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ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

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    ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

    Good morning ODATs

    Sorry have been away from PC for a while, school holidays etc etc.................

    Back now though for the foreseeable future. Another beautiful day here with blue sky and sunshine Going off to get the holiday cottage I look after up together for the owners who fly in from NYC a week today for their 6 week holiday, hope the weather holds for them.

    Hope everyone is keeping good and hitting their goals.


    ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

    Good morning Mad mummy and all to come. It's a bit overcast where I am. I managed not to drink yesterday. I went to AA last night and got a lot from it, I am going to another meeting at lunchtime today. I don't intend taking any money or cards with me, it's the only way I won't be tempted to drink.
    Hope everyone has a good day. x


      ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

      Good morning early birds....overcast here gee the days are long i wish i had enough energy to get everything 5 today long while since a day 5 feeling ok got allergies but enjoying the af feeling may everyone meet their goals odat rudemama


        ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June


        I got an early start today running down the hall with the cat I snatched off the dresser whilst making wretching noises. I've decided to make my own hairball medicine. I've not gotten beyond thoughts of petroleum jelly and some anchovy paste I have on hand. :H

        WB MadMummy and rudemama. Missed you both!

        MM, I can just imagine the feeling of leaving for a 6 week holiday at my holiday cottage in another country. *sigh*

        Rudemama, great job on 5 days! 2 more and you can boast a week!

        Paula I'm so glad you got through yesterday. That's brilliant to have a plan to go to AA and back with no money! Talk to someone on your phone the whole way if need be. Whatever it takes.

        Have a rewarding day and do one random act of kindness.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

          Hi guys,

          Day 3 here and starting to feel a bit better. At least starting to feel like I'm getting back on track. May was probably one of the worst months for me in over a year since starting this program.

          Thanks Boss for the ideas regarding stress yesterday - I do have a therapist who helps me try to get through. I go see her tomorrow and can't wait to be honest. She is really helpful and I really need to vent - some days it just gets to be too much. I have a really busy day today so hopefully I can get through it with only minor hicups and manage to survive!

          I'll see you all tomorrow when it will be day 4 for me.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

            Hi Guys

            I'm back from my holiday. Had a lovely time but drank way too much. Modding just went out of the window and I was back to a bottle of red a night before I knew it. So I've committed to another 30 days and am on Day 3 today. So far so good. I think that knowing I have done it before (before Easter) gives me confidence that I can do it again. Anyway the timing is good as I want to loose some weight before my next holiday at the end of July so double motivation.

            Paula, well done on yesterday. Hang in there hour by hour, minute by minute if necessary. Good thing to plan everything and obviously have no alcohol in house. Stay strong and you will start to feel better soon.
            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


              ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

              Hi everyone

              You are right Blue, it does get easier. The first time I did 30 days it was torture, after that it got easier and easier. It a matter of breaking that every day hold that Al has on you.

              Weather absolutely beautiful here so off to the beach. Plan to enjoy it while it lasts.



                ODAT - Wednesday 3rd June

                Thank you Mad Mummy for starting this thread. I need a thread that starts and ends on a single day. Harder to get lost. Don?t have anything ?professional? to do until Monday, and I am working on little projects today around the house and garden and appreciate not concurrently clawing through the effects of a night of alcohol. In the past I would have been ?asleep? before nine but I now without alcohol on board I actually can experience being restored by rest. I remain at loose ends in the evenings and still romanticize a martini, but two hours or so of distress (just breathe) is better than going through life like a clenched fist. I was so happy to see you Blue Sky on this thread today, you and your pretty butterfly were the first to answer my very first post (at MWO and anywhere) and I always think of you fondly. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well

