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    Newbie - joined today

    Hi All

    Just stumbled over this site today, I :new:. Looks like a really good site, I wisk you all the very very best of luck on your journey and hope that this could be a turn around for me. I have been drinking very heavily now for way to long. It started with avengance when I lost my brother 8years ago. I feel very sad and need to address things - I feel if it goes on for much longer I will be in jepardy of loosing my job which I have worked hard to achieve. I just can't concentrate anymore, I am permanently lathargic and horribly forgetful. I really hope I can find a way out of this mess and start to enjoy life again .....

    Sorry to moan on my first post!


    Newbie - joined today

    Thank you very much for your warm welcome and recommendations one2many - I will take a look now.



      Newbie - joined today

      Welcome MJ, well done on taking the first step. One2many has given you a lot of good advice. Can I suggest you download the MWO book as well, I found it invaluable. Keep posting, there is great non-judgemental help and advise on here.
      Keep safe
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Newbie - joined today

        :welcome:mj hope everything improves for you,your in a great community here

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Newbie - joined today

          Thanks KTAB and Mario - so glad I have found this fantastic website!


            Newbie - joined today


            Hey Mj,

            Welcome on board I'm a newbie too - was here in January.....but fell by the wayside so starting again

            Sorry to hear about ur brother - I myself have lost 2 brothers in the last two years, so I know the pain of losing a sibling. Unfortunately I got myself into a pattern of hard drinking -thinking it was taking away the hurt. In reality all it did was numb feelings I was always going to have to go through and send me into a spiral of self-loathing and pity.

            10 Days ago I was on my last legs at work, my health was deteriorating, my partner was on the verge of walking and I was faced with losing everything, usually this would be another reason for me to drown my sorrows - but I decided to make a change. Its early days for me yet - but I'm determined to sort this out once and for all and get my life back. I?m lucky to be given another chance and I intend to make the most of it.

            Remember one thing Mj - we have the luxury of life, which is something our loved ones no longer have. Its up to us to make the very most of it.

            I wish you all the luck in the world, keep posting ? the guys on here are amazing

            Nics x
            5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

            Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

            I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
            Patrick Henry


              Newbie - joined today

              I know its dreadful, I lost my brother to suicide, he was only 27 and my Mum and I found him, he had hanged himself. He had dreadful problems with bipolar depression and drinking, my Dad was a child abuser which made him very very ill and eventually made him take his life - it was a gloriously sunny day that day - kinda makes my heart sink now when I see a glorious day. But time has gone by (8yrs)and although it hurts just the same you learn to live with it. In the midst of my brothers bipolar illness i also had my husband sleep with my best mate in our house - making me cry now ... I am sorry to offload just so nice to talk to someone who may be struggling like I am now.. I had a 5yr old and a 4 month old baby ... I got rid of him needless to say and am now re-married to a wonderful man, my ex-hubby has always seen the children and they are very well adjusted (thank goodness). I feel if I maybe had help at the time of all these horrible things I could maybe have avoided getting where i am today. My Mum needless to say is dreadfully sad, although she tries to hide it, she also suffers from dreadful ill health also so I worry about her all the time. I know that if I drink in moderation only things can only improve ... I know I will end up loosing my job if I continue, I just cant concentrate and I need to ... gees sorry again for off loading x


                Newbie - joined today

                So sorry nics - you have done amazing ... feel dreadful for not saying that initially - well done mate and keep up the fantastic work!!! keep in touch please and let me know how you progress x


                  Newbie - joined today

                  Hi just a bit of advice which I have seen many times given since I joined.

                  Having your e-mail address as your member name lets everyone here and guests who look at this have access to your personal e-mail. You could end up receiving e-mail down the road here you don't want.

                  As you make friends here they often exchange more personal info such as e-mail and phone numbers.

                  Glad you are here just want you to be safe,



                    Newbie - joined today

                    Welcome MJ! I look forward to getting to know you! Best to you as well.
                    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                      Newbie - joined today

                      Thanks for your advice Sammy I will ask to change my ID - hiya Colbe thanks for your response

