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The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

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    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June



      The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

      Its nothing to do with the lglut I am sure. You would have reacted earlier and I very much doubt you would be allergic because its a substance we actually produce in the body.
      Make sure you are eating right and drinking enough water. Plain water is great to help you flush the toxins. Try keeping the cidona for more of a treat cos you can bet your bottom dollar its full of shite.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

        I will do Starts, I will try water during the day and cidona in the evenings, thanks a mill, your the best.


          The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

          Thats great limey, you are different this time. It shows. it was the same for me too, I always feel so positve after meeting up. It sort of makes things real doesnt it?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

            sure does..its great to know there are peeps who see things the same way as me, its comforting.


              The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

              And thats why its so good to be here. Cos we do feel similar and we arent alone. That is priceless.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                Hi everyone,
                How are we all doing Today?
                I hope you all had a sober and lovely Friday night.
                Limers - I am just comming out of the tired stage, I must admit it comes from no-where, I thought I was comming down with the flu or something first of all, but it does get better, like starts said just go with the flow.
                Well I am going to have a lovely evening tonight, we are going to have a family movie night indoors and we are going to watch "air buddies" and snuggle up with the kids on the sofa, so I am really looking forward to that.
                What is everyone else up to tonight???
                Well I hope you all have a great Saturday and get all those jobs done that need to be done!!!!
                Together we will do this!!!
                Thinking of you all
                Love ronnie xx
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                  Hi all
                  It's Saturday afternoon here and the weather is so beautiful and sunny, I can't believe it's winter.

                  Ronnie I hope you have a lovely evening snuggled with the kids. How did your Teddy Bear's picnic go?

                  Thanks to everyone who gave me advice about handling the long weekend and shared their recent experiences. LBoogie, your words have been going through my head all day "It was a miserable weekend that could've been awesome if I didn't drink myself stupid." I keep reminding myself that I have the choice between miserable or awesome and I really don't want to be in a position to make that same comment next week. I'm so sorry it took you going through that to help me, but thank you so much for sharing.

                  Have a lovely weekend everyone.
                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                    Ronnie you are doing briliant! Have a great family night. Glass half empty enjoy the weather keep off the juice and feel brill too on Monday, how cool would tht be? On on day 7 - that is am milestone for me - only been past day 6 once! So I am feeling gooooood. Today goind to friends for lunch usually lots of wine to be had, a bit nervous but optimistic too. Taking me fav soft drinks and thinking about all the achievements on this site and how much better I am feeling already. Self esteem healing musnt blow all that.

                    Have great weekend in the sun(raining heaviily here!)

                    Taz x


                      The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                      Hello everyone,
                      I'm sorry to say I had an awful row with my other half last night and was really upset, so weakened for the first time in 21 days and had two beers.

                      I am trying not to beat myself up about it (at least it wasn't more than that). I'm hoping I can still hang out with you guys for the rest of the weekend as I don't intend this to happen again. Here's to an AF weekend and starting again. Sigh.



                        The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                        Taz - congrats on beating your PB and making it to day 7 - that's really fantastic. Good luck at the lunch and keep thinking of us here cheering you on.

                        startafresh - congrats on stopping after two beers and starting the AF again straight afterwards! That's a huge achievement too! Welcome back to the AF party.
                        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                          The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                          Morning all from a wet and windy Ireland, its cold too.
                          Startafresh, I was posting on the 4 day binge thread to Ronnie yesterday saying how having a row was always another trigger for me to drink. If I am honest it was also probably an excuse. Only difference is NO WAY would I have stopped at 2 so well done on that. Today is another day, you can make it AF.
                          Sounds like the rest of you guys are safely through the start of the w/end so a collective well done to all. Taz, nice one on reaching Day 7 you are doing really really well and you can get through the lunch AF. Just think how proud you will feel afterwards. Must dash my porridge is ready.
                          Keep safe
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                            Hi guys, Day 6 for me and am looking good! Skin complexion looking healthy. I got a terrible craving last night (Friday) but rode it out. Actually sewed son's badges onto his new cub uniform. I'm not very accomplished at sewing so this took me an incredible amount of time and concentration and when I finished I was surprised that it was past 11pm and the craving had long gone. Keep busy that's the key!

                            It's 3.40pm on Saturday afternoon, the kids are playing up and I'm already getting that Saturday drinking thinking! Husband is going away on business next week so I know I've got a tough week ahead of me. The whisper in my ear is already starting.

                            I did 31 days AF before Easter. In some ways this makes it easier to do it again. But the little demon is now whispering that I have nothing to prove, I know I can do it because I've already done it and so I can have a drink tonight. I am trying to be strong. I know I don't want just one drink, I want the whole bottle and then some!:upset:
                            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                              The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                              Startafresh, congrats on not going past 2 beers. That is excellent. I know if that were me, I would've not stopped at 2. I would've made it into a pity party for myself. SO good for you that although you cracked a little, you didn't fall apart.
                              Ronnie, enjoy your movie night snuggled in with the kids. That sounds delightful. I can't wait til my little guy is big enough to snuggle and watch movies. Yet I can wait. Im enjoying rocking him to sleep while he will still let me. It was great last night to hold him in my arms, sober, and rock him and kiss him to sleep. The simple pleasures are becoming simple again.
                              Glass Half Empty, I am glad that my words can be encouragement for you. They sure are for me too. Everytime I get a craving, I just think of that weekend and how I felt when all was said and done.
                              I feel different this time. I really feel like I am making a lifestyle change. As opposed to trying to show someone else that I can do it. Or get out of trouble for something I've done. I feel like I am really doing it for me. For my health. Taking my life back. My husband is even so motivated by my good decisions that he is encouraged to take a little break from the booze himself. Wow. I am actually a good example of good choices when it comes to drinking. That is a first of many.
                              Blue sky, I hear you. Thats what keeps me from starting. I know too that I don't want just one drink, I want as much as it takes to knock me out. Good job noticing that the justification in your head is delusional.


                                The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 4th June - 7th June

                                HI everyone
                                I hope you all survived and enjoyed your Saturday night.

                                LBoogie - I wish my kids were small enough again to rock them to sleep. They've become fantastic 20-somethings, but I really miss them being kids - their childhood just flies by so fast!

                                Blue Sky - well done on riding out the craving! Ps - there's a little trick to the cub badge thing. You get them to get their sewing badge first and then they can sew the rest on :H. If you're very clever they won't twig until they have little cubs of their own.

                                My goal this weekend is to moderate, and so far all is good. My best friend and long time drinking buddy came over last night and I had two glasses of champagne with her and then switched to water and let her finish the bottle. I went for a long walk this morning and am going to a photography exhibition this afternoon so that's today's trouble spots taken care of. Now I just need a plan for tomorrow.

                                Have a lovely day everyone!
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

