Hi JJumpers, Dill what a great post. I love that idea.
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Jump In June
Jump In June
Good morning all Jumpers,
Waking up to a dry, partly sunny day in Quebec - I'm happyWill be heading out in a few minutes to do some walking, shopping and just generally enjoying this beautiful city.
I am accompanying my husband on a business trip. While he is busy with meetings I am free to explore the surroundings. If I was still drinking, I would not have been invited to go on this trip. It would have been perfectly right for him to leave me sitting home alone with my wine bottle.That is the honest truth!! When I quit drinking in March I hoped for many good things to happen for me and they did. But I never imagined I would be spending 5 days, happily sober enjoying such a beautiful place and so soon.
I guess what I'm trying to say is give sobriety a chance - you never know what good & unexpected things may come to you.
Dill, take care of your new daisy, it will bring you joy for many years to come! I love seeing my perennials come back year after year, they do give you hope!
Peace & Blessings on all of us
Have a great day.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Jump In June
Evening Jumpers!!!
Dill I LOVED your post earlier today!!! That was awesome!!! It's been a long day here....Brad brought Brayden back home and then stuck around most of the day....think he really needed a friend today!! Hope I helped. The funeral for his grandfather is on Saturday...I'm going over to it with his mom....his mom and dad are divorced as well...I told her we could show up as the ex-wives club!!! Finally got Brayden's room all done...just waiting for the few things I ordered on line....we have no sporting goods store here in the armpit of the world!!:H
Anyway...I'm going to call it a night early...Bray has a game tomorrow morning and a friend coming over all day!! Should be fun!!!
Talk to all you Jumpers tomorrow!!!
SD:l"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Jump In June
Hey June buddies!
Thought I should weigh in here too before hitting the hay. I'm rather tired so will try to get to bed early too, so I am well rested and able to have a long run tomorrow. Hopefully the trails will be dry - we had quite a deluge here yesterday.
Dill - nice thought. I planted two yearling wild plum trees at the beginning of June during that nice stint of sober living (ie. before my slip-ups). I shall try to let those trees remind me of all the good things in life we can have.
SD - sounds like you have remained friends with your ex. I still get along with mine - I always told him that we really should try to be "different" and actually not hate each other. Since we do have 3 kids together, who insisted every year after we separated that he had to be there Christmas morning, Easter morning and every other holiday - well, we pretty well had to get along. Had a nice time at the grad banquet a couple of weeks ago with him too.
Lavande - that is so nice that you are able to travel on your hubby's business trip with him. I'm so happy for you and all you have achieved for yourself.
Sooty - how are you doing???
KTAB? having a grand AF time???
Hi to everybody else here too!
xoxo peanut
Jump In June
Hey Jumpers!!
How we doing????
I'm finding it hard to check in as often during the summer....when I'm at work it's just so much easier...the computer is just right there....now I'm always up and doing stuff, never sitting still for a minute!!! My friend from NY is in town...went and saw her and her kids....oh how time flies. We were college roommates....we always had a good time together...wish she'd move back!! Anyway...what a great evening!!!
How is everyone??? What a cute running partner Peanut!! And yes...right now the ex and I are getting along...we seem to go in spurts though....he's quite moody!:H
Sooty--have you tried Calmes Forte for sleeping??? I sometimes take those...out now, but I used to have some
Well I better Jump myself into bed!!!
SD:l"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Jump In June
Hi June Jumpers,
How's everyone? Back home after a great trip to beautiful Quebec. It was just the break I needed. If you ever get a chance, do go visit Quebec.
Best of all, I did it AF & NF! Sure does leave you money to do lots of extra shopping
Sounds like everyone is starting off the summer in good shape. Let's do all we can to stay that way.
Heading out to the garden to check on the tons of lavender I have growing out there.
Have a great day!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Jump In June
7 days remain in June!
Hey, Jumpers! Can you believe how fast June is going?Only 7 days left. The days are the longest of the year, and yet they seem to be flying by!
Sooty, I have been sleeping like a rock, but we have our windows open and a fan pulling the night air through the upstairs. I also take valerian root which helps a great deal!
Lav, I am happy you had a good time in Quebec. It's great that you remained AF/NF. Maybe we should call it: ANF! You are an inspiration to us all! Keep on checking in!
Pnut, the plum trees sound very nice. I hope they offer a good reminder to you!Are you still overly tired these days? Hope not. It's getting to be the hottest time of year here in Ohio. It's supposed to reach 90F for the first time this season today. I hope not! I do my exercising in the morning these hot days. I am no where near your level of fitness, but I do get out and take 2+ mile walks almost every day. Love your dog!
SD, I'm glad you are so busy! You sound like you are full of energy and 'high on life'! :H I have been doing pretty well. Aside from my one slip, I've had an af June. It really seems much easier this go 'round, but still, it takes some effort at certain times. I am planning on continuing on beyond June, but at the same time, I try to take it ODAT.
KTAB, How are you doing? What's new?
The other day I heard someone say about their drinking: "I don't have any cravings. The cravings don't start until after I take my first drink!" That's pretty true for me these days. I may have thoughts and triggers, but no strong cravings until AFTER the first drink.
Have a great day!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Jump In June
Hi gang and thanks for the sleeping tips. I will try them out. I've heard that lavender is pretty good as well and I have that growing in a pot so might put some under my pillow - i love the smell anyway so might as well breathe in nice perfume whilst not sleeping!
Had a busy day took number 2 daughter to airport for her hols to Greece and had a leisurely trip back looking round a little village. Husband had glass of beer in olde worlde pub - i had orange and soda and then drove us home. Feeling very virtuous!
And I'm still jumping through June
See you all tomorrow
Jump In June
Hello gang I am burning the midnight oil tonight.
Peanut your dog is a dote, I bet he is ever so loyal, he has that look about him.
SD you sound busy busy busy. Keeps our minds off you know what though so thats good.
Lavande sounds like you had a wonderful time in Quebec, I bet you saw twice what you would have done if not AF. Well done on the NF too. I hope you bought something really nice just for you in the shops with the money saved, you deserve it.
Diil I was also just thinking to myself earlier how fast the month is going, will soon have to start a new thread called July Jumpers.
Sooty well done on the pub visit and keeping strong. I went to the pub after approx 4 weeks AF a couple of weeks ago and was a little nervous tbh but stayed on soft drinks. I look at that as having crossed another bridge. You are right to feel good about it.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Jump In June
Hellooooooo! Anybody out there?
I'm hanging in there.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Jump In June
Hellooooo! Anybody out there?!!
I'm still hanging in there. There are still 5 days left in June that can be af!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.