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    When I started last Sep I got so frustrated because I felt like I had a million "Day 1's" It sometimes made me not even want to start because I knew I would just end up at Day 1 again. I kind of hated the whole "counting thing."

    But I know now that even though we might be at Day 1.......again. It means we have not lost hope.

    Keep this thread going CS, we can do this. If not for us, for our kids. They deserve sober parents.

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      ONE DAY

      Crybaby - you are absolutly not alone with this.....we are all in this together, none of us are bad people we just done bad things at times because of the juice. I been on a day of owning up, at the moment I feel so much better admitting that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Spoke to my eldest son re my challenge of AF for 30 days....guess wot he said...brilliant Mum I'll challenge you with 30 days no coke or fizzy juice. I dont feel alone in this at the moment. Hang in there and keep talking.

      Cacky - been in the same boat, I got 11 year old twin boys who have also seen more that they should and are just working out other Mums are not the same. Sounds like you got things under control - well its my turn. Today is a good day, it'll be Thursday that will be the test guess I'll be on here all night to stop myself caving in. made such a fool of myself last week, really made a mess of things, cant even remember but know my behaviour was way too bad, this is what I'm going to keep reminding myself when I feel like a few glasses...and some.

      Taz x


        ONE DAY

        AKgirl, I hear you. My stepson graduated from HS yesterday, and is on his way here this evening to spend the summer here or maybe permanently. Not to mention my 2 year old, who already knows what wine and beer are. They are not inherently bad, but when we abuse them, they sure are. (Like Limers thread yesterday about "normal" people enjoying time in the beer garden, not getting sloshed on a daily basis like us.) But I digress.

        I am gonna stick to my one day. ODAT.


          ONE DAY

          count me in too .. its all about one day one hour one minute at a time ...stay strong and keep thinking positive ya cs
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            ONE DAY

            Taz, I dont really have it under control. I am really just one mistake away from catstrophe. When i do drink i hit it really hard. Anyway, had a very trying day with the kids but know i cant drink today or tomorrow because i have the kids until wedensday.


              ONE DAY

              Hey CS - been thinking about you too! And I love what you said: "It's just one day. Deal with it"
              For some reason, getting that 1st day AF after drinking wine several days in a row is such a challenge, but generally, once I do it, I'm usually ok for a bit. We must think how proud we will be of ourselves tomorrow without a hangover!!! I'm sick of those! Mustn't let BF be an enabler, either!

              You can make it through the day - I know you can, and so can I!!!!!
              xoxo peanut


                ONE DAY

                Hey Peanut -- good to hear you chime in, cause it is now my witching hour and the sun has come back out, which makes me want to crack open a beer.

                Cacky, sorry you are feeling low. At least if you can get a few days in while your kids are there, you'll feel god about that.

                I told myself I wasn't going to overanalyze this.

                Just deal with it!


                  ONE DAY

                  Hi, I'm a new member as of today. I, too, join everyone in a day of no alcohol. I'm not sure, though, what some of the abbeviations mean, such as AF...does it mean alcohol free? Also, does one of the anti-craving drugs help anyone out there, such as topiramate, acamprosate, etc.?Thanks.


                    ONE DAY

                    Hi Macbarry,
                    Welcome. There was a recent thread where another new member asked about acronyms. I'll find it for you. Yes, AF is alcohol free.


                      ONE DAY

                      Sorry CS, I beat you to it! LOL
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        ONE DAY

                        CS, How are you going? I am with you and on day 2 AL free.Its7.30am in OZ 2 /6/09.For me the thought of going 1 week or 2 is just to daunting at this stage.Thanks for starting the post.Be strong today we are with you. Johno:thanks:


                          ONE DAY

                          Cacky, sorry your day has been difficult. Tommorrow is a new day. Day 3 for me. Boys desparate for me to give up, so hope I have it in me. Hang in there, talk tommorrow if you can Taz xx


                            ONE DAY

                            Doing OK, Johno. I just told hubby I planned on being AF tonight, so no caving allowed now. Hubby's b-day is tomorrow, so we will probably celebrate in some way. ODAT for me.


                              ONE DAY

                              Thank you dear CS for the One Day thread. I have discovered that it is not good at all for me to count days; I very much need to stay in the one we are in if not the hour or moment. Love, LBH.
                              may we be well


                                ONE DAY

                                Glad so many of you have enjoyed this thread. I thought the initial post was kinda rambly (sorry). I have managed tonight AF though, so it worked for me too! ODAT.

