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My strange Dr. visit today

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    My strange Dr. visit today

    Just wanted to share this with my MWO friends. I like to keep posting about my life, my progress when it comes to dealing with the alcohol beast.

    Today was rather a big step for me. I decided to go see a woman doctor (had men doctors before, felt uncomfortable) and be brutally honest about my drinking. I wanted to see a woman Doctor because I always break down in tears when talking about this.

    I was very honest about my drinking, and said I need help. She asked if I had tried AA and I said I did, but felt it didnt work for me. She asked me a few more questions, and then gave me this as an answer to everything.

    She wrote down two simple herbs, Holy Basil, and Bee Pollin. I was going to ask for Antabuse. She said take these, twice a day, and come back and see her in three months. Thats its! NOTHING ELSE. I was shocked, but thought, hey.. shes a doctor, maybe she knows something I dont.

    So here I am with my Holy Basil and Bee Polin. Twice a day. Going to try it, but I was very surprised at my "diagnosis" to "cure" me. Has anyone else heard of anything like this? At least this is all herbal stuff, so certainly cant hurt me, HOPEFULLY Help!

    My strange Dr. visit today

    Hi Overit
    This is what I found about holy basil...doesnt mention drinking though

    15 Benefits of the Holy Basil (Tulsi)
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      My strange Dr. visit today

      And here is Bee Pollen

      Bee Pollen - What You Need to Know About Bee Pollen
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My strange Dr. visit today

        Very interesting! I have never, ever heard about either of those for help with alcohol.

        Please let us know how you get on with them. I am always curious about natural/herbal supplements and their affects on health.


          My strange Dr. visit today

          I know Holy Basil must be good stuff, but this doctor made it sound like this is the cure all for my whole life. Very strange. Maybe she does not understand addiction well, maybe I need to see a different doctor. Well, I will take my holy basil and bee pollin. Its at least worth a shot, and if I do not feel a change, then I guess on to the next doctor!


            My strange Dr. visit today

            Oh Thanks Starting! I guess we cross posted. Thank you everyone for any interest as well!


              My strange Dr. visit today

              Wow strange diagnosis alright i never even heard of these herbs. Let us know how you get on.


                My strange Dr. visit today

                Hey OverIt2007,

                Now that sounds very interesting. I'll echo what the others have said, please let us know how you progress.

                Just curious - did you ask about Antabuse specifically? I asked my doc and he said he only prescribed it if a patient just could not stop drinking. I was thinking "well yeah, that's me". I was kind of disappointed. But hey, I figure he knows what he's doing.


                  My strange Dr. visit today

                  You know, I am rather on the shy side, especially when it comes to things like doctors and doctor visits. I tend to get really nervous. This woman doctor rather dominated our conversation, and did not ask a ton of questions. She was in and out in about 5 minutes. No, I specifically did not ask for antabuse, I thought she might give me some options, but she did not. I could have been more adamant about what it is I feel I need .

                  Its very possible she did not understand how serious this is, or how important it is to me to "fix" this. I suppose she could have refered me to alcohol specialist or something or maybe in the future, if needed, I will seek out one myself.

                  Well, I will try what she recommended, and keep you posted on how it goes, but its hard to imagine a few herbs as my cure all.


                    My strange Dr. visit today

                    Was the dr. a naturopathic physician, or a regular MD? Regular docs are often leery of prescribing "alternative" meds, so her "prescription" for you is even more unusual.

                    Beatle knows a lot about herbs, supps and holistic healing. I haven't seen her post much lately, but you could try PMing her.

                    I'll be very interested to see how the holy basil and bee pollen work for you. Are you taking them in capsule form? Be sure to keep us posted. (I am probably going to take an Antabuse today )


                      My strange Dr. visit today

                      This lady was a regular M.D. which makes her prescription unusual for me too. She did not discuss any medications for alcoholism at all. I should have been more assertive, and asked her. My fault now that I think back on it.

                      I am very interested in antabuse. Thats good if you have it! No drinking on that, and thats a good thing.

                      If I see Beatle post, I will ask her about this combination. Thanks for the advice! Oh yes, in capsule form, twice a day.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        My strange Dr. visit today

                        I find (some) dr. visits difficult, too. I still need to find a new primary care physician; I haven't been to anyone (except a bitch of a psychiatrist) since my son was born, and he is almost 3.

                        As the afternoon wears on, I am hedging about the Antabuse, which is a bad sign.

                        You could also check the Holistic Healing section for holy basil/bee pollen. Holy basil is the variety that is used in Thai cooking, but have no idea about effects on drinking. If only the answer were that easy, though, all the problem drinkers of the world would be taking them!


                          My strange Dr. visit today

                          [COLOR=LimeThe stuff is good, honey, but I know how disappointed you are with the reaction. You worked up all this courage, waited for the appointment, waited in the room, then got BEE POLLEN! She was WRONG not too take you more seriously. Lets check around on line, find you some more places to deal with, and this time, TELL THEM WHAT THE F HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. Tell them you NEED Antabuse. Go talk to your Pharmacist. If he's an ass, go talk to another one. You need to learn that their reaction, behavior is NOT a real assessment of who you are. They should be helping you, and if they don't, they're jerks! Lets get you help. I spent YEARS being afraid of people who had training, who were in authority. Now, well, I'm not (that's the nicest way I'll put it!) Keep in touch with me and we'll work this out, OK?[/COLOR] We can make things better.
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            My strange Dr. visit today

                            Yep, beginning to think that todays Dr. visit was just a waste of my time. Yep, after seeking out a woman doctor who would be "more understanding" to my problems, and got sent home with a script of cure all bee pollen.

                            Im kinda pissed off now. And even feel like drinking over it, (but wont).
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              My strange Dr. visit today

                              Gosh OverIt

                              it does sound very odd that she gave you that...I can't imagine either of those things helping me- but who knows?

                              Maybe taken in conjunction they might do something they don't do alone??

                              How much of them are you supposed to take a day?

