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Puppy versus Great Dane

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    Puppy versus Great Dane

    As I read everyone's posts, and it seems that -- nuances aside -- we all struggle with the same dilemma of defining our relationship with AL, i.e., what it is now and what we want it to be in the future. The answers are as individual as we all are. But, it appears that one of the major stumbling blocks to mapping the our future relationship with AL is that many of us view it as a constant thing. Over time, we've settled into our habits, and we say things like "I'm a one-bottle-a-night wine drinker." We also tend to view AL's effects on us as constant, for example, "I always have a hangover, but it doesn't seem to affect me otherwise" or "I've always been able to handle vodka, wine, whatever -- and it never affects my work or relationships."

    Here's the problem. Much like that puppy with the big paws that was SO cute we just had to take it home, the AL relationship and its effects DO EVOLVE over time. It no longer curls in our lap or gives us little nips on the hand. No, this thing has now taken over our favorite sofa and it's eating us out of house and home!

    What's sad -- and what seems to cause so much grief and trouble for us -- is when we still view it as a puppy. When I read posts that say, "I don't know what I'll do with myself without the AL," or "It's boring [or not fun or whatever] without it," I think we're still talking about the puppy.

    The answer? I have some thoughts, but I'm not sure. 'Would really appreciate some of the great opinions, insight, and wisdom that are so readily found here from the "pros" and newbies alike. I suspect it lies in maintaining an honest view of what AL once meant to us and what it means to us now. Maybe it's OK to miss and grieve for what it used to be without lumping that into what it's now become,
    i.e., I miss the way a good glass of wine used to relax me after work, but I don't
    miss the bloodshot eyes and gnarly-headed morning after feeling from the 10 glasses that I always seem to snarf down now.

    I realize that some of this does not apply to the successful modders (and GREAT for them!) but I'm afraid that many of the rest of us have a Great Dane drinking out of our toilet.

    Your thoughts?
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

    Puppy versus Great Dane

    Hey LilBit.

    Nice idea for a thread. I am not sure I'm qualified to comment since I'm so new to all this. I'm AF for now, because I didn't start the MWO program the right way with AF for 30 days and ran smack into my first/last/only DUI at about 3 1/2 weeks in when I pushed the envelope on what should have been a "modding" day in there. So my "bottom" came in the middle of the beginning of some kind of recovery.

    I don't even know what kind of breed of dog I came home from the pound with.

    I just went there with friends to look. Someone else was going to get a dog. I'm not even a pet person. Having an animal in the house was something that was ok for roommates I rented houses with in college, ya know?

    So here I am, nearing 40, with 2 little kids, a stable marriage, a great job, "living the American dream" and suddenly realize there is a mutt at my feet and I don't even like dogs. :dog:


      Puppy versus Great Dane

      Big thanks lilbit for a very funny post! Im sipping my soft drink nibbling my crisps totally aware of that great dane in my toilet, but tonight anyway Im going to ignore it for sure

      Made me laugh - thanks

      taz x


        Puppy versus Great Dane

        Hi LilBit . . .

        Simply love the metaphor 'Puppy versus Great Dane'.

        Totally inspiring thread and it is sure to make people stop in their tracks and think.

        Hi Taz.

        Welcome Scrubbly, I read some of your threads, good that you didn't hurt anyone and Great that you are learning about dogs. lol

        Another thing I love about MWO, fresh new concepts.


          Puppy versus Great Dane

          Very nice post, LilBit!

          I ruined a great yellow sofa by passing out on it while holding a large glass of red wine, so the great dane had definitely taken over my sofa and was about to change the locks on me too.

          It's that time of year when people start sitting outside bars, drinking in the sun. I occasionally walk by and think "it would be nice to have a beer in the sun", but then very quickly remind myself that I could never have A beer or ONE glass of wine. Right from the beginning I always wanted to drink far too much. I think I missed the puppy stage...
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            Puppy versus Great Dane

            Nice post!!
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              Puppy versus Great Dane

              Thank you guys for your comments. Scrubbly, your metaphor made me laugh, "there is a mutt at my feet and I don't even like dogs." But I do get what you mean. It's so unfair! Sorry about your yellow sofa, Marshy. If I had a dime for every article of clothing, furniture, or carpet I ruined...

              The best part of all this, as the late, great Paul Harvey used to say, is "the rest of the story," and that is, perhaps the dog can be trained, or given to a friendly neighbor who's good with dogs, or -- worst case -- made into a rug to cover the wine stain on the carpet. Please, please no flames about that last suggestion -- I am a REAL dog lover and was only kidding.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Puppy versus Great Dane

                Marshy;626272 wrote: Very nice post, LilBit!

                I ruined a great yellow sofa by passing out on it while holding a large glass of red wine, so the great dane had definitely taken over my sofa and was about to change the locks on me too.

                It's that time of year when people start sitting outside bars, drinking in the sun. I occasionally walk by and think "it would be nice to have a beer in the sun", but then very quickly remind myself that I could never have A beer or ONE glass of wine. Right from the beginning I always wanted to drink far too much. I think I missed the puppy stage...

                This is me too! I sometimes think about future events where AL will be and almost don't want to go. Beach? no - need a beer or a margarita (even tho I am a wino beer is good on the beach ). Dinner out? No, I like wine with nice dinners. Wedding? Open bar - don't even think about it:H

                I try to reel my mind in and remember to worry about it when I get there.
                AF since - 5/24/09
                edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09


                  Puppy versus Great Dane

                  This is a very creative discussion! I love it! I grew up with a male Great Dane in my house. Then, I married one. I was always the one who drank very socially, because I had to drive home, take care of things, etc. In 1999, I got divorced. I moved back to my home state from the East Coast. Then, I got a puppy!!!!!!!!! My daughter, who was in college, was very upset with me, as she had seen what trouble the Great Danes had been. I told her to mind her own business that I was good with Dogs as I had a lot of experience and knew how to handle them! I met my current husband and we shared the love of the puppy. We would take him with us all the time. We would go sing karoake and the puppy was there, we would watch sports and the puppy was there, he was everywhere! But, when BF would go home, the puppy always stayed with me. He just kept growing. Now, we are married and I now have a slightly full-grown Great Dane. He isn't fully grown yet, but I want to find him a new home before he takes over. Oh, and one more thing! The puppy chow is very fattening!!!!!!

