    Thanks again everyone...and thinking of you so we can help!

    Will I see a DAY 4?!
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    Three day fuzzies

    Dear Colbe:
    I was one priveledged to hang with you in chat last night. I remember telling you that Monday morning waking up bright and shinny would be worth the effort of AF for 6 days. You are half way there, so lets keep going. There are plenty of folks here to help you. Keep reading and keep posting.

    Congratulations on day two, and well help with day three.


    If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


      Three day fuzzies

      thanks Blu

      And I did have a good time with you guys last night!
      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

