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Lost Thread

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    Lost Thread

    Okay guys. I keep trying to figure this out, but I'm obviously to goofy to do so, so I've decided that I should just start my own thread? Maybe that's the way it's suppose to work. I've been on other threads and posted, but I'm not feeling connected and I can never find myself again. Now how funny is that!? I'm here to find myself and keep getting lost.

    Are there any other techno dummies out there like me? Use this thread please so we don't get lost.

    I find the conversation here so very helpful. We can talk about anything and not feel isolated or like a mental sicko. We can tell it like it is and share ours deepest fears and wierdness! One of my favorite sayings as of late is "I just want to be normal" I'm not quite sure there is a "normal", but I'm sure I'm not it!

    So, jump right in people. We need each other. I can't wait to hear from all of you.


    Lost Thread

    hiya need, how ya doing?


      Lost Thread

      Better. Not AF yet, but making progress. Feeling better about myself and that's a wonderful thing in itself. Much more moderation and control. I was also recently diagnosed with severve sleep apnea. I now have a CPAP and I am sleeping better which seems to make just about everything easier to handle.

      How are things with you?


        Lost Thread

        things are good...early days you know, what is sleep apnea exactly?


          Lost Thread

          Hi Need,
          My husband also has sleep apnea and a CPAP machine...which we had here and he didn't use for over a year! Grrrr... But anyway he uses it now almost every night and is much better -- no more snoring, and I can actually sleep in the same bed with him. Drinking also makes his snoring worse.

          Limers, sleep apnea is severe snoring, such that the person stops breathing for a very short amt. of time between snores. Quality of sleep is very much affected.


            Lost Thread

            Hi Limers & CSO4,

            The sleep apnea thing is pretty dibilitating. The drinking doesn't help and could be the cause of my condition? My husband has had it for years. We now look like a couple of aliens when we go to sleep with our headgear and breathing masks. You should see how the dog looks at us!

            I hope all is well with you.

