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ODAT Sunday

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    ODAT Sunday


    Last day of May, can you believe it? Don't forget to say jackrabbit in the AM!

    I have tons to do today. Yard work being primary but I hate to break the Sunday AM peaceful silence with yard tools So I'll wait for someone else to be first. I find I'm planning my evenings around the barking lot and really enjoying it. I'm going to start eating dinner first though. I'm not eating until 9:00 and I'm not crazy about that.

    Hope everybody has a great day. son't forget the tool box thread if you have a "moment".

    Keep the pace!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT Sunday

    Morning all! Here's to Day 8 for me, can't wait to see those double-digit days racking up.

    Why "jackrabbit" Greenie? I recall something about the first day of the month but the reason escapes me. Enjoy your lawn work!


      ODAT Sunday

      Good luck! But it has to be the first utterance of the day, so try not to talk in your sleep :H
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Sunday

        Good morning. I am happy to wake up with a clear and even temper. I hope we each have a good Sunday. Last night when I had that familiar ache in my chest for a cocktail or wine, I knew a drink would serve only ?feeling better? rather than ?getting better?. A proper distinction for me to remember over and over. Big day ahead with the garden which is tumbling over in abundance and associated need. As with abstaining, it helps me to think small, one rose at a time, one lily, one bean. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          ODAT Sunday

          I wonder if that was a regional thing? I heard it in New England as a kid as "Rabbit Rabbit" being the first thing you say on the first day of the month gives good luck all month. Thought my life I've run some empirical tests, because I'm that type of person, but have not noted this to be an effective luck modifier.

          The most effective luck modifier I've found is hard work; as in : "The harder I work the luckier I get" (Samuel Goldwyn). Also it helps not to play games of chance.

          Another sunny day here. Summer suddenly arrived, temps way above normal, and my rose garden is coming into full bloom. My avatar pic is from last year around August. Have a great day all.


            ODAT Sunday

            My avatar is from last August too! :H just kidding
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT Sunday

              We said “rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit”, and I still rather like it even though I also never noticed a correlation let alone a causal relationship with how life turned out. Must be the ancestral molecules moving. Lovely photo, Mr. Boss. My avatar is of a Graham Thomas rose from last year. Very nice paws, Ms. Greeneyes. With warm regard, Ladybird.
              may we be well

