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Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

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    Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

    I've been off the hooch for 11 days now and taking all the supplements plus the GABA, and Ginko Phoshatdylserine. Seem to be doing fine with the cravings without any of the prescription options. But I've noticed in the last few days that I've felt amazingly depressed an blue for no good reason.

    There are lots of changes going on in my life, but most of which are quite positive things. So I'm at a loss as to why I feel down and out.

    Any ideas? Is it just part of te detox process, or could one of the supps have this side effect?

    Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

    Hiya Gs.
    Hooch is smoke where i come from. Is this what you mean? Either way, i was very fragile and moody when de-toxing from grog, so it may be your body chemistry changing/adjusting. I don't know anything about those supps you mentioned. Our bodies/brain can take a long time to heal/re-wire itself, plus, the changes in your life you speak of, may be a bit overwhelming, at first, when faced straight? 11 day's is a great effort. Hang in there, and see a doctor if you're still worried.
    Best wishes.............G-Force.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

      I agree with what G says above, and would add that you need to make sure that you are eating fairly healthily and regularly, I found that if I didn't eat properly I had terrible moodiness. I'm not sure about the supplements but have you checked for interactions? Great going on 11 days.

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

        Hi gs14686 welcome to MWO and well done on 11 Days. I would like to echo the advise given in the last 2 posts. I too only take the suppliments and was all over the place for the first couple of weeks. My moods were up and down like a yo yo but have settled right down now. Stick with it, it is so worth it.
        Keep safe
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

          Hi gs,
          Welcome and congrats on your 11 AF days, that's great

          I experienced a bit of the blues myself. I think for me I was missing the sudden loss of my 'best friend'. It took a while to convince myself that wine really was not my best friend at all. It made me old, bloated looking and act like a total idiot at times. It dulled my senses and took away my freedom. What kind of friend is that??????????

          Once my mind cleared and I was able to think rationally again, I realized I am so much better off without my so called friend. I wake every day with a clear head, am able to come & go as I please. I am renewing some very important relationships that had suffered, etc.

          Think of your quit as a great gift you have given yourself, do whatever you have to to protect it

          All the best,
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

            Welcome Gs!
            Congrats on notching up those AF days -- great going.
            Are you doing any form of exercise? It really is the best remedy for when feeling down -- any exercise... a walk in the park, a jog around the block, join a yoga class, use that gym membership that's probably expires (LOL) anything to get those happy endorphins moving.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

              Welcome, GS. I second DeeBee (who always has good advice, BTW). Exercise makes a profound difference in your mood, especially exercise that is done outdoors or with others.

              'Not sure how long you were on the AL before quitting, but I had an epiphany around Day 21 after a meltdown that came out of the blue. I later realized that it would probably take my body more than 21 days to recover from the effects of a 20-year habit. The good news is that the rough spots will become fewer and farther between.

              Great for you on the 11 days!!! Hang tough.


              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                Good job on 11! I am on 8 today and still working on it. I too am extremly moody...and I never have been before. I think what Lil bit said...after a 20 year habit, it must take more than 8, 11 or 21 just make sence. I am having a hard time eating...because I am over eating. I am constanly bloated due to the amounts of water I am drinking and that just makes me feel fat and uncomfortable. I tried excercizing today but because I am so out of shape that irritated me more. But since I no longer have my "best friend" I may as well get up and do it again's got to turn around some day? Best to you.
                Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                  Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                  Good job gs! That can't have been easy.

                  I'll join the chorus to exercise and get out.

                  Also if you can find it, try theanine or L-theanine pills. These help a lot to lighten my mood.

                  For me, years of moderating my moods using AL left my system unable to well regulate my moods. Control has slowly come back, but only after many weeks. I'm working on being more relaxed, and more involved in the present, and enjoying simple things like a good book, or a pleasant cup of tea. All of this takes work for me. It doesn't come by itself.

                  Good luck.


                    Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                    They say when you give up drinking it's like losing a good friend so you get depressed. Hope it goes away soon. I know I cry alot when I stop. Take care. Maggie
                    Starting over again


                      Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                      neurotransmitters gone haywire

                      The worst part of the first weeks or even months is waiting for our brains to start acting right. Alcohol has been inhabiting all the receptor sites for dopamine, serotonin, and all those lovely neurotransmitters. GABA helps, but dorsn't take the place of all those empty receptors waiting for their alcohol bath

                      Hang tight, and I'll try to remember to take my advice if I make it past this withdrawal.
                      try to remember it's just biochemical changes and moods that will pass

                      hopr you're still doing well
                      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                        Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                        Hello there,
                        Hope you are okay with difficult moods and such. Any consolation and I'm finding the same. 21 days AF today, feel physically much better apart from odd days this week I've had a really, really bad headache, and think this is my body adjusting.

                        It makes sense that it is going to take longer than 21days...also had some advice from some people on here about emotions like anger surfacing. I've found this. I expected my PMT to be better, but actually this time I felt it was worse than it had every been, despite nutritional changes, I guess you can't make an omlette without breaking eggs...that kind of thing...

                        Best to you all


                          Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                          Thanks for all the great advice everyone. It's really comforting to know that this is all part of the process and not a separate issue to tackle. Even if it takes a while at least I know I'm on a path that leads to a better life.

                          I've started making myself choose healthier food options and I got out on the golf course yesterday for a little fresh air and excercise. As a result I'm feeling much better today. And I'd have to say that being AF has actually helped my golf game. Seems like I'm more focused and my hands are steadier. Love that!

                          Thanks everyone, the support means a lot!!!


                            Everything's going great, why do I have the blues???

                            This is sort of linked, but maybe slightly off thread, maybe not?

                            In amongst all the emtotions of AF freeness I'm experiencing, I am getting a lot of things about reevaluating friendships. I'm starting to feel that actually I don't have any real friends. I'm finding this feeling really weird, as I used to be a person with lots of friends. It is partly having a small child and not getting out as much as I used too, but also the strong feeling that some people I have met lately are not really friends, and I'm not interested in them. Does that make sense to anyone? It is a really important thing I know, but some people I suddenly can't be bothered with anymore. It has been thrown into relief today as I watched my daughter play with the other little girls at swimming...maybe it is me getting older...too...?

