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Water game...

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    Water game...

    OK, Day 9 Here!!! Man, unbelievable. Anyway, last night I felt like a blow fish mostly from water, but I can't stop drinking it. I decided to see exactly how much I am consumming today so I am counting the Oz's. I sware I am drinking more water than I did beer. It's agood thing this is free!

    Boss.Man said it's the little things that you need to appreciate, so I am playing a game while I work. Wanna play?
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    Water game...


    well done on day 9, bet you feel great. How many visits to the loo?!!!!!



      Water game...

      Hi Colbe . . . Excellent Job!

      Colbe Wow . . . :goodjob:

      Water is most excellent, especially when it is really cold . . . I find . . . Congrats on the 9 DAYs ~ Excellent Job!

      Keep on keepin on . . . :l


        Water game...

        many many trips to the is 7:30pm here...16 oz so far and I figure another 8 for the night. No sweats last night for the first time, so maybe it's working. HIGE headache though! Tomorrow is 10!!
        Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


          Water game...

          I am with you. Ten days without a drink and I feel like a different person. I cheated though and got acupuncture. Now I feel great. Congrats on 9 days.


            Water game...

            Ahhhhh Water ... ummmmmmm !

            Hi kids . . .

            Water great thirst quencher . . . and they say it hydrates your body so this is a great thing Colbe.

            Liath good on you too 10 days ~ yippie! I have heard of Acupuncture is it expensive? Is it covered by insurance? How does it work regarding AL or are you doing AC for another medical reason?

            Best of the best everyone and all to come . . . :l


              Water game...

              I have a in the world with ALL the water that I am consuming, if I take a quick drive and forget my water bottle, I feel like I haven't had water in days and almost have to pull over to buy another bottle?! Does this happen to anyone?
              Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                Water game...

                Not exactly but I am kinda crazy about my mineral water now that you mention it.

                Polaryzed- acupuncture is covered by some insurance companies but definitely not all of them. I am going for back pain also but when I first went in I was 3 days w/o AL and not feeling good at all. I slept great and felt noticably better after that with no anxiety. Its worth it to get even one session if you can- anywhere from 60-90$ I'd say.


                  Water game...

                  I am too afraid of needles...irrational, I know. But I don't think that is cheating!
                  Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                    Water game...

                    colbe;628430 wrote: I have a in the world with ALL the water that I am consuming, if I take a quick drive and forget my water bottle, I feel like I haven't had water in days and almost have to pull over to buy another bottle?! Does this happen to anyone?
                    Yep, if I'm not drinking alcohol I sometimes feel like the more water I drink the more I need. When you think about the percentage of our body that is supposed to be water, and how dehydrated we must be after years of heavy drinking, it's not surprising that once we start our body realizes it's on to a good thing and makes us want to keep going.
                    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                      Water game...

                      Hi all, yes I have noticed that with the water too and I am drinking buckets of it. Makes me think WTF was going on with the fliud levels in my body when I was drinking heavily.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

