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Jump In June

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    Jump In June

    and to Lavande - have a lovely trip to Quebec, sounds really great, walking and shopping etc. Have a relaxing time
    Sooty x


      Jump In June

      Hey Jumpers!!
      Restarted my meds and supps today!!! And yes, LilM the Topa does make me tired...that's what I don't like about it....but I suppose the alternative is WAY worse!!! It hits me about 5:00!

      Peanut--Good luck becoming a morning person...I'm a night owl...I LOVE sleeping in!!!! Just makes it hard when I have to go back to work though!!!

      Dill-I did love that song...perfect for us!!! I'm back on track now....I think I almost got this house totally in order...just working on Brayden's room (painting it) and then my idea where to start there?!?!?! Bought a new comforter...I'll work around that I guess!!

      Lav--We have sunshine here today!! It's actually really warm out!! Yesterday rain and tornadoes and today...beautiful???!!! That's SD for ya!! Have fun in Quebec!!!

      Sooty and KTAB--the cravings are a b*tch!!! Been there, done that....STILL doing that!!! It's hard!! We're in it together!!:hug:

      Well....taking my son to see his dad...better go get him packed...then doing movie night at Mike's tonight! That's still going good....I think??? Trying not to think much about it :H I tend to over think and over analyze things!!!
      Have a great day!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Jump In June

        Hi Everyone!

        Well - I did it. Got up and went running this morning. I got to the running trails and realized I had forgotten my brand new garmin!!!! So i drove all the way home and got it, got back to the trails, and realized I had forgotten my running hat. Ah well - I went without it, although it would have helped to keep my head cool. It was +21C when I started and +25 when I ended. Total 12 miles. It was a bit too hot for me for running, but I managed 6miles running out, then tried to walk back but ended up running a fair bit back. Took me 2.5 hours. I am pooped, but rode my bike to work for the afternoon. I think I won't do anything tonight but hang with my kids, cook, wash the floors, do laundry, my taxes and help my son transfer his beer to a carboy. (didn't I say I wasn't going to do anything tonight?)

        SD - I am a total night owl too. Generally am up until 3am on weekends, watching movies, bumming around. Then I like to sleep until 11. Definitely not a morning person, but I actually went to bed at 10pm last night, so it was ok this morning.

        KTAB - I use that word "galavanting" quite frequently - quite descriptive, me thinks!

        Lavande - enjoy your Quebec trip!! How's your french?? My daughter is moving to Montreal in a couple weeks, and is really looking forward to getting her french back in order. She has always been fairly fluent (given that she has a french dad). My other two, not so french, although my son has managed to go through his entire school career in French Immersion

        Dill - happy to hear you are feeling in such a good mood these days! Feels grand to be a happy, contented person - no guilt and bad feelings from over-imbibing, eh?
        Sooty - good for you for resisting. I know - it can be very hard sometimes, but the feeling the next morning knowing your success is really worth it. I MUST remember this!!!!

        ok - gotta run to the field lab for a bit.
        Have a great evening everyone - I WILL NOT DRINK TONIGHT!!
        xoxo peanut


          Jump In June

          Evening Jumpers,

          Pnut-You wear me out just reading your post! you run around all over! I think it's a very good idea for you to start running in the "cool" of the morning even if your not so much a morning person and it's not so very cool in the morning. LOL!
          Hang in there! You can do this.

          KTAB-I been known to do some gallivanting myself. Especially when I was younger. :H But then my grandmother was Irish!

          Sooty-Good for you on making it through the cravings. Have you read the toolbox thread? It's in the monthly abstinence section. It has a lot of useful info about dealing with cravings. It really helped me a lot. Someone has probably already told you about it.

          SD-Movie night with Mike?? Hmmmm...LOL!! What are you watching?? Glad you found your topa and sups. I hope you didn't have any troubles when you were off of them.

          Lavande-Your trip to Quebec sounds like so much fun. How long do you plan to be gone? Have you worked out a plan? It sounds like you've pretty well decided not to drink while you're gone. Good for you.

          Dill-Glad you got you hay in before the rain. I think I actually saw my first firefly last night. I imagine out in the country where you live you can see them all over the place. I just don't remember seeing them this early in the year.

          I hope everyone has a great evening.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Jump In June

            Good evening Sooty, SD, Pnut and lilmea,

            Or should I say Bonsoir?
            That's about the extent of my French skills girls - no kidding. I've been to France twice but always with my daughter who is fluent in French. I'll just have to manage on my own in Quebec
            Going Friday am returning Tuesday pm - a short but welcome trip. Plan is no drinking, why start now? I'm a whole lot happier without it, same with the smokes! It will give me a lot more time to see the sights, get some good pictures, etc.

            The 'Granddogs' went home, my house is peaceful again. My dogs are both exhausted, sound asleep at 8 pm, ha ha. That was a lot of commotion the past 4 days.

            If anyone is interested in seeing fireflies or 'lightening bugs' as we call them - come this way. We have tons of them and they can be quite entertaining. That shows you just how exciting my life is anymore.....but that's OK.

            Have a good evening one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jump In June

              Peanut---good gracious...and you wonder why you are tired?!?!?!?! Re-read your post...I'm bent over breathing in a bag as a type!!!!!:H
              LILM--I posted the date with Mike in the was quite interesting! Not really...I think I hit 35 last week and become lame....or sane, smart, level headed...not sure!!!:H
              LAV--AHHHHHHHHHH....peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:danthin: Isn't it a lovely thing!!!!
              Ok Jumpers...I need to jump into bed...or need to start painting...I'm not sure yet!!!!
              Make it a great day!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jump In June

                Hi Jumpers! I'm just having a quick check in. I thought I would share a part of a quote that I found in the Daily Recovery readings that I liked:

                ...we have to reeducate our minds. We have to learn to
                think differently. We have to take a long view of drinking
                instead of a short view. We have to look through the glass
                to what lies beyond it. We have to look through the night
                before to the morning after...look through the bottle
                to the better life that lies ahead.


                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Jump In June

                  Dill - I like that and agree wholeheartedly!!!

                  Hey - I slept for 9 hours again last night. I never did get the floors washed or taxes done, but I made a great dinner (my daughter's friend came too, and brought corn on the cob - mmmmmm!) I wanted to go to bed at 9, but just sat about with my BF and son in the heat, kept nodding off, so finally at 10, I went to bed. I couldn't believe how bloody tired I was!!! In my previous life, I would have started drinking wine instead of going to bed, would have sat there rubbing my eyes, thinking that it would be best to sleep, but still would have sat a drank the wine until the bottle was empty. No wonder I was always so beat up feelingbefore!!! Mind you, I'm still tired all the time, but maybe now for different reasons!!

                  SD - did you go to bed are start painting? Sounds like something I would do - get to painting a room at like 10:00 at night!! That is just the night-owl way!!!

                  Well - I have been up since 7 and maybe I'll go to work after I hang my sheets on the line (yes - laundry at 7am!! What's up with that?!?!) It will be another hot one today, so I am better off in my cool building. Wasn't someone here wondering where the sunshine has been? Well - it is here in the middle of Saskatchewan, where we desperately need rain and seem to be heading into a nasty drought!!

                  Have a grand day everyone!
                  xoxo peanut


                    Jump In June

                    Good morning all!

                    That was me wondering where the sunshine was yesterday Pnut. It's still dark & raining here
                    We pretty much have ankle deep mud around here after 2+ weeks of rain.

                    Dill, your quote is absolutely 100% right on. I didn't realize beforehand that changing your thinking was such a critical component to lasting success. I really wasn't thinking past the first few days. Now I'm focused entirely on the future with a 100% positive attitude

                    Have a great AF day everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jump In June

                      Hello fellow JJumpers, feeling pretty good today.
                      Re the last few posts, in my opinion being positive is so important in this battle and believing in ourselves is paramount to success. The longer we stay AF the stronger this belief becomes.
                      So for me as a glass half full kinda guy, (pun intended ) lets all face the days ahead 100% positive.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Jump In June

                        i'm still jumping in june - getting a little easier today I think, but no room for complacency
                        Hope everyone else doing well


                          Jump In June

                          Sooty, I have a question that may make me seem stupid, but the other day on here, you mentioned to Pnut that you are in South Wales. Pnut is in Canada. I thought South Wales was in Europe? Can you set me straight?

                          Glad today was a bit easier for you. You are wise to guard against complacency! I've fallen victim to it many times!

                          Pnut, I think just going AF takes a certain amount of energy and concentration at first and maybe that's part of why you are so tired. Also, you spend a lot of time in physical activity. Check with a doctor if you don't get back your energy.

                          Lav and KTAB, a positive attitude really does help! Lav, have fun in Quebec!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Jump In June

                            Evening Jumpers,

                            Dill-I liked your Daily Recovery reading. We do have to learn to think differently. You most definitely have to keep a positive attitude. Don't laugh, but the 3rd and 4th weeks I was af I actually put signs up all around my house that said "think positive"

                            Lav-You're sounding strong and positive as usual. Good for you.

                            Sooty-Glad things are easing up a little. Hang in there.

                            KTAB-Keep that positive attitude!

                            SD-you wild woman! Painting at 10:00 at night!! :egad: Between you and Pnut I get plenty of exercise! LOL!

                            Pnut-I have to ditto what Dill said. I hope you're feeling better soon.

                            I hope you Jumpers have a peaceful evening.
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                              Jump In June

                              Just wanted to jump in and say hi! I haven't posted since this thread started...yikes! Well, I have not been AF June, but I have been DF June. I have really let what is going on personally get the best of me. Well, not any more. I am a better person than that!

                              I just wanted to let you know that I read this thread everyday. I am cheerleading in silent, but I am cheeering you all on everyday! I am so proud of you all! Hugs and love, Chops


                                Jump In June

                                Just want to jump and say hi and then dance because I am still AF!
                                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

