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    Just starting my road...Been reading your forum for a while. I decided I can't do this by myself. I have tried "cold turkey", tapering off, you name it. Same result- FAIL. I have the genetic components to add to my problem, I have the stresses most of you have, along with absolutely no support or understanding of my problem within my family. I don't know if I can do this, but I know I want to. I am glad I found this program. Any advice?
    Rehab is for quitters!


    Hi, Goodboy. Nice to meet you! And I know how you feel. I wish I had some perfect advice. The best I can do is to say never quit trying, or trying new things, reading, learning. The last time that I did pretty well, I was taking a load of supplements, including L-Glut and Milkthistle, vitamins, and I had Kudzu at one point. It did seem to make a difference, until I ran out and didn't get any more.

    Now, lately I've felt so out of control, and I don't know how I got this way. I even had some high liver enzymes show up on a blood test that almost (almost) scared me straight - I did pretty well for awhile, but never cut it out completely, and now am back at it. *sigh* .... Alcohol has a way of talking its way back into our heads.

    I'm trying to taper my way down this week, and then finally try AF and see how that goes ... this is the first time in my drinking life that I've felt the scariness of withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I'm a wimp - so many people have toughed it out "cold turkey" - and some of those withdrawals sound absolutely terrifying.

    Today is Day 2 of my "taper" and I'm down to about half of what I'd normally have by this time of day. Hope to cut that in half yet again tomorrow and then try to get through an total AF day on Friday.

    Anyway - didn't mean to babble on about myself there ... I really just wanted to say hello! Welcome. Please post often, and don't give up. Lots of great stories here - lots of great ideas of things to try, read, advice, etc. I've learned SO much.. and knowledge is power, they say .... I need a little more power, I think .. LOL.

    Keep on posting!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



      You can do this!

      Hey again goodboy,
      I know how it feels to not have the support of family. I guess that is part of the reason we have turned to this site. I'm still very new, but I can see how this all connects to keep us in the groove of being in a better place if we just stay with it. Hope this helps you even a little.



        hi goodboy,you recognise you have a problem,your on the rt track,great place mwo,take it easy,it aint gonna be easy,24 hours at a time,most of all listen to waht we say,were just like you,maybe worse,i do wish you well,and i hope u stik around gyco




          Good to hear from you guys. I am on the ropes, but I want to make a change. It helps just hearing from you guys. I will keep posting and reading. May need to try some of the supplements. Haven't been doing that since my weight lifting days. I will investigate further. Thank you all.
          Rehab is for quitters!




            24 hours at a time? I may have to take it one hour at a time. I am glad to be among people who have been there. I will take your advice and find waht works for me.
            Thanks for the replies.
            Rehab is for quitters!



              Hey GB,

              Welcome. I wish you all the strength you need to start your journey. I think MWO is my new additction! No, I'm not yet AF, but hope to be soon. It's pretty much 1 hour at a time for me too.

              We can do this!



                Goodboy, I'm coping one hour at a time today myself, while tapering off. Yesterday, I even had some "5 minutes at a time" moments - lol ... But today's noticeably better ... (I've been drinking about 750 ml - a quart - of rum or vodka a day, sipping morning to night, never drunk.. just somewhat sedated I suppose .. but I do go through the whole bottle - every day) ... I feel so ashamed of that fact.

                Please keep us updated on what you're trying, how you're doing, etc.

                p.s..... something I read / learned recently is that exercise and taking a bath (not at the same time - ha) help speed up detox, and warm lemon water too, and something about exercise helps to ease anxiety. Thought I'd share while I'm writing it down for myself to remember to do.
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



                  Thanks Cat. I'm at about the same level of consumption. About a fifth a day. Vodka is my vice. Don't get drunk, just level out at somewhere between reality and "screw it". Have some memory loss here and there, never a hangover though. Is that wierd? A counselor said that could be genetics. Doesn't make it any easier to kick the stuff. :thanks:
                  Rehab is for quitters!



                    I usually don't get morning hangovers either ... This last week or so has felt a bit different though ... with the withdrawal type symptoms making themselves known... Maybe the ol' bod is saying "enough's enough". I must Google the difference between alcohol withdrawl and a hangover.

                    The genetic thing is interesting. I guess we could be thankful for that somehow - but it doesn't make it easier for us, that's for sure.
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



                      Hello Goodboy,

                      I am still fighting the battle too, sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose. It does take willpower and strength to do this, unfortunately there is no magic pill, but it sounds like you are ready to make some changes.

                      I recently started taking L-glutamine in capsure form. About two or three a day. Its good to fight cravings, and I do notice a change when I take them (and will power too). If you were a weight lifter, then I am sure you are no stranger to suppliments.

                      Also, kudzo. another powerful herb to "lesson the desire" for alcohol. I got mine at the local health food store for five bucks!

                      All good stuff, good for you, and claim to help fight off alcohol cravings. Worth a shot!!

                      Best of luck to you, keep posting and reading! This is a place for friends. :l
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!



                        Goodboy, i bought all the supplments, attend AA meetings, use this site and use topamax but i still struggle. I cant get my head around sobriety. Ive ordered balcofen..ive heard that this product works great. im going to give it a go. i need to stop. im living separate from my husband and kids (my choice) and had to admit to them this morning that i drank last night. They were so great (understanding). I am not drinking and driving and not drinking around my kids but i do still drink about 3-4 days a week. The supplements work for some. i hear the l-glut works but i just dont think it has worked for me.:welcome:

