Here's the problem. Much like that puppy with the big paws that was SO cute we just had to take it home, the AL relationship and its effects DO EVOLVE over time. It no longer curls in our lap or gives us little nips on the hand. No, this thing has now taken over our favorite sofa and it's eating us out of house and home!
What's sad -- and what seems to cause so much grief and trouble for us -- is when we still view it as a puppy. When I read posts that say, "I don't know what I'll do with myself without the AL," or "It's boring [or not fun or whatever] without it," I think we're still talking about the puppy.
The answer? I have some thoughts, but I'm not sure. 'Would really appreciate some of the great opinions, insight, and wisdom that are so readily found here from the "pros" and newbies alike. I suspect it lies in maintaining an honest view of what AL once meant to us and what it means to us now. Maybe it's OK to miss and grieve for what it used to be without lumping that into what it's now become, i.e., I miss the way a good glass of wine used to relax me after work, but I don't miss the bloodshot eyes and gnarly-headed morning after feeling from the 10 glasses that I always seem to snarf down now.
I realize that some of this does not apply to the successful modders (and GREAT for them!) but I'm afraid that many of the rest of us have a Great Dane drinking out of our toilet.

Your thoughts?