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Antabuse advice

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    Antabuse advice

    I would welcome any advice from people with experience.

    About me: 30 year-old male lawyer going through a divorce, stressful job, complicated and torrid relationship with attractive coworker of the opposite sex who I see almost every day, and a two week trial starting across the country early next week. I was your typical frat boy in college; heavy drinking, girls, etc,., and all of my friends are big drinkers. I've always been a boozer when I go out, but when things started going sour in my marriage, and my relationship with the coworker got tumultuous, I started hitting the bottle very hard and have done so for 6-8 months. The last couple months have been a combination of heavy drinking and one night stands with meaningless women. I use women as much as a drug as I do booze, and I always get left feeling empty from either.

    I've seen an addiction therapist and he recommended I go on antabuse. I got a precription this morning. I believe I am the type of person who could religiously take the drug every morning, and then, go nowhere near booze. My question is whether it is a bad idea to start it on the eve of my trial. Trials are incredibly stressful, and if I drank at all and got sick on trial, I would almost surely get fired.

    Just found this site. Thank you all.

    Antabuse advice

    And a point of clarification. I did not want to offend anyone with my reference to "meaningless women." My point was they have been emotionally meaningless to me and have not been healthy relationships; it was not meant to describe them at all. I hope no one was upset by that reference. Thank you.


      Antabuse advice

      Welcome Miki,

      From what I know about antabuse, once you pop that pill, you just committed yourself to up to two weeks sobriety, otherwise end up in the hospital. It sounds like you already know that. Are you ready to make that kind of commitment?

      Im sure other great advice coming along your way. There are alot of really knowledgeable people on here.



        Antabuse advice

        I don't know anything about antibuse, but if you think there's a chance you might drink you better wait till after the trial. You don't want to lose your job. Stick around someone will post you that knows about it. Alot of ppl take it on here. I'm sure somebody will get to you soon. And BTW welcome.
        Starting over again


          Antabuse advice

          There you go Over It is here. Two weeks doesn't sound right to me, but I don't know. Good luck.
          Starting over again


            Antabuse advice

            I have read alot about antabuse on many websites and alot on this website. Once you pop the pill it is in your system for up to TWO weeks.


              Antabuse advice

              Maybe this will help you out. Click on the above.
              Starting over again


                Antabuse advice

                Sorry I did something wrong. Ill try agn.
                Starting over again


                  Antabuse advice

                  DISULFIRAM - ORAL (Antabuse) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions.

                  Hope this one helps.
                  Starting over again


                    Antabuse advice

                    When I have taken Antabuse (and it only has been twice, so I'm no expert), I've taken 1/2 tablets, and the effects last about 3 days. So if I took 1/2 tab Monday afternoon, I wouldn't drink Mon, Tues or Wed, but if I drank on Thurs, I'd be OK. I am not sure of the mg amounts on the tabs though.


                      Antabuse advice

                      Thank you all. I'm glad I found this site. Yes, I know the ins and outs of antabuse. I've read about it extensively, and talked to my addiction therapist and MD about it. I look at it two ways: one, I really do believe that if I go on the drug, I will stay the hell away from booze. But, the stakes are high: if I slip up, I'm going to end up at the hospital during trial, which is certain job termination. Because the stakes are high, I simultaneously believe that will be a great deterrent but also scares the heck out of me with the fear of potential consequences if I slip up. I welcome any thoughts for someone who has gone through a similar situation. Thank you.


                        Antabuse advice

                        Welcome, Miki.

                        I guess you need to decide whether you want sobriety or not. There will always be a reason to not start a medication or stop drinking. Seeing you have this trial coming up; I would think you would want to be 'on top of your game' and remain sober?

                        I would imagine that the last thing you would want is to show up in the Court room all hung-over and tired?

                        It is ultimately up to you. I started my Antabuse last night. I haven't had anything to drink for 8 days this time around; but it was time for me to solidify my sobriety. I was apprehensive for a few moments really asking myself whether or not I wanted to commit 100% but everything within me was screaming 'yes!'

                        Good luck with whatever you do decide.


                          Antabuse advice

                          Oh, and forgive me for my poor punctuation. I get a thought and just run with it. Run-on sentences bother me and I noticed I did that in my post.


                            Antabuse advice

                            Miki, you did mention that your co-workers are big drinkers. If there will be temptation from them while you are away at the trial (hotel bars, etc.) then I would stay away from the Antabuse till you are home and the trial is done.

                            Just my two cents. Welcome, btw.


                              Antabuse advice

                              That's my advice too CS04. Too much at stake for a screw up.
                              Starting over again

