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Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

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    Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

    I am pretty much new here and have visited this site everyday and often since I started, I couldnt have managed 5 days AF without you all. Having read many posts it would seem to me that there are loads of different people/drinking habits/problems but we all have a common goal to change. I thought I'd share with you some truths about my drinking and its associated problems, and maybe there will be others who can relate.

    My Grandfather died of alcoholism, my mother is dying of alcoholism (expecting full organ failure within 12 months no change expected), my father is a heavy drinker/alcoholoic not sure which or if there is a difference. I began drinking at 15, and from that age it was never every day but binging, black outs, totally wasted. Not every time I drank either, sometimes I could go out and be semi - normal....but never knew which way I would go.

    I always assumed it was in my destiny to be a drunk, blame my family. I also assumed that without drink the night would be boring and that I would be boring. Many friends have stood by me over the years but are increasingly worried. When I was divorcing a few even intimated that I should watch my drinking. But no-one, no-one was brave enough to say more than that.

    Last week a relatively new friend (2 yrs), and her family and my family were away for the week, on the Thurs night I got so drunk I made a pass at her husband in front of her. I have no recollection of this and more so I dont even fancy him, never entered my thoughts. I am happily with John and have been for 3 yrs. The night was a black out for me. At the weekend she was brave enough to tell me she loved me as a friend, thought I was great fun, got real intergrity- when I was sober, but a complete bore with no integrity and somebody she didnt like when drunk. I apologised as I always do and sat in the dog house the remainder of the weekend. Then had a good long think. Boy I was angry with her, what a cheek to judge blah blah. But then at last after 25ish years began to honesty look at myself. My journey began on Sunday 31st, an awakening of the kind of person I become when drinking. I made a list of some of the things I have done that shames me and for the first time ever took note. Here are a few things on my list -

    -told my boss he is a f***ing waste of space (promotion prospects panned)
    -had to be carried out of many pubs, clubs, houses
    - vomited on friends doorstep after a meal (oh and xx bottles of wine)
    -drunk and idiotic in front of kids-again
    -while holding a painting up on the wall to see what it looked like lost my grip to have it crashing on my head glass everywhere lacerations on wrists sons deeply upset

    Oh god I could go on but I am sure you get the drift, how boring is all that? But more than that I seem to be jeckle and hyde, split personality with drink I become in your face mouthy and generally a pain in the ass. I say things I really truly dont mean, I hurt peoples feelings people I love and care about, I do things that are shocking. After a binge I am full of self loathing depressed and in despair.

    I have finally woken up to the fact with drink ,for whatever reason, I am a weapon of mass destruction. Now for the first time in my life I am owning up to my actions, and do you know what? Maybe just maybe its not my destiny to be drunk, its up to me.

    Enough rambling, you guys are brilliant this site is helping enormously. Would love to hear from any other bingers like me.....

    Stay strong
    Taz x

    Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

    Hey Taz
    Congratulations on facing up to some of the negative things that you've done as a result of drinking too much. That's a really positive first step and one that many people are too scared to take.

    Good luck with your journey going forward from here, and you're right - it doesn't have to be your destiny at all. You have a fantastic future ahead of you so go out and claim it!
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?


      I am proud of you for making this realization, and taking responsibility for your actions. It takes a lot of courage, and is truly the first, and perhaps most important, step on your journey towards sobriety.

      It took me 20 years to finally realize that all the lost friendships, lost jobs, lost marriage, DUI etc. were all because of my alcohol-induced-anger, and not someone else's fault. Once I realized this, I went through a period of feeling like a total failure and a waste of space on this earth. But when I realized (as you are doing right now) that I had a choice, I got a tremendous sense of power and control back in my life. I am still early days yet - 20th day AF today - but I already feel like a different person.

      Take small steps. Do good things for yourself. You're worth it.

      Stay strong,


        Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

        Geeze, do you sound like someone I know. I am a total binge drinker. I know what you mean about sometimes being able to be normal, but never knowing which way it would go. That is the story of my life. On my father in laws birthday last year, I promised myself I would only have two glasses of wine. Well one led to two led to three and so on. I ended up being loud in a fancy, family restaurant. Cursing in front of my in laws. That is just one of many nights that I wish to forget... in fact I did until I was reminded. It's so embarrassing. And its a choice. Taking that first drink, when I don't know how I am going to act is creating my own destiny. Fortunately my son is too young to have seen mommy drunk yet and that is why I am here. He doesn't deserve a drunk mommy. I don't deserve to walk around not knowing if I was someone's best friend while I was drinking the night before. I actually had the nerve to slap a strangers butt. And forget it the next day. That is not me. I think its all fun and games until I wake up and have the realization that I have done it once again.
        Do you remember falling? Do you remember this or that? I don't want to answer these questions anymore. Not for anyone else. For me.
        And like you Taz1, I come from an alcoholic family. I get so angry. Why can't I be like everyone else? Because I am not. And thats a good thing. Me sober, is a good thing. Thank you for sharing. It sounds all too familiar.


          Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

          Taz1, gosh, lets see,

          -driving drunk with kids and with out
          -being obnoixious and probably a little too flirty with vendors
          - dancing on tables and bars

          i could go on and on

          my kids learned to call the cops ( i taught them when i was sober- their safety was more important)

          anyway..i face my only DUI charge from a year ago april tomorrow. wish me luck


            Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

            It sucks being an Alcoholic, nothing else to say but good luck to everyone.


              Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

              Taz1 ~

              That was a very brave post. Believe it or not, you should be proud of yourself. There are so many that can not bring themselves to soul search like that and it is soooo important to recovery.
              You are on your way. Remember you deserve to be happy and healthy.

              Best of luck to you. Keep posting - it will help you as well as others.

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                Welcome Taz,
                Very very familiar. Unlike you, I have never had the guts to actually tabulate or say them out loud, all the humiliating, embarrassing things I've done - same things as you and LBoogie and many others - Oh, what fun!!! I just love blacking out several times a week!!!! Aiy!!
                But admitting to these things and wanting to change things is the first step. It is not easy to stop, but where there's a will, there's a way. If you slip, just get back up and carry on. So many people are here for you.
                My motto to myself today (while my colleagues looked at me with confusion as I refused a glass of wine) was: If I don't take the first one, I won't drink the last.
                Best to you!
                xoxo peanut


                  Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                  Thanks for your supportive posts, its really helps to be amoungst people who actually 'get it'! Day 6 for me and feeling strong largely to do with the support here. Have done 6 days before then rewarded myself big time (what an idiot), day 7 will be a milestone for me. You are all right, peanut - dont take the first drink, thankful & done drinking - I on my way and worth it, glass half empty - doesnt have to be my destiny. Lboogie big thanks for the post made me feel I am not alone & Cacky very best of luck today re your DUI charge be thinking of you.

                  I know I am in the company of good people who really understand and support. Good luck on your journeys stay strong and keep chatting


                  Taz x


                    Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                    hi,you open yourself up for ridicule,only you no how you are,i bet your a special person,help everyone= but you,i wish you wel gyco


                      Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                      welcome Taz

                      Well done for making the biggest step of the journey - being brutally honest with YOURSELF. We are complex and clever creatures when it comes to denial. I also found it wasn't until I actually wrote down the embarassing and and seriously cringe worthy drunken antics (and boy were there alot :blush that I actually took stock of what a mess my life had become.

                      Living in the past and torturing ourselves the ALL the crappy times will do us no good at all. Lets just deal with the present hour to hour, day to day and look forward to the future

                      Good luck and keep posting

                      5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

                      Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

                      I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
                      Patrick Henry


                        Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                        Thanks nic! Its funny but I have been doing cringe worthy things over the years but always managed to convince myself after that its a one off, or just a laugh. Now having had a sharp wake up call I am looking at the times I was a prat and thinking I am never going there again. For now I really believe it. I on day 7 and feeling on top of the world. Close friends and family are delighted, my wider drinking circle will be shocked and will have to find a replacement for their village idiot!

                        Keep strong over the weekend and keep chatting

                        Taz x


                          Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                          Hi Taz. Im a huge binge drinker as well. When I think back on some of the things that have happened to me, it truly is by the Grace of God, that I am still alive on this planet.

                          Heres a quick story for you. (one of many sadly)

                          When I was in my twenties (I am forties now), I had a fight with my boyfriend and as a result got VERY VERY drunk. Last thing I remember was being in his apartment, and throwing beer bottle after beer bottle at his apartment wall. (putting very large holes through)

                          Flash forward now.... I wake up to the sound of voices and a very small child staring at me in the face. I hazely wake up, and find that I am in a strangers home, with strangers around me. I am on the couch. They ask if I am ok, and I have no idea where I am, and very confused. As the pieces start to fit together, I find I am about 30 miles or so away from my boyfriends apartment, I have no recollection of getting in a car or anything. Turns out, that in the middle of the winter, freezing cold out, I had put my car way down in a ditch buried in snow. This family had came along, and pulled me out of my car, and brought me inside and let me sleep it off. I am sure they saved my life. Total blackout.

                          Anyways, your thread just reminded me of this. Pretty scary stuff.
                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                            Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                            Hi folks i am a huge binge drinker as well and i can relate to what everyone has said here. Making a pratt of urself falling down blackouts insulting etc,,I did it all. I also come from an alcolic background my Father and some relatives died of alcolol related diesases. I've slipped so many times but i'm determined to beat this thing. Good luck to everyone on their journey.


                              Anyone else a binge drinker and a weapon of mass destruction?

                              Same story here. Alcoholism in the family, especially my dad's side. One of his sisters had to be dragged to the hospital when she was dying of alcohol related illnesses because she did not want to leave the booze behind. This story frightens me beyond belief.

                              I have been a binge drinker from the first time I ever got drunk in highschool. It doesnt happen every time. I think that after a while its too much-the shame and guilt that we suffer, the excuses and apologies that we must give, all to make up for drunken episodes. The feeling of being stuck or undeserving of happiness must have a root cause. Drinking erodes our self image after a while and we forget the kind of person we really are.

                              One story I read just now about almost freezing to death reminds me of the time I tried to pass out in the back of my parked car when I was too drunk to find my keys in my own purse. The temperature was subzero that night. My friend thankfully waited to see me get in and got me out the car. I could have died. He still brings it up if he sees me out at a bar. Good times. Yet, we are all still here and have another chance at a good life. Lets take comfort in that.

                              I am AL free 11 days today!!

