Yeah! It could happen! Hey, isn't this your Day 2?
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Jump In June
Jump In June
Doing well! Day 20. Gotta go! Have a good one! Hang in there, it's worth it!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Jump In June
Good morning Dill, Tulipe and everyone,
Congratulations to both of you on your AF days - great feeling, isn't it?
I still can't believe how much 'easier' life is without alcohol. Dragging that infernal hangover around was such an exhausting burden.
I using my newfound energy to keep 4 dogs entertained this week! My 2 'granddogs' are young Golden Retrievers with incredible energy & enthusiasm. My 2 older dogs tolerate the younger ones but can't keep up with them. My son will be back from vacation tomorrow evening and will pick up his dogs then.
My turn to go away for a few days on Friday
Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day, it really is worth it!!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Jump In June
Hi Lavande,
Contratulations to you too on another day. With all those dogs your house sounds like an allergy attack! But I bet it's lively and lots of fun.
Have a great day!Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
AF since May 6, 2010
Jump In June
Hi Dill yes you're right, waking up without a hangover has to be just the best way to start the day!
You sound really busy, hope the weather holds out for you, its going to rain here tomorrow - surprise surprise!
Never mind, it'll be good for the garden.
Take care,
Jump In June
Hi to all my fellow J Jumpers, hope you are all healthy today.
Lavande I also have two dogs and can imagine your house today with four of the furry critters, fun fun fun.
I am still on AF wagon but had a really strong craving for a beer earlier tonight, which came totally out of the blue. I think I wanted one purely for the taste of it but who knows what goes on inside my head. Anyway happy to report I rode it out and am sitting her with a large glass of water in hand.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Jump In June
Hey there JUMPERS!!!
Well it's down poring rain here...flooding our town!!!! Yikes!!! I was up soooooo late last night unpacking...I just it to be done...I NEED ORDER IN THIS HOUSE!!! :H I haven't taken my topa or supps since Friday when they got packed...I FINALLY found them last night.....THANK GOODNESS!!!! I knew what box they were in....just didn't know where the box went!! I can't believe the difference a few days makes without them....UGH!!! Oh well, back on track now!!!
Dill you sound amazing!!! So positive, upbeat and energetic!!!! That's awesome!!! You are so WONDERFUL this month!!!! :l
Tulipe--Awesome job on Day two....:goodjob: Keep "jumpin"!!!
Sooty--how you doing??? Still jumpin' too???
Lav--Yeah...4 dogs sounds like a TON of work!!! My son wouldn't last a minute with his allergies....although he LOVES dogs!!! You're doing SUPER too!!!!
Peanut--I'm with ya girl...we just need to focus on making this the best month we can....we're still fighting...that's what counts!!! We keep trying!!! We can do it---we sill have a lot more sober June days than notI know that's better than my last year's June!! Onward...Upward!!!
Well.....I hear more boxes calling my name...did I mention I hooked up my computer ALL BY MYSELF!?!?!?! Did I also mention they color coded all the little hook up things in the back making it very easy....who knew????:H
Hello to anyone else who hops by today!!!!
Have a great Tuesday!!!! KEEP JUMPIN'!!!!
SD"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Jump In June
Ktab--HOWDY!!! Cross posted you....awesome job riding out the beer temptation and having a nice cold glass of water...I love mine with lemon!!! Keep going strong!!!
SD"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Jump In June
Good Evening Jumpers,
Sooty-Hangover free mornings are the greatest! Hang in there, you can do it.
Tulipe-I loved some of the songs Old Blue Eyes sang when he was older. I came up with 2 new lines for the ending. "So come this here July. I'm gonna spread my wings and fly" Much better for us June Jumper!
Pnut-I don't think I could work where they make bread!! I've been able to give up potatoes on this diet but I still have to have 2 slices of bread a day. No way I can have an egg with out a slice of bread! The smell of fresh baking bread and I would be slobbering all over the place! LOL!!
Lavande-I baby sit my daughter's 2 dogs when she goes on vacation. It doesn't make my 4 cats very happy. :H So you're taking a road trip over the week end? Any place exciting?
SD-Glad you got your computor hooked up and that you found your topa and supps. I've read where other people said they have helped them with the cravings. Do they make you tired or anything? I was having a hard time around 45 days and Evie Lou suggested antabus. I took that for about a month and a half. I still keep it around for emergencies.
KTAB-Those craving and really catch you off gaurd sometimes. But good for you in handling it! I read on another thread where someone said they would brush their teeth. i tried it. It works!
Dill-Guess what it did here today? Rained! Raining now. Suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Enough said.
I hope all you jumpers have a great af evening!AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
Jump In June
Hello - Good Evening.
It is 8:45pm and am wondering, is it ok to go to bed this early???
I had wanted to go running, but I am so tired. I was reading somewhere about "crashing fatigue" as one of many peri and real menopausal symptoms. I am just soooo tired these days!!! Maybe it is the freaking heat (+30C today and my living room is like an oven) or maybe the long work day (17 loaves baked today). My daughter is going out galavanting, and my son is a the gym, other boy working and BF out doing car stuff. So, very quiet in the house - might be a good time to rest. I can hardly run in the heat anyhow, so maybe if I go to sleep really early and get up early, I can get a good long run in before it heats up too much.
I think I have just made a plan......
Must become a morning person......
Really fast.......
Everyone sounds really good today!
Enjoy the rain Lilmea - we are in a drought here.
SD - good thing you found your supps. Not supposed to go off the Topa cold turkey, are you?? Good luck with the unpacking. And you are right - let's have as much an AF June as we can possibly muster at this point!
Dill - you are doing so well, I'm jealous. Don't know why I slipped up, but shan't beat myself up. I hope your garden is productive. Do you pickle and freeze and put food by???
Hi to KTAB, Sooty, Lavande and Tulipe too and everyone else (who may have already made it though their evenings and are heading to bed???)
Will try to pop in tomorrow. Will be busy, running and plus, there is an employee appreciation picnic at work tomorrow - THAT should bring the rain!!!!!
xoxo peanut
Jump In June
Morning all, SD and Lilmea thanks for your words of support last night, its all good again today. Lilmea I will try that teeth brushing tip, ta for that. Hi Peanut hope you have a bit more energy today, the tiredness was probably a combination of things.
I thought the word "galavanting" was only used in Ireland, dont think I have heard elsewhere before. Your picnic should be nice as we have all the rain here today, it hasnt stopped for about 12 hours.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Jump In June
Hi everybody!
KTAB, congrats on facing down the cravings! It's weird sometimes how they seem to come out of nowhere...oh, and I galavant all the time! But, hey, I'm half Irish, maybe that's why!:H
Dragging that infernal hangover around was such an exhausting burden.
Sooty, we got the hay done ahead of the rain. At least the first field. Honestly, I don't do the actual hay work. We have a farming partner that does it and we split the crop with him. I hope you are doing well today!
Tulipe, I read your thread about your day 3 argument. I must say, you could have substituted me for you and Mr. Dill for Mr. T and the same thing would have happened! I think that's why I never involve him in this process. Just minimally. It is a personal undertaking. I want it for me. I know it's important to him, too, but I can't deal with his pressures. It confounds my efforts.
Pnutty one, You are doing great! Be proud of all your AF/DF time! As far as canning: we do the green beans. We usually eat all the corn!. We store the potatoes and they make it through the winter, depending on the variety. We freeze or can the tomatoes. We eat the peas fresh or lightly steamed. I don't like them any other way!
SD, didn't you think the lyrics to the song Tulipe posted yesterday were perfect? "Riding high in April, shot down in May! But you know I'm gonna change that tune, when I'm back on top in JUNE!"That's us! You, me and Pnut, the original April AFers! (Lavande and LilMea didn't fall off like we did...) Lot of days left in June, gal! Take 'em by storm!
LilM, hope you stop in, friend!
Well, I tell you what; This AF thing takes some effort, but it definitely feels great. I seem to be in a good mood most of the time in spite of myself! At first, I was a bear to be around. I didn't even want to be around me! But now, hey, I'm not half bad! LOL! Anyone else finding a similar affect?Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Jump In June
Good morning all,
Wondering who's getting all the sunshine? We haven't seen any in 2 weeks!! Getting tired of the darkness & dampness.............
Looking forward to having my son pick up his 2 dogs tonight. It was lovely having the 'granddogs' for a few days but now I'm up to my eyeballs in dog hair from 4 large dogs.
I've set up a rather elaborate schedule involving my son, my daughter and a neighbor to take care of my animals for a few days. Everyone is taking turns to stop in to care for & feed 2 dogs and 22 chickens!! We are off to Quebec Friday to Tuesday. Looking forward to this trip. My husband is attending a seminar and I'm notI'm going to walk, tour, shop and enjoy. BUT, this will be a real test for me. As of right now, I have no desire to drink, I hope to remain AF during this trip and forever. Can't stand the thought of disappointing myself for the sake of a glass of wine, not after all this work!
Wishing all of you the best day possible. I'm feeling like a happier, nicer person myself Dill. Aren't we just fabulous?AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Jump In June
hi all. Glad you got some of the hay in Dill, needless to say it has rained here today and its cold and grey - typical summer weather
It is hard being AF, last night I really struggled and could have given in easily but am so glad today that I managed to resist. Life is so much easier without a hangover.
Good luck to all of us today - we shall overcome
Sooty x