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drinking...a love story

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    drinking...a love story


    Although I am new and don't really know anyone well yet, this site is the one place I can go where people really seem to understand what I am going through. This has helped me make it 11 days without a drink!

    Has anyone read the book called "Drinking: A love story"? I just finished it (great book!) and it got me thinking about why I got mixed up with drinking in the first place and how it became soo necessary to my happiness.

    The author talks about drinking becoming a remedy for all ills. Bored? Drink! Angry/sad/lonely/depressed? Drink! Feeling stuck in a rut? Have a drink and forget about it. Celebrating? Must drink. And on and on and on.

    Of course, what we don't realize is that the drinking, which appears to be a cure all, is really the thing thats keeping us stuck, depressed, or shameful. We sabotage our own lives because our brain is telling us to get a drink and then keep on drinking until total oblivion is reached. I have had enough of it!

    I am really interested in discussing this book or the topic of why we drink in general if anyone has comments...


    drinking...a love story

    Liath, I just bumped a thread discussing this book.


      drinking...a love story

      Liath, I haven't read the book, but I wanted to say....CONGRATS!!! on your 11 days!! That's fantastic!! Stay strong!!

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        drinking...a love story

        Yes I always wanted to read that book. Congrats on your 11 days.
        Starting over again


          drinking...a love story

          Hi Liath,
          Yeah I read the book several years ago. I did enjoy it.
          Good luck on your journey.
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            drinking...a love story

            I read the book about a year ago and found it absorbing. She described her descent into alcoholism so honestly. Some of the things she described herself doing in order to drink, were obviously outrageous and yet, they made complete sense to me. "Normal" people wouldn't understand that. Lucky, aren't they?!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              drinking...a love story

              loved that book so verry dead on!


              havent been here in a while fell of the wagon but must get my ass back on track before I die or kill someone else :upset:

              When the heart cries for what it has lost the spirit sings for what it has found!


                drinking...a love story


                I was right there 2 weeks ago. I had this moment of realization that something really bad was going to happen if I did not stop immediately. Sober, I have so much less to be afraid of. It was really hard to get past the first few days though.


                  drinking...a love story

                  Two things in the book I really related to was the false supposition that as long as my career is on track than I am doing relatively OK, and also the feeling of leading a double life. The "goal oriented, competitive, and driven scientist" and the "totally out of control drinker with a messy personal life" me.

                  It leads me to wonder who am I without AL?


                    drinking...a love story

                    Hi Liath, Yes, I read the book a few months ago too. I also believed that if I was "functioning" reasonably well at work and home, I was OK too.
                    It scared me witless to think who I would be without my friend AL, I thought I would be a lonely, isolated, anxious person who never went out and was unsure and shy.
                    As it happens and thankfully, I am nothing like that. But I did have to bite the bullet and give myself a fighting chance to find out.
                    Very well done on the 11 days, that is a fantastic start. Keep it going and have faith that you will like yourself so much more as a sober person.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      drinking...a love story

                      Hi Liath,

                      I have heard about the book but haven't read it yet. The 'functioning' reasonably well description probably fits many of us!
                      A big congrats to you on your 11 AF days - I'll bet you feel great

                      All the best to you.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        drinking...a love story


                        That is so true how drinking becomes a remedy for every ailment.

                        Now that i'm sober, I'm noticing for example, when I get a headache... the first thing that comes to mind is having that first glass of wine. I used to do that all the time for minor aches and pains, which of course, came quite frequently given the amount I was drinking every day.

                        Now I just pop a couple of ibuprofen... imagine that!

                        Staying strong,

