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:bum: I was all fired up to start my first AF day, and I blew it. I did good until I left work. I got in my truck and took a right instead of a left.Still took care of business, but kept a buzz all evening. My fam doesn't know I'm drinking. I feel bad about it. I need some will power injections ASAP. I can't stand the out of control feeling. I used to be stronger than this. I just need to get past one day at least. HELP!:upset:
Rehab is for quitters!Tags: None
OK well start today then! Have you looked at the tool box thread in monthly abstinance? sometimes getting to the planned destination without a detour is a problem. Maybe you could call someone on your phone? Plan a time sensitive something for after work so you don't have time to detour? Stop for a smoothie or something instead? Are you taking l-glute? You can take some extra before you leave work. Hope some of those help! Good luck!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Get yourself all fired up again and turn left next time.
You're as strong as you always were, you just don't know it yet. I thought it had me beat for the longest time. It took awhile, but I'm getting there and so will you I'm sure.
You'd be surprised at the number of people who don't think their family know.
Nice avatar BTW
Hey Goodboy,
Today is as good a day as any..........do it today, make today Day 1!!!
Forget about yesterday, it's history, you can't change it. It's great that you got right on here, it shows your commitment to quit.
We're all with youAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Hey Goodboy,
Here here to all of the above - forget about the yesterday and concentrate on the here and now. If you decide right now to make the change, then the action has been put in motion
I agree with the comment about people not knowing - the funny thing is I too was convinced no one knew about my drinking problem. Truth is alot a people knew/had an idea, but didn't know how to approach me.
I could have done with a bit of tough love - but hey ho got there in the end
Stick around - theres loads of great people on here, who WILL tell you how it is and help you tread the path ahead.
Good luck :thumbs: x N x5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:
Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
Patrick Henry
Thanks to all
This forum is beginning to become my life-line. Thank you all. I am my own worst critic I suppose. I kick my ass every time I FU. I know I can do this, It's just easier to take the drink than to fight the urge. I feel like a such a wimp. the withdrawals scare me. I have had panic attacks in the past. ( Thought it was a heart attack ). How do I deal with that? My Doc. told me to get counselling. Been there, they try to make me feel good about myself and give me worksheets to fill out and talk about my issues. MY ISSUE IS...I WANT A DRINK!. I hate taking meds, but I may need something. Don't like the thought of anabuse. I just need to quiet the tremors. Don't want to get hooked on narcs. That is just a substitute for the AL. I know you vets have been where I am, I'll quit whining now.
Rehab is for quitters!
Withdrawals are a bitch. But you can help your body out by loading up on good stuff. WATER with fresh lemon squeezed in it. Good healthy food. Frequent small meals. Supps, exercise, rest. Yoga, meditation. Hot 20 minute soaks in the tub with a cup each epsom salts and baking soda. Gaba and calms forte should help with anxiety, deep breathing. You culd take passion flower, skullcap, St. John's wort... google and see what you find. And remember it's only temporary, it'll pass, it'll get better.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Thanks Greeneyes. I will take your advice. I know a long tub-soak would be great right now. I read a lot about drinking drinking water here. Is this for the dehydration or some other benefit? I have had times where I drank on a binge and then couldn't get enough liquids in me to satisfy me. ( Drank two quarts of gatorade and didn't pee once ).I am going to stop by the store and buy some sups today. Anyone have a " Must have" list of sups to try?Rehab is for quitters!
Hey GoodBoy, hi everyone . . .
See that's what I LOVE about this forum, the absolutely superb encouragement and support we all give each other. Reading all of the Positive comments from so many wonderful people makes me feel Blessed.
I love you guy and dolls . . . :l
Best of the best and have a Most Excellent Day!
Hi Goodboy. Hang in there. There's no time like the present. You are on the right road. I know about the detour all too well. I have done that many times. One way is sense and sanity and the other way is the opposite. You are here now, ready to go, so lets GO!! We are all here too, and I know I am just as vulnerable to the detour because I am still new at this. Thats why we are here. You can do it!!!!!!!
Keep on trying, Goodboy. I've tapered my way down this week. I was scared to set my mind on the cold-turkey approach (re. withdrawals mostly), and knowing I had a back-up beer, and using them sparingly if and when shakes/anxiety got to be too much, helped to get me through the week.
Tapering may not be a good idea for everyone, but so far so good for me. I posted about it yesterday.. if you'd like to read my progress thread:
I did not do an AF day yesterday, but I only had 2 beers throughout the evening and went to bed sober. (Way down from the usual 14 hard drinks and passing out each night.. and the withdrawal symptoms have disappeared completely - I know they can return, but I'm hoping they don't). I'm actually a little (lot) embarrassed to actually be feeling "proud" of myself for this .... most people wouldn't understand ... I feel like I'd get the "eye roll" from even family members, so I'm not telling anyone unless, for medical reasons, I have to ... So I'm going to go ahead and feel proud of myself, all by myself, because I know this was a huge thing for me to do. I'm feeling really strong.
Sorry, I tend to babble, don't I? I've noticed that about my replies on the boards .. lol. It just feels good to share with people who understand.
Whatever YOU choose to do, and how ever you choose to do it -- keep on posting and keep on trying. Having the desire to do it is the first step ... and most important I think - because without it, you wouldn't get to the next step. You are going to do this, your way.
I know I'm just starting out, so I'm in no place to give advice ... I do know, though, that I HATE booze and want it out of my life for good. Sounds like you do too. We all do - which is why we're here. I love this place.
We can do this.
**hugs**AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.
I did not do an AF day yesterday, but I only had 2 beers throughout the evening and went to bed sober. (Way down from the usual 14 hard drinks and passing out each night.. and the withdrawal symptoms have disappeared completely - I know they can return, but I'm hoping they don't). I'm actually a little (lot) embarrassed to actually be feeling "proud" of myself for this .... most people wouldn't understand ... I feel like I'd get the "eye roll" from even family members, so I'm not telling anyone unless, for medical reasons, I have to ... So I'm going to go ahead and feel proud of myself, all by myself, because I know this was a huge thing for me to do. I'm feeling really strong.
You are amazing.
So glad you are here.
Simply don't get bummed. My daughter taught me a long time ago that feeling badly about ourselves does nothing but make us want to drink to get rid of that feeling.
Go forward. Do not look back.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Hi again Goodboy and all . . .
42Cat, you 'should be proud of yourself', each stepping stone toward the better you is what counts. I know exactly where you are coming from, infact I keep a drink tracker and since coming here to MWO, (prior to this forum I would never have thought of a tracker). It have made huge strides as have You and others . . . so feel Great about your progress, you have every right to!
Best of the best to everyone . . .
Day 1
Today is my first AF days in a long time. I hope! So, I know how you feel Goodboy. I just got home from work and a glass of wine sounds so good right now. BUT i am not going to do it. I have made way to many wrong turns in my life and I am not going to do it anymore. Hopefully you are doing better Goodboy and remember you inspired me to get through the hardest day. Thanks. :new: