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My strange Dr. visit today

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    My strange Dr. visit today

    Stange indeed

    Here's my two cents about doctor visits.

    I think the authority dynamic in the doctor office makes it difficult to ask obvious, logical questions. In your case what comes to mind when she offered those herbs as a solution: "That's kind of a surprising recommendation to me doc. Have your patients had a lot of success with that herbal remedy and how do they work?"

    One suggestion if you really want to try the antabuse is have something written down when you walk in the exam room. It could be as simple as the word "antabuse." Then you hand it to the doc and say, "I've been reading about this medication. Do you think it would be a good option for me?" Having it written down keeps YOUR agenda on the table. If you really want to move it up one level you go on to: "And so what do you think about campral or topamax or naletrexone." It's entirely possible the doctor won't be able to address that on the spot but if he/she has a secure ego they should be able to suggest a next step for you.

    I do think lastcall?s suggestion to look up someone with specific addiction experience might be the fastest solution

    In any case your positive steps are so very admirable. All my best for success.

    Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


      My strange Dr. visit today

      I like that idea of writing it down- it is so easy to go for a appointment and end up not saying what you intend to- however I still say give it a try- the fact that she was seemed confident in what she was prescribing might actually mean something!

      And in the worse scenario that it doesn't help at all- at least you can then educate her on what doesn't work for an alcohol dependent person and the next one might get luckier.


        My strange Dr. visit today

        Yes, thank you both! Very good advice I will listen too.

        Maybe I can explain this quickly. Part of the reason I believe I have stayed stuck for so long is because I have been terrified to ask others for help. Especially in the medical field. Im timid and shy, and I bury myself and cover everything up. Its hard for me to ask for help. Nobody knows about my problems, not even those closest to me.

        Well, yesterday I did ask for help, and although I think it wasnt what I may have needed, the fact remains that I made the call, actually went to it, and through tears and emotions told a total stranger, "I have a drinking problem, I need help". Unfortunately it seems she didnt quite get it, but now that I have asked for help, it will be easier next time.

        It may have been a small step, but a big step to me. Now if I feel I need help from the "Professionals" Im going to be more couragous and tell them what Overit NEEDS doctor.

        Thanks friends,



          My strange Dr. visit today

          OverIt, I apoligize for being angry in my responses before re: your visit, but I have a long history with the medical profession and have run across more than my share that seem to think their diploma is all it takes to make them know everything without your input. Sometimes herbs DO work for SOME people, but it takes a lot of talking and understanding between doc and patient to determine that, and sometimes trial and error with meds. It is a process , a working relationship, and as a doc told me, THEY are working for YOU, so insist on understanding, or let them know your not happy. I'm so happy to see how many have come out to give you such great advice here. You have some wonderful mentors!
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            My strange Dr. visit today

            Ruby Willow, never a need to apologize for any post. I did get what you were saying, and appreciate your advice. I guess I was under the impression that all doctors are the same, and all treatments are the same. Now I know better, treatments can be as complex as complex people are.

            In my future doctor visits I have learned that I need to be more assertive, NOT afraid, and be clear and honest about my problem. Clearly this doctor I saw just didnt get it at all.

            I have been taking the "herbs" for two days, but I dont really see how they can stop me from drinking. ALthough, I must admit, I woke up yesterday and felt really, really good!


              My strange Dr. visit today

              Thank you for your post Sheri, I will definately check it out!

              I think this was the third doctor I told I have a drinking problem. The first did nothing, the second gave me Zoloft, and the lady gave me herbs. Hmmm...

              I have read alot about Antabuse on here, and other websites. I think that could be a definate possibility in my future if I cannot get it together.

              Thanks for you well wishes, I hope you are doing good too!!


                My strange Dr. visit today

                Just read the article, very interesting! Thanks again Sheri.


                  My strange Dr. visit today

                  And here's my two bob's worth.

                  I tend to go with Ruby Willow and Luvwins. How odd that you've been to 3 doctors anf got the run around. When I went to my doctor he was terrific.... lisyened, was understanding, suggested I start with campral to see how I went with that before getting into the heavier antabuse stuff. (I did end up on antabuse, which worked. I too bloody scared to drink!!!).
                  I reckon go prepared with notes (like I did) to another doctor. Maybe there are some other people in MWO in Florida who can recommend someone.
                  Bee pollen may be OK for a sense of general well being for a healthy person, but as you say, this is a big addiction problem.
                  Let us know how you go.

