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Jump In June

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    Jump In June

    SD, I'm glad Brayden is improving. I have been thinking of you all. I guess this is a really good time to be AF! Your son needs you to be totally present.

    Pnut, You sound strong and committed. We are going to do this! Hope the conference is an interesting one.

    Shelby, CS04 and everyone else, good to see you here!

    Day 2 of June is coming to a close. I am unwinding with a tall glass of ice water. In this hot weather, it really tastes great!

    Keep up the good work!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Jump In June

      Hi Dill,
      I agree - I do feel committed - you too??? We did it before, we can do it again! Conference is a Wheat Quality conference - will take up a hell of alot of my time though, every evening even, so I've been wondering how I will get workouts in. Just had an hour trail run and am off to the conference hotel to tend to the registration desk. Not drinking will be the best thing I can do - I hate sitting through long days of talks, all the while wishing to be back in bed!! And I hate being the party girl who stays up the latest with the other boozehounds, trying to sound chipper and with it the next morning. I will just have AF beer so I don't have to explain too much!
      xoxo peanut


        Jump In June

        Yes, Pnut, I am committed. You bet we can do it!

        And I hate being the party girl who stays up the latest with the other boozehounds, trying to sound chipper and with it the next morning.
        Well, when I
        attend conferences, I am the girl who drinks an acceptable amount of wine at dinner, then retires to her room to drink a few more without having to bother to socialize. So, I'd say we both have good reason to be committed, eh?! I have had my share of morning meetings at conferences that I really could have gotten a whole lot more out of if I wasn't hung over. Sheesh!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Jump In June

          SD, glad to hear things are going well all around for you!!! Hello Peanut and Dill! Yes, June 2008 was my AF month. I did really well modding for awhile, but then things just got outta hand again. Being 51 my body has changed and I have gained a tremendous amount of weight. I live in a viscious circle. Drimk too much, which leads to eating too much, which leads to weight gain, which leads to needing to go to the gym, which is not done because I am hungover in the morning or I want to rush home to open a bottle of wine. Then, when I do get to the gym, I over do it and don't go back for a week. It is a sad excuse for a life.
          Today I am feeling very tired. I was all set to go start going to the gym this week, but I am exhausted. My goal is to get up in the morning and go. I don't have to work if I don't want to so I will either go in late for a couple hours or not at all.
          Dill, SD, Peanut and any others, we will do this!!!!! We will be successful and live happy AF lives, (or whatever your goal is).
          Have a great evening!


            Jump In June

            Hey Jumpers,
            Just a quick hello before I run off to my conference.
            I have to confess to having a pint of Grasshopper (Big Rock Beer) yesterday. Myself and another were trying to waste time before the mixer and went to a rooftop bar, and I succumbed. But I must say, at the reception, I gave away my complimentary drink ticket and only drank water, and home to bed. On a brighter note, that was two days WineFree (WF), and WF days I think I will be aiming for. Not that I don't drink beer, but only when out socially. In fact, there are a couple cases of beer in my downstairs fridge, that I couldn't care less about. I told my son and BF that if that had been a glass of wine, I would have been a goner!! I would have had more at the reception and then picked up a bottle on the way home. That's just the way I am - can't even have 1 glass of the stuff!!

            Strange, awful sleep though - woke up continuously in a sweat, thinking I had bugs on me, hot then cold, strange images running on and on behind my closed eyelids, etc. Is that called detoxing??? Man - it was terriblel!!!

            Anyway, just had to fess up there. I have to run to the conference, the first talks of which I have missed (all marketing stuff - not my area)
            So hi to dill, SD, Shelby, CS, and everybody else.
            I will stay AF today - not even a beer!!! (the time will be too filled up for that!)
            xoxo peanut


              Jump In June

              Good Morning June Jumpers!!!

              Well I'm glad to announce two things....Day 2 AF....and I got to bring Brayden home this morning. He's still on a bunch of muds and nebs but at least I can do them here...and DIll you're totally right...better reason now than ever to be totally present....he REALLY needs me!!! I'm totally focused on this month!! And I forgot to tell you all...that guy, Mike that I've gone out with a couple times now...I KINDA told about this website, but not really...I made it sound like it was more for me to better understand my dad (who is an alcoholic)....but anyway...told him about going AF for June...or Jump in June...and he asked if he could join....and see if he could give up caffeine for a month....guess he goes through A LOT in one day! SOOOOOO funny...he called last night to check on Brayden (at 9:30)...he was already going to bed...which he said was better than the night b4...he was in bed by 8:00!!!! I had to laugh....been there...but different!! Thought that was a nice gesture anyway!!

              Everyone sounds like they are off to a great June start!!!! Shelby...I hear you on the cycle!!!! Ugh...been there, done that, done it again, and again and again!!!!
              CS04--How you doing today???
              Peanut...conference going good?? Beer free
              Dill....we're gonna do it again this month right!! I really feel good about it!!! Thanks for your words of encouragement!!! Has the end of school countdown began???? Long time ago, I bet!!!
              I better get moving...the ex is on his way over to see Bray!
              I'll check back in later!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jump In June

                Hi Jumpers!

                Sorry I'm getting on here so late, but better late than never, eh?! June 3 is almost done, and I'm going strong. I had a LONG morning in the dentist chair, but that's behind me now, so that's good. I go back in two weeks for the actual crowns. Today was the prep work and temporary crowns. I like my dentist. He told me about his new little puppy while my mouth was out of commission. I enjoyed that!

                Pnut, you're doing great! I am not a big beer drinker. I have some here, too, that does not tempt me. In fact, I can drink one and stop there. But wine? Vodka? Katie bar the door!!!! :H

                SD, I am glad Brayden is home. Mike sounds like a very nice guy. I don't know how he could relate to MWO if his poisen is caffeine. I wonder if there is a caffeine cessation website? Hopefully I never have to give up caffeine. I think that would be impossible for me!

                Shelby, I can totally relate to the vicious cycle! But for me, the drinking doesn't lead to eating. It just leads to more drinking and less interest in food that is nutritional. Yep, drinking quickly pushes all other activities aside. No time or energy for exercise. A bad cycle it is!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Jump In June

                  Hey gang - wakey wakey!!

                  Just wanted to say good morning, feeling pretty rested today, no AL yesterday (much to the chagrin of my colleagues, who seem to want the party girl to hang with them!!) So today is day4 WF (day3 AF) - I'm having a hard time seeing that one afternoon beer as a major setback!! Now, to stop eating those stupid dainties they serve as lunch dessert! They are feeding my yeast population I think, and I ended up getting a rash! I had a momemtary cravying for wine last night while watching the after dinner entertainment, but it passed quickly enough.

                  SD - How is your boy doing? And I agree - Mike sounds like a good guy. Keep us posted!
                  Dill hope your mouth is not too sore. Been der, done dat. It's the keeping the mouth open for such a long time that bugs me, and then the dentist asking questions (?????).
                  CS - you having success? How was hubby's b-day?
                  Shelby - hope you can get into a better routine this month and jump off that viscous cycle merry-ground. I spent most of May on it!

                  OK - conference talks start in 5 minutes and I still have to get down there! Ah well - I'll miss the intros, that's all.


                    Jump In June

                    Good Afternoon Jumpers!!!
                    Last night Day 3 AF!!! Feels great!!!! Son had a good first night home!! That was awesome!!! How is everyone else???? I hope we aren't losing some Jumpers already???? C'mon gang we can do this:yougo:
                    Dill--so sorry about the dentist trip...although it does make a difference if they are good and you like them!!! Although I agree with Peanut...what's up with them asking questions when they know you can't answer?!?!?! Hope you're not too sore today!!
                    Well I have TONS of packing I better get started on....little behind schedule!!! So I'll check back in later!!!!
                    Chops--Hope your doing ok!!:l
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Jump In June

                      Hey Jumpers! Day 4 is going down! Yay!

                      I have been wanting to get on here all day, but am too busy with work. I'm stealing a minute now to touch base.

                      Dentist thing was OK. My dentist is good about not asking questions when my mouth is full of stuff. He usually takes the time to tell me what he's doing and what's coming next. This time he told me about his new puppy. It was cute!

                      SD, you have so much going on right now!!! I'm glad you are AF because you need all your energy right now!

                      Pnut, don't beat yourself up about the one beer! Let it go, girl! You are doing great!

                      Hey everyone, keep going strong!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Jump In June

                        SD and Peanut, Here we are on Day 5 of June! I woke up thinking about how appreciative I am of this thread. This isn't easy at times, but this thread is helping me get through. Thanks for getting it started, SD! ...and with all you had going on that day!!! :goodjob: :thanks:

                        I'll check in again later!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Jump In June

                          Good morning jumpers! I am glad to hear you are all doing well.
                          Pnut-I understand how you feel about drinking the beer. It is so funny how before you make the committment to be AF, no amount of AL is too much. But, after making that committment, that one drink can become a huge thing. But, it WAS one beer. You were in control and made a choice. That is a huge thing. Be proud of all you have accomplished.
                          CS-How are you? I enjoyed the chat the other night and hope to talk again soon. Sorry I was a sleepy head and was off to bed.
                          SD-Great to hear things are going soo well for you! Packing? Are you moving?
                          Dill-I work in a dental office. Sounds like you have a good dentist. Mine is awesome!
                          I did the karaoke contest last night. I ended up drinking some beers. More than I should have, but not as much as I normally do. I was soooo nervous! But, the good news is, I am a finalist. I move on to the final round of 9 contestants. The winner gets tickets to concerts and other prizes and then you get to sing with a live band a couple nights later. Also, possibly an opportunity to sing with the band at some of their midwest area performances. Wish me luck.
                          I wish I hadn't drank. I didn't plan on it. But, I caved in. I paced myself and really watched the amount I drank. So, I am proud of that. Today is another day.
                          Hope you all have a great day!
                          "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC


                            Jump In June

                            Hey Peeps - running late here - arg!!! Was in bed by 10:30 last night, very tired, and managed to fall asleep and sleep pretty well all night, with no sleep aid. I am very grateful for that. And, my conference pals are now vying (how do you spell that??) for my daily drink ticket!! I will see how much they will suck up to me today. It's so funny, as they can afford to buy the drinks, but everyone wants them for free! I have had quick, passing thoughts of wine the past couple days, in the middle of talks/presentations, and am stopping and trying to think of what is triggering them. A word? A smell? What?!?!?!

                            Shelby - next thing you know, you'll be hitting the biggest karaoke contest of all!! What is called? So you think you can sing? or something like that? (sorry, don't watch tv, so I'm a bit of a moron - maybe the title has changed.) Get past those beers - you have been doing great!

                            Dill - me too!! I think without this thread, I would be lost! Keeps me focussed and grounded somewhat.

                            SD - I'm so happy your son is home and doing better. I'm rootin' for you both!

                            Where is CS - I want to know how you are doing girl!!!

                            I have to leave. I deaked out of the supper last night, came home for dinner and went for a great swim instead (2km in record time!) - I was so tired and was surprised at how well I did. No wonder I fell asleep so early!! So I'm off to pick up some yearling fruit trees from the horticulture department sale (really inexpensive, getting a whack for my ex and some for a friend too), then to work for a minute, then back to the conference, where once again, I will escape over lunch to go running.
                            Have a wonderful, stupendous, fabulous, (AF) day today!!!
                            xoxo peanut


                              Jump In June


                              Jumpin JUNE-STERS!!!!

                              We made it through night 4!!!!:jumpwow:

                              We're doin' great!!!!

                              Shelby-the karaoke thing sounds so fun...I love doing that...but yeah, it usually only comes after a TON of beer!!! I can't sing AT ALL---so it's usually in a group of a bunch of girls!!! You must be really good!! Good luck!! What song do you sing???

                              OK WHERE IS CS?????????? This is like where's Waldo now?? :H

                              Dill--this really does feel so much better than May huh!?!?! I love it!!!! Let's stay close and get through the weekend...we can do it together :hug:

                              Peanut--I'm are still managing to find time to keep up your working out while at a conference...that alone is awesome!!! That's pretty funny about your friends (vying) for your drink ticket!! But true, they always taste better free!! Or at least there is less "wallet guilt" the next morning!!:H
                              Well everyone....have a HAPPY FRIDAY...I must continue PACKING!!!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Jump In June

                                Hello lovely Junesters
                                it is day 21 AF today, it has had it's ups and downs, would be glad to join you all for June to try to keep it up.

