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30-Dayers Party

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    30-Dayers Party

    I couldn't help noticing that some of us are hitting a 30-day AF mark :yay: so I'm throwing an on-line party -- right here -- to celebrate our success! :day5: Come on in, pull up a velvet couch, and have a sparkling water w/lemon on me! Please accept a pat on the back as you walk through the door and tell the DJ what you want him to play.


    30 day AF-ers, the conversation is buzzing. Please join in and tell us about: what made you dive into the 30-day non-binge, your high point, your low point, and what you're going to do next. And how do you feel right now?

    BTW, everyone is welcome at this gig, even if you're just starting out or thinking about starting. There's room for all, and the best part is that no one will be ashamed of what they did or said tomorrow (a.k.a. no dances on tables wearing lampshades).

    Sending love to all my new friends here and thank you :thanks: for helping me reach this incredibly satisfying goal!

    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

    30-Dayers Party

    Well I am far from 30 (only on day 4) but I thought I'd stop in and network with the professionals. I'd like to hear the tips and advise and maybe someday I will be throwing my own 30 day party with some of the newbies I have met here. I have a really nice lampshade if you change your mind about dancing on the tables. Congrats to all yout guys...I am so envious but also inspired.

    Now that you are about, on or around day 30, will you continue AF or mods? I wonder if I make it that far what I would choose. I don't think I'll make it, but then again my very firsst post here on MWO said I didn't think I would make it past 1:00pm on day 1.
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


      30-Dayers Party

      day one here for me...for like the millionth time! But now I am getting very bad thoughts and doing some real reckless stuff


        30-Dayers Party

        Colbe, welcome and thanks! You've come a loongg way since that first post of yours! Those first few days are the hardest part for many of us, and I am SO proud of you for making it this far. "Only on day 4" is saying a lot more than meets the eye (the cravings, the night sweats, the initial boredom and what-do-I-do-with-myself-now feeling). You've earned the right to table dance with the lampshade, so boogie away!! And, BTW, if you can make it this far, you can make it anywhere you want to go.

        As for what's next, when I first started this 30-day AF stint, my original intention was to "dry out" for 30 and then try modding, but I have to say that I feel so good being AF now -- plus, I think my body still needs a lot more time to recover -- so I'll probably try to remain AF for the foreseeable future.

        p.s. I forgot to mention in my original post that my 30-day mark (and my twin, Mica's) is actually Tuesday but I started this party today for everyone who's close to their anniversary, and I have no doubt that Mica and I will make it until then. Yesterday, I survived the BF's 4-hour, 90-year-old grandmother's b-day party with an open bar and open bottles of wine on the table and I know that Mica had some recent hurdles, as well. It does get easier as you go along.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          30-Dayers Party

          Miss Kitty, welcome to you! 1st time or millionth time -- it doesn't matter. You're here, you're among friends, and you can make your life better. That's the important thing. Please keep reading and posting. Deep breaths. Long baths. Lots and lots of water. Please know that there is help for you and people who care! If you want to distract your mind from the bad thoughts, maybe read MWO?
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            30-Dayers Party

            DID SOMEONE SAY PARTY .. way to go all you 30 dayers stay strong and keep thinking positive
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              30-Dayers Party

              Thank you...I am having a difficult time right now trying to navigate this web site...what do you know about antabuse??


                30-Dayers Party

                Thanks Lilbit, for a GREAT thread!

                Hey, Miss Kitty! Welcome!:welcome: I do not know a thing about antabuse, but I know there are folks here who do, and will be happy to help you make decisions about it. Have you found the section in the forums called "research" ? I you scroll down on the first screen to about the bottom, you'll find it, and other forums that will definitely give you some good reading. I am very glad you found us! This is the best site in the world for folks like us. Keep reading and posting, and you'll find lots of help. I did!

                And, YES YES YES Lilbit and I are just about to the 30 day mark! WOOHOO! I know that I could have done it without you guys, but it would not have been anywhere near as fun nor as easy as it was with your help. Knowing that you all are here and keeping an eye out and a heart open for me has kept me honest more than once. I am so grateful for you. :h

                I am hoping to be able to moderate, after the 30 days. Ronnie gave me the good idea of telling my husband how much I want to drink (2 glasses of wine) and having him pour it. That is exactly how I am going to handle it for a while. Knowing that he knows the level of the wine will keep me from sneaking toppers... which I was very cagey at doing, in the "old days."

                Good luck everyone! I'll be checking back in tomorrow to see how you are all doing! I love you guys!:l


                  30-Dayers Party

                  WELL DONE

                  Congrats to u and LIL Bit for coming up 2 ur 30 days....and everyone else who has made it.
                  Your Posts have inspired me again!
                  Do u feel better physically and mentally Mica??...I know LilBit says she does, which is great!!
                  Fab Abs x


                    30-Dayers Party

                    Congratulations to all the 30 day'rs!!!!! I can imagine how wonderful it feels!!! The fact is, through hard work and determination, you did it! I am doing a happy dance for you all.

                    Even though I stumble in my own recovery, I am genuinely happy (not jealous) for those of you who achieve it. I learn from all of you, celebrate your success, and cheer you on, if even from the sidelines at times.


                    Overit :goodjob::l


                      30-Dayers Party

                      Thanks LilBit for starting this thread. I hit the 30 day mark today! And ready to go another 30. It wasn't easy, had a tough time here and there, but worst was on day 21 for some reason, but here I am. If I can do it everyone else can too. Don't give up.
                      I came here everyday and also went to AA meetings for support and doing lots of reading to help me get it, about why we drink the way we do and how to change a very bad habit.



                        30-Dayers Party

                        :grouptrophy:Well done to all you 30 day'rs
                        You should all be very proud of yourselves, you have all done a grand job in getting where you are today I am not that far behind you along with my twin KTAB, we are in our final week day 22 today
                        Lots & Lots of love
                        Ronnie xx :whee::whee:
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          30-Dayers Party

                          Winefree, I can sooo relate to Day 21, yesterday was a realy bad day for me, but hey I am so glad I did'nt cave!!!
                          Ronnie xx
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            30-Dayers Party

                            BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mica, LilBit, and Winefree, you are all inspiring me. I'm on Day 8 today and am looking forward to my own party in 22 days.

                            To Ronnie and KTAB, you guys will make it, you are so close now!

                            Love the positive energy going on around here.:yay:


                              30-Dayers Party

                              Congratulations to you all! What a wonderful, life-changing achievement.

                              I have 14 more days to go before the big 3-0. You are all inspirational. Thank you.

                              Staying strong,

