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The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

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    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

    Hi Everyone,
    I can't believe the weekend has come aroung already :eeks:
    Well who's up for another A/F party :dancin: (I love those two)
    Lets see if we can all do this together :groupluv: again, as we all done so well last week.
    Newcomers - please come and join in our A/F weekend party, You will get loads of support and advice on here to get you through the weekend sober, and you will also meet some lovely people on here.
    As I have said before and I am going to keep saying it, if it was'nt for all my lovely friends on this site and thread I would never have had got this far!!! and thats the honest truth.

    Look forward to seeing everyone here
    Love Ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

    By the way I hope you all have taken note that my spelling is correct this week!!!!:H
    Love ronnie xx :whee:
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

      Hi Ronnie

      Great thread! I joined this site last week - and love it! As a result i have kept off the juice for 4 days now - day 5 today. But as a binge drinker who likes to reward myself when I do well by sinking a large amount of wine, the weekend brings a great deal of trepidation. So I in for AF weekend party. look forward to any inspirational posts to keep the devil away. So want to feel good about myself on Monday, so count me in 100%!

      shit hope I got it in me......

      Taz x


        The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

        Hi Taz, well done for being day 5 A/F, you should be very proud of yourself, everytime you think about drinking just remember us !! We are all in this together and together we will help each other through the weekend, so if times get tough just post on here, it will make you feel alot better.
        Love ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

          Thanks again Ronnie


          Wow! Is it that time again already? I've only just put away my party poppers from the last one.

          I'm going to need it more than ever this weekend because we have a public holiday on Monday so I don't have that incentive on Sunday that I really need to wake up with a clear head the next day.

          Looking forward to joining you all again very soon!

          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


            The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

            Ah Ronnie its only Thursday morning here but sure count me in for w/end no4. Looking forward to monday morning AF. Those two dancers look like tele tubbies not sure if you get those in Oz?
            Taz well done on day 5, I also find w/ends tough. But I like to think I reward myself now by not drinking, its a change in my mind set.
            Glass we had our holiday monday last week and it is harder with the extra day so good luck with it.
            Oh and R good job on the spelling
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

              Ronnie & KTAB thanks for the support - means a lot. Reward myself by not drinking - great mind set, and makes sense I can do so much more without the booze. last night I watched the British Lions rugby match v SA Golden Lions with a lime & soda (unheard of for me) and actually saw the whole match! So your right much more to gain by not drinking.

              ps - tele tubbies occupied 5 years of my life in the late 90's, I know them well unfortunatly!

              Love Taz x


                The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                hi all, count me in , just started taking the l glut and it seems to be working so far....


                  The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                  I'm in too. For my 2nd weekend. Taz1, I agree that when you start looking at not having the booze as a reward, it goes so much easier. I just look at my baby son and tell him that I love him more than chasing a damn buzz. That seems to help too. Good luck.
                  KTAB, awesome to be on weekend 4!!
                  Good luck Glass Half Empty. Just look at it as an extra day you get to feel great. You can do it. Take it from someone who drank away their long weekend and ended up on this site. It was a miserable weekend that could've been awesome if I didn't drink myself stupid.
                  Hi Ronnie. Are you on day 27 or something like that?


                    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                    Hi everyone, its good to see so many people on here already!!
                    KTAB - Of course I remember the tele tubbies, I was mad about thier song that they bought out into the charts (how sad am I), I have only been in Oz nearly 2 years, I am from the UK (yuk) originaly. Oh and I am glad that you noticed that I spelt binge right this time :H
                    Limers - I have now managed to get the powder form of L-glut (at last) but I haven't had to use it yet, so I dont know if it is going to work for me, but im sure it will.
                    Taz - great going on staying sober through the rugby match, you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Good work :wd:
                    Glass - yep, time flies past when your having fun, You will be fine for the public hols, just think of it as a normal day, thats what I did last Monday, in fact it did seem just that - housework, washing, ironing,clearing up after kids, the list goes on!!!!
                    Well I have just seen my eldest son do his assembly in his teddy outfit along with his painted black nose which took me about half an hour to do, I am terrable at things like that, but he looked so cute and he was one of the main parts in the play, and he did'nt tell me but luckly for me I video'd it, I am so proud of him.
                    I now have to brave the cold again in about an hour to have a teddy bears picnic up the school with all 3 of my boys, but it should be good fun, I will have to dig out my furry boots!!!!
                    Well this will be my 4th A/F weekend and along with KTAB (my buddy) we are now on Day 26 A/F WHOPPEE let the party begin :dancin:
                    I hope you all have a great and sober Friday
                    Thanks gang for being here for me when I needed you all :groupluv:
                    Love ronnie xx :whee:
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                      The weekend is here - gulp!!!But I know I in good company. Ronnie 26 days is truly fab, well done you enjoy the teddy bears picnic flask of hot tea might help! Lboogie there can be no greater reason for this journey than your baby son - well done keep it up, I have 3 sons 13, 11 & 11 and unfortunatly they are old enough to know that my behaviour at times is not 'normal', the oldest particularly is worried about me - another solid reason to change. Glass half empty stay stronge for your bank holiday - keep busy. Ktab respect for weekend no 4.

                      I'm with you all for my weekend no 1

                      Taz x


                        The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                        Hi fellow w/enders, Limmers I swear by the L-glut, hope it works for you too. Ronnie glad you got hold of the powered form. Taz and Lboogie thanks for your comments. Weekends are always tough for me and in the first few days I thought no way will I get through the first one. I did and so can you guys, we are all here to help each other and its lovely to have your kids in your thoughts for that little bit of extra motivation should you need it. Glass how are you doing today?
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                          ktab, how much do you take , I have 500mg tabs and take one first thing and another at drink o clock 7pm or there abouts< is that enogh I wonder. It seems to be working however.


                            The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                            Hi Guys
                            Well you have inspired me to goin the AF party this weekend i too want to feel good about myself on MondayTaz
                            Looking forward to a great sober weekend.


                              The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                              Hi Limers exactly the same, 2x500mg. One first thing and one late afternoon. Early on, a couple of times when I had bad cravings I popped the top off of one and poured the powder directly on my tongue as I have heard other people on here say. Worked a treat. Have heard people say they take far more, up to 3000 daily and supposed to be safe but 2x500 works great for me. Also taking Kudzu, Multi-vitamins and Milk thistle, thats it.
                              Welcome along Tenderfield.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

