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    Hi all
    I posted on here about a month ago...with all good intentions...when the first weekend came, I fell by the wayside.
    BUT I AM BACK....AND I AM GOING TO DO 30 DAYS AF...My mindset is right this time.
    Who gonna come on board with me?
    DAY 1...... LETS GO!!


    I'm in.

    I am on Day 4 somehow. Today is a little easier than yesterday so I was thinking maybe I could do it?

    What is your drink of choice?
    What is your plan after 30 or are you not thinking baout that yet?
    How often did you drink before?
    What madee you decide we weren't the sharpest tool in the shed and it's a good time to stop?

    Let's go!
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.



      (I am a bAAAd typer BTW)

      I guess I could answer those questions too since I am asking you...

      Mods but trying not to focus on that
      Daily...about 15 a day
      Financial and it didn't even get me high anymore.
      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.



        Hey, Colbe and Fab abs!

        I am just finishing up my 30 days, and I know that you are on a great trip this month. It will no doubt be hard, scary, and nerve-wracking, but with the help of everyone here, you will make it. This is the best site in the world for folks like us.

        So, Colbe, here're my answers:
        I most recently have been a chardonnay drinker, but have made my way through red wines, beer, vodka. I just plain old love almost anything except scotch.

        I worked my way up to a whole bottle on two or three nights a week, and several times lots more than that.

        I am hoping to be able to moderate after my 30 days, but realize that if that doesn't work I'll have to abstain. I really really really don't want to have to do that, so I'll be pretty motivated to mod.

        I may be back right away, because I can't remember if that was all the questions.

        Good luck, you guys, with your 30 days. You can do it!


          A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?


          Day 4....thats great...keep it up!
          I am a weekend Binge Drinker....No sorry......I WAS...I am No More!
          But it would wipe me out for the week.........Red Wine is my Kryptonite,so been drinking Cider and Beer recently....thinking its not so bad....what a load of crap! Had a bad binge on Red Wine on Saturday night.........and the pain of the hangover the next day was awful....not just my head, my body too....but I still managed to have one last blow out last night with beer...but actually stopped drinking after 6 cos I was feeling so rough, with pains in my head....why do we do this to ourselves?
          So here I am DAY 1....all alcohol out of the house....I am going to do 30 days to start...then 2 more stints of 30,I will be clear of poison for definate then, and then moderation...2 glasses on a Saturday Night, and 2 on a Sunday.....THATS THE PLAN...AND i AM GOING TO DO IT....My mind is finally made up. after years of abusing my body..nothing is going to stop me.
          I'll catch up with u tommorow, when I'm on Day 2 and u r on Day 5.
          Fab Abs :thanks:


            A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

            Hi all,

            I finished my first 30 a couple of days ago and I am going with all others in my goal of a second 30 days AF. Enjoying life too much now to go back to the life of deceit, hiding stuff, planning drinking episodes, etc. etc..

            It is not always easy but we can do it!!

            com 1:goodjob::goodjob:


              A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

              Hi Com 1

              Hi Com 1
              Great Stuff!!
              How do u feel Physically and Mentally after 30 days AF?
              Please tell....Good I'm sure...I can't wait to feel great!!
              Fab Abs x


                A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                I'm in! I am just finishing up day 8 today!!!! Let's see - the questions-

                Drink of choice - wine - red or white (no pink)

                Plan after 30 - not sure - doing one day at a time. I wish I could mod but I really am not sure if I can. I have tried before and it only lasts for awhile then I am back to the old ways.

                How much - easily a bottle a day on average - sometimes less but sometimes more.

                What made me decide to stop? - this is a biggie - in the span of a week I had a conflict w/ my husband and both my daughters said something to me about my drinking. They are ages 10 and 12 and it about killed me.

                We can do this! For me, so far, each day I wake up I am so happy to have another day under my belt. I HATE the idea of blowing it and that helps me get through the day. Seems to be getting a bit easier. I thought about wine today but it wasn't hard to not go buy any because I am still freshly hearing the words of my girls. I hope that thought doesn't fade because it is really keeping me in line.

                Let's do this:cheering:
                AF since - 5/24/09
                edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                  A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                  Count me in! I just finished my first 30 days and ready to go for more. Let's do it!



                    A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                    Count me in too!
                    I never want to be that idiot again
                    Best to all,
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                      I'm in! I was just in the 30 day party thread that LilBit started and was wishing I was part of that thread when it started instead of jumping in to congratulate their success.

                      Drink of choice - red wine - almost anything else I can say no to at just about any time

                      How much - usually a bottle at a sitting on days I drank, which averaged 4-5 a week

                      Motivation to stop - Actually I had already been on the MWO program for about 3 1/2 weeks but wasn't doing the complete AF thing; was modding right from the start, then I had ONE day last Saturday when I attended a party and said, "hell with it" and had about 5-6 glasses of wine during the afternoon, drove myself home, and got my first, last, and only DUI. Serious-as-a-heart-attack wake up call there, so AF it is.

                      Given the above, I can't even stomach the thought of drinking again, EVER, because I am living in terror of the consequences of the pending DMV and criminal charges that are looming before me, to say nothing of the looks my husband keeps giving me. Originally I came to MWO thinking I wanted to go mods but then again I thought I hadn't "hit bottom" and good lord I'm not sure I can say that anymore. Yikers.

                      Anyway, sorry for the long sob there, I'm in and ready for 30 days with everyone!


                        A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                        I'm in. This is Day 10.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                          I'm IN!!!!!! This is so bizarre. It is like a sign. I had planned on starting tomorrow. I was here a year ago and did very well for 30+ days AF. I decided to MOD, but slowly and surely escalated back to my old ways and then some. I had it all planned. I designated this my LAST WEEKEND. Like the Last supper? I was going to drink all I wanted this weekend and then hit the ground running tomorrow. We went out on Friday to karaoke (my favorite passion) and drank alot of beer. I drank more beer last night sitting home watching movies. I bought wine at the grocery store this afternoon, planning to cook a special dinner and finish off the wine as a grand fare well........ I allowed my husband to throw a wrench into my plans.
                          I came home from the grocery store to find that my husband wanted to go out to watch the Cubs game at a new sports bar he found. That meant I still had two bottles of wine in my fridge that I needed to drink.
                          Going to a sports bar.... that type of outing meant I would drink beer. To answer your question about our drink of choice, it is beer when we are out singing or watching sports, and usually white wine during the week at home. I can and will drink two 750ML bottles of wine nightly. I do tend to switch to red wine if the meal I am preparing goes better with red........ I find all kinds of excuses..........
                          I have to admit, that I have had quite a few beers. I would LOVE to say that when I wake up in the morning, I will still be ready to make tomorrow day 1. But, I can't trust myself right now.
                          I am armed with all the supplements from last year. I have them all plus the hypnosis CDs. I have all the tools. Last year, I had a bottle of wine in my fridge that I didn't touch for the whole AF time. I told my husband tonight, that I did the same thing when I quit smoking. I kept a pack of cigarettes just so I knew it was there if I wanted one. That helped me conquer the feeling of deprivation.
                          I am sorry for the long post. I apologize for accepting the challenge while under the influence. I will be back, whether it is tomorrow or the next day to start my 30 days AF......
                          Thanks for starting this post!
                          "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC


                            A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                            Monday 1st June, a great day to start afresh! I'm in too! Let's make this an Alcohol Free month.
                            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                              A BRAND NEW 30 DAYS..ANYONE UP 4 IT ?

                              Good morning all! Sorry about my long-winded post last night! It is Monday June 1st and this is day one AF for me.

                              I'll check in after work to see how everyone is doing. Again, thanks for starting this thread.

                              "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC

