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    :happy: Yaay! Good job!
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      ONE DAY

      Thats Great CS. Good job!!


        ONE DAY

        I'm sitting here nodding my head so hard reading this, that it's just about rolling off my shoulders.
        I don't want my kids to be afraid of me and my drunken behaviour, but they have been in the past, that's for sure.
        Good move starting this thread. We've got to start somewhere.
        Today's the day.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          ONE DAY

          new to this

          My story sounds a lot like RJ's. I would love to find a plan that did not require complete abstinence. My social life revolves around drinking, and I would have to make some big changes in how I spend my time in order to achieve some level of moderation. I have been AF for three days, but I have always been successful in the short term.

          Taking Topamax sound too dangerous to me. I already have vision issues, word retrieval issues, and a horrible sense of direction. I can't imagine compromising these areas any more. I have ordered the hypnotic CD's and some supplements, and I am going to give it a whirl without the meds. Has anyone been successful without the meds? Let me know.

          I will keep you posted on my journey. I wish everyone peace and success in this endeavor


            ONE DAY

            CS How are you going? I am just about through day 2 AF (Its now5.30pm oz time Tues). I find like so many others on this thread the first 3 to 4 days is ok then the dreaded W/E. I am a W/E binge drinker. Though I must admit since joining MWO I have had more AF days. I used to drink everyday!! Good Luck with day2.Thinking of you johno


              ONE DAY

              Hi CS and all. Thank you for getting things going yesterday which I experienced without alcohol. I can?t envision that anything which occurred yesterday would have genuinely improved if I had taken a drink, and this morning I would have been anxious and stressed and possibly once again ashamed of myself. This is better and I don?t want to change it.
              may we be well


                ONE DAY



                Yes, many here have been successful without the meds.

                Good luck!

                CS, yay on your one day AF. You know, if you keep doing this, eventually you will get a string going.

                I look at it that any day AF is a good day.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  ONE DAY

                  Hi all,
                  Thanks for being with me on this thread yesterday. I can't say that I will be AF today; it's hubby's birthday so we will have some wine with dinner, but if i can just keep it at that ("wine with dinner") then I'll be OK. It feels GREAT to have NO hangover today, and my sleep didn't even suck that bad!



                    ONE DAY

                    Hi All.

                    I didn't manage to make it through "one day", but (and I feel stupid saying this) I did manage to NOT get drunk. I kept it to "wine w/ dinner" and then just three VERY weak
                    vodka drinks after. I tucked my daughter in, and I felt a bit better about myself this morning. With my husband leaving town beginning Thursday, I won't drink at all as I'll be the only responsible parent around. That will be a good time to get some days under my feet. It's easier to not drink when he's not around....sad, huh?

                    Do we have to feel guilty about moderate drinking??


                      ONE DAY


                      The thrust of MWO is that you don't need to feel guilty.

                      You just want to have a desire to make your life better. Oh, and the family members around you.

                      Guilt has no place here. It just makes us want to drink more.

                      Get rid of guilt and get on to what it takes to make you heal.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        ONE DAY

                        Trying again for "one day"

                        I'm trying for one day yet again. Had a heart to heart w/ my daughter (both of us in tears). She finally brave enough to tell me how I've scared her when I've gotten thinking I'd been semi-hiding it...feeling crappy...all I ever wanted was to be a Mom and learning I've sucked at that (as everything else...) My husband won't stop drinking; I fear that if I stop we'll end in divorce...which will also be horrid for the kids... so much to worry about.

                        At least I woke up sober this morning, had only had wine @ dinner w/ one weak drink after. Know that tonight will hopefully be AF.

                        Please wish me luck and send whatever prayers you may use!


                          ONE DAY

                          Sending you prayers and good luck.

                          I am in the same boat. I didn't make it through day one but did manage to stay mostly sober last night. Only a few glasses of wine before bed. I have made plans for everyday after work. I do so much better if I stay busy.

                          So lets all do another "One Day"

                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            ONE DAY

                            Crybaby, I just "bumped" a thread I started last summer called Spouses Who Drink. You might find it helpful with regard to your husband.

                            My "one day" was just that, but I intend to have many more "one days."

                            Hang in there.


                              ONE DAY

                              Thanks for the thread about spouses and drinking. Mine is now gone for a few days. and yesterday, I was AF for the first time in months. It felt good, and was easier than I
                              thought. There were a few moments of yearning for the cold chardonnay, but those moments passed. I felt good this morning, and hopeful about today.


                                ONE DAY

                                Im starting on my first "one day" again. This wont be hard for me because i get my kids this afternoon and will have them through tuesday morning. Here's my issue. I had my DUI hearing today and thankfully the charges were dropped so i just lost my last consequence. I need to keep reminding myself of my potential consequences. Making sure my kids dont see me drink is easy so i keep myself sober during the days that i have them. i will be traveling for work next week and could be at risk there (although there is an immediate consequence there as well -getting fired would suck). maybe i am doing what i need to do and that is making a list of when i drink what the consequences will be.

