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I'm here, that's the first step.

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    I'm here, that's the first step.

    I stumbled onto this web site around 2am last night. I just could not sleep after another guilty night of drinking. I was praying to God saying please take this from me but then I realized I have done that before and I find myself within 2 or 3 days having another drink. I do have faith that the Lord can lift this from me but I also know that I have to take the first step. Sooo. Here I am... Admitting to all of you that yep, I too have a problem with alcohol. Hi all!
    [FONT=VerdanaChoose to live by choice... not by chance[/FONT]

    I'm here, that's the first step.

    Boy dont I know that prayer! Seriously. That's about what brought me here too. This is a good place. I saw you in chat tonight, but I think I missed you by seconds as I logged on and you logged out.

    This is an awesome site, and if I can tell you anything, it is much more about grace and acceptance than beating each other up. This is not AA. We are all responsible for doing the program as we choose. It works if you do it all. But I dont know of much of anyone who hasnt screwed up a time or two (or more like me) since being here, and I have received so much encouragement. I have made friendships that are costing me darn airline tickets! (Almost... Becca, I'm coming!)

    So welcome! Ask questions and keep getting on chat. Sorry if it was slow for you tonight. Get on at 5:30 p.m. if you can... and then around 9 pm seems to be a good time. (Eastern Standard time, US).

    Look forward to hearing more of your life. Great place to just share.

    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

