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7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head :)

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    7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head :)

    Hey Guys,

    Well today is 7 days AF for me and I thought I'd post with the goings on of the past week.

    So, this time last week I started all over again and embarked on taking back my life after a turbulent past few years. What a week of ups and downs. After the initial optimism of 'starting a fresh' I found the following days were pretty tough. Physically I was all really out of sorts. Sleep was erratic, moods all over the place; cold/hot sweats in bed, generally feeling crap.

    I attended my first meeting on Wed and was sooo nervous; I still believed I didn't have that 'big' a problem. I am ashamed to say; when I walked into that meeting I believed I would be the only 'normal' one. I had a vision of down and outs and alcoholic probationers.....I thought myself above that. The reality....a mixed group of people my age (27), older and younger from all walks of life. The room was full of 'normal' people, and I then realised, what I really knew deep down all along - I am an alcoholic. No more excuses / reasoning out of it. I came out of that meeting feeling drained - but optimistic and like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The secret was out.

    The following couple of days were tough. The initial optimism turned to anxiety and a real sense of hopelessness. I also felt angry....why can I not control/moderate this one part of my life? I had a couple of 'not fair' feeling sorry for myself days :blush: This was closely followed by a chain of neurotic thoughts where I convinced myself I would never be able to go to a wedding, party, BBQ - any event and enjoy it EVER again. My friends wouldn't understand and see me as the 'dry' one. On hindsight this is quite a ridculous thought - but boy did I believe it at the time. Thank fully I had MWO to post on and you guys kindly advised me to just take one day at a time. Which helped immensely

    The weekend was a bank holiday here and the weather glorious.....myself and the other half had a couple of days booked away in a hotel by the beach so off we went. I found the whole being away and not drinking quite weird. I tried to be as 'normal' as possible - but did find the once exciting world of pubs and bars is great till about 11.30-12.00, how ever after this the drinkers seem to take flight, while a sober view just isn't the same.
    One thing I really noticed was the fact my time wasn't consumed with looking to grab a drink from somewhere....nipping to the shop for a paper (small bottle of red) or insisting on getting the drinks at the bar (small voddy, no ice). I was so more relaxed and the fact I have made the previous steps, stopped me from breaking my promise to myself.

    So, the weekend was lovely - I enjoyed it regardless of not drinking (Shock horror! lol :H ) I feel fresh and alive today and thankfully my initial optimistic attitude has returned .

    One thing I also found really helpful is a book called "The little book of Confidence" by Susan Jeffers (Feel the fear and do it anyway). It's only a handbag size book and basically has inspirational excerpts to help you reach your goals. The following affirmation really worked for me.......


    Repeating this affirmation can give you an enormous sense of peace when the frightening 'What Ifs' come up in your life. 'What if I lose money?...I'll handle it' 'What if I get sick?...I'll handle it.' You really can handle WHATEVER life brings you.

    Susan Jeffers

    ......I found whenever I started to over think the future and panic about what?s ahead I simply repeated to myself 'I'll handle it'. It really stopped my thoughts in their track - I suppose because it answers the 'what if' and renders it dealt with.

    So that?s my journey over the last week, today is day 7 and I am feeling good Looking forward to the next 7 AF days now.

    Hope I haven't rambled too much! Thanks for listening and the support the last week

    5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

    Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

    I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
    Patrick Henry

    7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

    Hi Nics, thanks for sharing your experiences I am sure they will be helpful to people on their first couple of days to see that it does get better. Well done on your first week and keep up the good work you can do it.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

      What a great post! Glad you are doing well I am going to check out that book too! BTW I had/have the same worries about weddings, BBQs, etc. But I'll handle it when I get to it!

      Good luck and keep it up!
      AF since - 5/24/09
      edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


        7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

        What a lovely post - thankyou
        ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

          Hi Nics99,
          That was a pleasure to read.
          There really is nothing abnormal or wierd about not drinking. It's all about perception. I'm loving getting by without drinking thoughts taking over every night (and day).


            7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

            Hi Nics

            Thanks for sharing your story and well done on 7 days AF.

            Well done on 'handling' your weekend away with no alcohol.

            BG xx:goodjob:


              7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

              A great big Congrats to you Nics!
              7 days AF is awesome, isn't it??

              Stay well and keep going.
              All the best,
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                What a great post, Nics! CONGRATULATIONS!! :goodjob:

                Stay strong,


                  7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head


                  brilliant honest open post..and well done on an amazing first week. Reading your experiences has helped a lot as I am on day 3 and okay, but already dreading the weekend with no alcohol, we are at friends for long lazy Saturday lunch in the sun surounded by loads of wine, already thinking can I do this, shall I cancel, will I cave in and drink then make a tosser of myself as usual then be full of self loathing on Sunday - situation normal for me. Bet you feel great you enjoyed your weekend and kept off the booze. Look forward to hearing how things are with you after week two, fab post going to remember this on Saturday

                  Keep it up

                  Taz x


                    7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                    Thanks for sharing that, and congrats on your 7 days! .... Loved your quote - "I'll handle it" .... As one who easily worries about what-ifs, I'm going to remember to tell myself "I'll handle it" when I need to.

                    Thank you!
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                      Hi Nics . . .

                      Me too, I enjoyed reading your thread . . .

                      Excellent job on your 7 days AF!


                        7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                        Good job! Tell us what your plans are if you have any...going to keep on or mod?
                        Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                          7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                          NICs, that was a wonderful post! Congrats on your 7 days -- a huge accomplishment! It was really interesting to read what went through your head, and I know it will help everyone, including me. The "I'll handle it" mantra is the BEST!


                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            7 Days, BH Wkend, sunshine and a clear head

                            Hey Guys,

                            Thanks for taking the time to read my thread and all the lovely responses This forum really makes a difference, it?s so nice to be able to be completely honest and frank and not be judged. I only wish it was that easy with the people around you!:thanks:

                            One of the hardest things (in my opinion) while drinking is all the lies and deceit that creep in to order to hide the horrible habit. From sneaking off to buy drink, hiding the bottles, bare faced lying about drinking, hiding the fact you have a hangover and of course the lies we tell ourselves i.e. I can stop whenever I want / I'll stop again Monday.........etc etc.

                            I have found even in the last week, by being brutally honest and not lying to myself anymore I am finally seeing the BIG problem for what it is. Suppose that?s a start

                            I attended a meeting today and they had a poem in discussion...Its all about a journey and it really got me thinking so I thought I'd share it with you all..........

                            Autobiography In Five Short Chapters

                            Chapter I

                            I walk down the street.
                            There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
                            I fall in.
                            I am lost... I am hopeless.
                            It isn't my fault.
                            It takes forever to find a way out.

                            Chapter II

                            I walk down the same street.
                            There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
                            I pretend I don't see it.
                            I fall in again.
                            I can't believe I am in this same place.
                            But it isn't my fault.
                            It still takes a long time to get out.

                            Chapter III

                            I walk down the same street.
                            There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
                            I see it there.
                            I still fall in... it's a habit... but,
                            my eyes are open.
                            I know where I am.
                            It is my fault.
                            I get out immediately.

                            Chapter IV

                            I walk down the same street.
                            There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
                            I walk around it.

                            Chapter V

                            I walk down another street.

                            - Portia Nelson


                            Colbe - I am intending to abstain for good :argh: !! Ive tried moderating the last couple of years....and I always end up slipping. I can be fine for months then some 'issue' will crop up and the bottle calls. Unfortunately life is full of 'issues' so I figure my only alternative is to give it up completely and try and get on with my life
                            5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

                            Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

                            I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
                            Patrick Henry

